Article by Rinku Patel
Rose has profound healing properties; it heals on physical, emotional as well as psychological level. Roses are ultra-beautiful and its fragrance is divinely pure. Rose represents immortal love, hence it is the most commonly used flower on Valentine’s Day.
Rose symbolizes:
- Balance
- Beauty
- Devotion
- Love
- Passion
- Sensuality
- Timelessness
- Wisdom and more…
Rose being a symbol of immortal pure love has amazing power to heal relationships. The method given below can be used to heal any relationship, be it couples, friends, parent-children…

Image by jessleecuizon
This technique is pure visualization and I assure you, you will feel love within you when you visualize this technique.
- Close your eyes and visualize a beautiful rose bud of the color of your choice.
- Draw symbols on the rose bud. Infuse the rose with Reiki for 5 minutes imagining the loving and divine energy filling the rose. Imagine the rose bud blooming into a beautiful flower and sparkling with loving energy.
- Now visualize the face of the person you want to send healing. Imagine the situation you want to heal as if it already has happened. Visualize the desired outcome.
- Send this rose to the person and imagine him/her accepting the rose with huge smile and placing the rose in their heart.
- Visualize the rose disappearing into the heart and engulfing him/her with loving and divine energy, forgetting all the misunderstandings and disputes.
- Seal the session with big Cho Ku Rei on heart chakra.
Rose colors meanings:
Red Rose: Health, Immortal Love, Sacrifice, Passion
Yellow Rose: Joy, Mature Love, Friendship and Protection against jealous partner
Pink Rose: Innocence, Healing, First Love
White Rose: Purity, Mysticism
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Rinku Patel is a Reiki Master Teacher, Doreen Virtue certified-Angel intuitive, Fairyologist, Realm Reader, Crystal healer, Angel card reader, and Indigo card reader. Other than that she is a Certified Tarot card reader and spiritual writer. Rinku can be reached via her email address and on Facebook at Magics n Miracles
You are again up with another innovative method. Thank You.