Article by Dhwani Parikh
The time is here. Surprised! Well, there is good news for Reiki healers and people who deal with any psychic abilities including Tarot readers, astrologers, pranic healers and such a selective group of people. Well, the good news is: This is the best time for you. This is time for ascension. The new energy wave is going to start during this period in the space.
As per the Vedic astrology, Vakya Panchangam, the planets of Rahu (north node of the Moon) and Ketu (South node of the moon) are transiting to Leo and Aquarius respectively. Also, in Aquarius, the Neptune planet is already present. Ketu is the highest of the spiritual energy which is a hollow planet from inside. The point where is no desires and no material things. This Ketu is going to conjunct with Neptune for the next 18 months. Neptune is an energy which leads to the people who deals with psychic energy. It is our natural psychic energy projection. And the Ketu, the planet of spiritual progression, is coming together with Neptune.

Image by Kiwi Tom
Because of this conjunction, there is an energy wave of this running in the space. This will boost your intuition without meditation or doing any practice. Many of you who deals with aura cleaning, you will see clearly in your Third Eye without any difficulties. Due to this energy, more people will turn towards this profession or they will come towards these profession people. You will see many changes in yourself over the 18 months of period. Many of you naturally leave smoking, alcohol and meat. Many of you start doing fasts on different days and clean your chakras. The people who learn Reiki and stopped following or practicing regularly suddenly come back and make this as a normal routine. People who read tarot cards and astrologers may feel sometimes insecurity, but during this period your intuition rise by leaps and bounds. The predictions come to you naturally. Many of you may start learning these things.
During this period, people can reach to the maximum level of the spirituality. You will feel and get all the answers related to spirituality from within. This is the period for us especially Reiki healers to work more and more. This is the period for the healing our society and time to connect with this energy. It is time to meditate and spiritual practice.
This is for all the light workers! Do the best! All the best!
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Founder & CEO of Race is Not Over, Astrologer, motivational speaker, counselor, pharmacist & Reiki Master Dhwani Parikh is the founder of "Race is Not Over" and a pharmacist by profession, attuned to master level Reiki. She has started her journey with Reiki nearly 14 years ago. She has given at least 4-6 Reiki healing sessions per week globally from these many years. She is an astrologer and gives remedies based on planetary positions combined with Reiki healing. She has an in-depth understanding of chakras, natural healing, energy healing, effect of planetary position on Reiki energy and healing. She has travelled across 18 countries. She is voracious reader and university topper in her studies. She has reduced 14+kgs of weight using Reiki and natural remedies. Also, consulted for weight management and healthy living successfully. She currently lives in Toronto, Canada.
You can reach Dhwani on [email protected] and on Facebook at
Thank you soo much for this informative article ..Dhwani Parikh…GOD BLess You
Thanks a lot Neelam 🙂 God bless you!!
I couldn’t stop smiling away reading this article. Am so happy. God bless you 🙂 🙂
Thank you Vedant… The magic has started 🙂
Hats off..wonderful article!! Thanks for sharing
Relief to see that its us good year for us!!
Thanks a lot 🙂 God bless you
Whoaaaa awesome!!!
Thanks a lot 🙂 God bless you !!!! 🙂
Super fantastic article dhwani… Hats off… 🙂
Thanks a lot 🙂
Very informative article. Thank you Dhwani
Thanks a lot 🙂
I am going away to complete my Master Teacher initiation tomorrow. This is validation that now is the right time. Thanks and Blessings
Pure Heart Reiki
This is the best time. All the best 🙂
madam ! the indications are there..I have left Reiki for over 10years. now I am being pulled towards it again with force..Thank you..for the article..
Thank you Chandrasekhar 🙂 All the best
Very Informative article Dhwani. Thank you
Thank you Naveena! God bless you!! 🙂
Tks for sharing dhwani.encouraging article for reiki people.
Thanks a lot Shipra for reading… God bless you!!