Article by Reiki Nurse
Strengthening and healing our Energy System is paramount to our Ascension, to merging with our God-self (Higher Self) and expanding our consciousness. With the use of the mental/emotional symbol and the distance symbol (with Cho Ku Rei adding strength and power to the mix) we can heal ourselves from past traumas, indeed; we can even heal from past incarnation traumas. This process requires focus, determination, and the willingness to see ourselves (our human selves, that is) as we are, flaws and all.
Read Part I of this series here.
The first thing that is required is the willingness to let go of our Ego mind. Our Ego wants us to believe that we are separate beings, separated from each other and separated from God. Truly, we are all connected on the energy matrix. We are all one. We are all energetic beings, Spiritual beings having human experiences. We need to know that in our Core, in our Heart. We need to know that everything we are seeking spiritually on this plane in essence we already have. What we wish to be, essentially we already are. Our Ego wants to keep us separate, so that we will never know the Truth of our divinity, of our being, of our oneness with each other, all living beings, and with God.
Willingness to let go of old and outmoded paradigms and misinformation, and to transcend our Egoic mind is imperative in order to Ascend into our higher mind, our God-mind. Reiki energy can help us to let go of old belief systems and dualistic thinking so that we can expand our consciousness and our Life. We simply need to be willing to do so. We need to be willing to see our human selves as we truly are, to see our entire self, our darkness as well as our light. It is only in looking within, in the mirror so to speak, that we can transform or transmute the darkness to light. We need to face our flaws in order to transmute and change them. Becoming aware of our own flaws is one of the first steps to changing them. We don’t know what we don’t know. We can’t judge each other, or each others Journey in this process. We can’t compare ourselves to one another. Our Journey is a personal one.

Image by bluesbby
Using Reiki to change our energetic signature isn’t magic or mysterious. We are all capable of changing our inner selves, and transmuting our darkness into Light. When we begin working with those first three chakras to heal and transform the darkness, to cleanse and balance our energy system, we are bound to experience dreams in which our subconscious mind plays out traumas that may have occurred in our childhoods, or in past incarnations. This is a normal process, and if it becomes overwhelming it is wise to seek the counsel of a professional therapist or a more advanced healer, or both. Even though our Journey is a personal one, it doesn’t mean an objective listener isn’t helpful along the way!
Simple Chakra Meditation
- Take 3 deep, long, slow breaths through your nostrils, allowing the air to expand your belly and reach down into your abdomen. If you count in your head slowly to 3 each time you inhale deeply, then hold for 3 and exhale for 3, you develop a rhythmic pattern of taking those first 3 breaths.
- Whilst inhaling, imagine the red loving energy of Mother Earth embracing you and filling your Root chakra with her red energy. ‘See’ the red energy filling up your Root Chakra, dispelling all the negativity and darkness, and becoming luminescent with red color. In your mind’s eye, place your Reiki symbols within your Root Chakra, amidst the brilliant red, swirling color with the intention of continued healing.
- Repeat the process with your Sacral Chakra, only during the 3 cleansing breaths, imagine the setting sun ~ a brilliant orange hue. Inhale that brilliant orange into your Sacral Chakra and imagine that orange glow dispelling all the darkness and glowing brightly within your Sacral Chakra. In your mind’s eye, place your Reiki symbols within your Sacral Chakra amidst the brilliant orange glow with the intention of continued healing.
- Repeat with your Solar Plexus Chakra, your Power Chakra. During the 3 cleansing breaths, breathe in the bright, lemon yellow color. Inhale that glowing yellow-ness into your Power Chakra, seeing it dispel all the darkness and negativity and old traumas. In your mind’s eye, place your Reiki symbols within your Power Chakra amidst the glowing yellow with the intention of continued healing.
You can repeat this process all the way up your chakras, imagining the corresponding colors and placing the Reiki symbols within each cleared Chakra. I like to imagine my Chakras spinning first counter clockwise to dispel all the negativity and darkness, then slow each Chakra to a stop and begin spinning them gently clockwise. I imagine all my Chakras spinning at the same speed, gently and always clockwise at the end of my meditation. Placing the Reiki symbols within each Chakra is something I added to this meditation to enhance its healing power.
I like to thank all of my Reiki Grandmasters, Reiki Angels, Reiki Devas, and Undines at the end of each meditation!
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Kat is a Registered Nurse, who is also certified in Usui Rhoyo Reiki and Holy Fire® II Reiki at the Master Teacher level. She is also certified in Clinical Hypnotherapy and is a Licensed Massage Therapist.
Kat has always been connected to Spirit, and is currently studying under a world-renowned spiritual teacher & psychic medium. Recently, she trademarked her name to conduct her business “The EnergyVoyant Nurse™”.
Kat was born in New England, U.S.A., and currently resides in Florida. Connect with her through Facebook at, visit her website at, or read her blog at
Definitely…I’ll practice with the colors asap…Thank you…
Dear Bella:
Let me know how that worked for you!
Peace, Love & Light
Kathi (Reiki Nurse)
Thank you for the wonderful article. I have been an Usui Rhoyo Reiki practitioner for several years and am always looking for information about others’ experience and ways to expand my own. I am reminded of when I was just beginning and had not yet understood how to open myself to allowing Universal Energy to flow through me to my clients. I found that I was using my own energy and the later replenishing it. My mentor gave me lessons similar to those presented in your article, which greatly helped me to ground myself and allow healing energy to flow through me. Since then, I have practiced similar clearing exercises from my root chakra to my crown chakra. Having been attuned to Level III, I don’t feel that I can call myself a Reiki Master, as I feel I yet have much to learn. Articles such as yours help me on my journey to become more enlightened. Thank you again.
Love and Light,