This Reiki technique can be used to treat animals that are either somewhere else or cannot be touched for safety reasons. The length of time taken to complete this technique is between to 15 -20 minutes or longer if necessary.
Step 1. Stand comfortably with your feet parallel to each other. Take several deep breaths, and relax.
Step 2. Repeat the name of the distance healing symbol thrice after drawing the symbol once.
Step 3. Say the name of the animal to be treated three times.
Step 4. Send the mental healing symbol to the “patient” :).
Step 5. Draw the power symbol one time and repeat its name three times to seal everything.
Step 6. Say With the help of Reiki symbols, I am now sending healing energy to the animal. May the energy do whatever is best for its highest good.
Step 7. Now, either treat the injured part of the animal or give the animal a whole body treatment.
As always, these steps are guidelines, and you can tweak them to match your style, technique, and healing preferences.
Remember that while this technique can be used to treat animals, it does not replace the vet. It is highly recommended that you consult a qualified veterinarian doctor every time your pet has health problems.
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These are great instructions. I’d like to add, the way I give distant healing is the same for animals or people. Beam the energy from your eyes, if it’s not (or does not feel) appropriate to stand with your palms facing an animal (i.e. treating a fox in a city, when other people are about)
My Lab has seizures and when I give Reiki, he calms down after the seizures. How do I close a session?