Article by Ricci Nava
I was born and raised in a very large and close family. In my family, food plays a leading role. Any family event (birthdays, baptisms, marriages, academic achievements and materials, welcomes, goodbyes, etc.) is always held around food. This culture full of gathering with family and / or friends, represents for me the best preventive medicine ever. When you are too busy been happy, diseases normally have to wait.
I learned Reiki in 2008 and as expected the inner transformation began. Subtly and gradually I changed habits and routines. Always in search of greater well-being and health, as Reiki energy promotes such internal changes. That’s when I became a vegetarian. Without even noticing it, and without any effort, I had spent three weeks without eating any meat. And this condition became permanent. It was not intended or programmed, it just happened. At the same time I learned the use of radiestesia, the H’oponopono and very quickly my intuition increased.
Eventually I learned that human beings are entitled to imprint energy in food while cooking. So the food may nourishes or poison depending on the imprinting.
In my daily life I attend a lot of meetings with friends and family. Vegetarianism poses no impediment. The meeting is a synonymous of sharing. Everyone brings something. I always bring a dish myself. My friends and family always take me into account and serve at list one vegetarian option. When it is my turn to prepare the meat, I cook and never taste it. Always before starting to prepare it, often from the minute that I buy it, I start talking to our animal brothers and I practice with them H’oponopono in a very simple way. I say: “I am very sorry you had to go through that kind of death. Forgive me for all the damage that this may have caused to you and your close ones. Thank you for providing food for my loved ones. I love you. Devine Source please clean all egregor and transmute all negative energy into pure light and love“. Afterwards, if I have the time, I do Reiki on the meat. In order to season it properly and know the exact quantities of each ingredient, I use my pendulum.
Through this practice I have found several things. The meat is always more delicious and tender regardless of the kind. My relatives are becoming more compassionate. My friends and family are including more fruits and fresh vegetable on the menu more often.
Vegetarianism, whenever practiced out of love and compassion, is always inclusive and brings people together. You do not have to change friends or stop visiting your family. Let us become agents of change and expansion of consciousness in our environments. Remember we are all evolving and nonviolence begins by respecting everyone. Every heart beats at its own rhythm and yet still they are all beautiful.
I hope sharing my experience through the changes caused by Reiki and evolution, inspires others who are going throw similar processes in this marvellous school well known as Planet Earth.
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Ricci Nava is an electrical Engineer with a Master degree in Marketing. In 2008 she was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. The homeopathic doctor prescribed Reiki Sessions and Yoga practice. After a year she was completely healed. Ricci is a Reiki Master/Teacher, Acupuncturist and Yoga practitioner and a vegetarian. She practices the Trascendental Meditation taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogui. She also practices radiestecia in different ways to reprogram the unconscious mind, release ancestors issues, past lives issues and specifics organs issues. Ricci works with Bach flowers to help rebalance the emotional body and with Crystalotherapy and Chromotherapy from the Casa of Dom Inacio in Brazil (World Known healing Center).
Wonderful article Reiki. Could you please tell me how to use pendulum. I have done Reiki 1 only. May god & Reiki light always guide you to write informative article like this on Reiki RAys blog.
Paree In orden to use the pendulum properly you should look for a radiesticia manual or take an training course from a recognized radiesticia Master. I would recommend Mika Widmanska. Thank you for asking. I hope I did help.