Reiki friends,
A big THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the contest!
More than 200 people signed up, and we chose three random winners using the website.
The prizes are online Reiki courses, including distance attunements to Master level.
The Winners
The lucky winners are, in no particular order:
Deepak Patel won the Usui Reiki Master Video Home Study Course, by Garry and Adele Malone.
Raya Bencivenga wonThe Ultimate Reiki Package, by Judith and Chris Conroy.
Shireen Hussain won the Usui Reiki Healing Master, by Bruce Wilson.
Congratulations Deepak, Raya, and Shireen, and may your Reiki journey be filled with Love and Light!

Image by Evil Erin
The winners have been contacted and they already received their prizes or we’re in the process or finalizing the last technical details.
If You Didn’t Win…
If you didn’t win the above prizes, we still have a gift for you:
The Reiki Level 1 Manual in downloadable PDF format, as it was written by Dr. Mary Morgan. Right click HERE and choose “Save as…”, “Save link as…”, or “Save target as…” to download it. Enjoy!
But that’s not all
For a limited time, Judith and Chris Conroy are offering a 25% additional discount on their course, The Ultimate Reiki Package, to all Reiki Rays readers.
This package contains attunements to Usui Reiki Master, Tibetan Reiki Master, Chikara-Reiki-Do Master, certificates and manuals for you and for your students, videos showing you how to attune others, and other eBooks and bonuses – more details…
This offer is valid until Monday, March 25th, 23:59 GMT. To take advantage of this offer, click the link below:
The Ultimate Reiki Package for Reiki Rays Readers
… and you’ll be redirected to a page containing the special discount for all our friends.
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Q & A
Q. Do these distance attunements work?
A. Absolutely. And they are just as effective as in person attunements. Thousands of people have already received distance attunements, and there are many Reiki Masters who’ve received multiple attunements, both in person and distance – and they all agree that they are just as effective.
Q: I didn’t participate in the contest. Can I get the Ultimate Reiki Package at a discount?
A: Yes! It’s for all Reiki Rays readers, and it’s valid until Monday, March 25th, 23:59 GMT. You can get it here.
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