There are two components to health and wellness:
Lifestyle – Unhealthy food habits, inadequate exercise, high stress levels and a generally imbalanced lifestyle all influence our state of health as the years roll by.
Genetics– Genetic factors play a key role in the transmission of illness from one generation to the next. They can transmit common conditions such as allergies, hypertension and diabetes and also more serious ones like heart disease and cancers of some kinds. Often, people who have perfectly healthy lifestyles also fall prey to serious illnesses, many of which are because of a strong genetic component.
We will not delve into lifestyle management here as most of us are aware of how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. In this article, we will focus only on healing the genetic factor. While lifestyle management is something we have the power to control, there is little we can do to alter the genes that we inherit from our ancestors. But does that make us helpless? Not if we are willing to take responsibility and do what we can in our power to heal.
At the deepest level, everything is energy, which includes our genes too. That means we can send love and healing to our genes and initiate healing across space and time. An effective way to heal our genes is to incorporate it with our Self-Reiki sessions. This is a simple process and can be done once a week.
Connecting with your Genes and Ancestral Line
- Light a white or green coloured candle in your healing space.
- Visualise or draw your family tree. It must start from you, followed by your parents behind you, the respective grandparents behind each of your parents, and all other ancestors behind them, going all the way back to a huge ball of light. This light represents Source or God. If you have children, place them in front of you. If you are using a sketch, place it near the candle.
- Draw the distance symbol over the candle and connect with your ancestral line. Also use the Master Symbol if you are attuned to it. Make a specific request to the candle, “Dear Candle, please send Reiki, love and healing energy to my parents and grandparents, to all my ancestors and to the genetic material that is part of my family tree. Thank you.” Then draw the power symbol over the candle.
- Start your self-Reiki session. As you heal yourself, the candle will continue to send additional healing to your family tree.
Image by aehdeschaine
- If there are major health concerns running in the family, you can send additional healing just before you heal the chakra related to the health issue. For instance, if there is heart trouble in the family, you can send Reiki to your ancestral line (for around two to five minutes) just before you heal your own heart chakra. If using the sketch, give Reiki to the sketch. Then proceed to give Reiki to your heart chakra and invite fresh loving energy into your heart space. Do the same for all other major health concerns.
- Once your finish your self-healing session, visualise or create an energy ball of pink light between your palms and toss it up into the air. Intend that this light washes over your entire ancestral line and heals all traces of ill health, emotional pain and suffering that every generation went through. Physical well being is intricately linked to metal and emotional well being. So, it makes sense to send healing to all contributing factors and not only to the physical.
- See the genes of your entire family line lighting up and transforming into carriers of health and vitality. Bless the genes.
- Express your gratitude. Let the candle continue to send healing energy until it naturally burns out.
How Will This Help?
Just the intention to send healing across space and time is powerful. It will initiate a process of healing and bring more love into the picture. Once love enters the picture, nothing remains the same. Positive changes will happen as is right for each individual and their family tree. It is important to remember that healing cannot be forced upon everyone who was part of our family tree as different souls have different lessons to learn. Our job is only to send healing energy and thereafter allow the energy to heal as needed. The personal benefit we incur is that we will no longer be helpless recipients of genetic material. As healers, we have the blessed opportunity to send love and healing to all that is within our reach and we can certainly use our skills to heal our roots of origin.
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super excelent article.thank u madum
You’re welcome Manidhar!
Hi Haripriya, I would like to know how to send this healing for others – can i just do the similar procedure – draw the mentioned symbols on their family tree and state the intention?
Its a lovely article . I will be immediately following through.