Article by Haripriya Suraj, Reiki Master
Are you aware of your life’s purpose? What is your calling? What special gifts do you have that you can share with the world?
If you are a Reiki practitioner, Reiki is something you may wish to share with the world. Are you doing justice to your Reiki practice and to all your other gifts? If not, what is holding you back?
Several healers feel a calling from the depths of their heart. They can vaguely remember what they came here to do. They are aware that they have innate healing abilities with which they can make a difference. However, they feel stuck on their path. Does that sound like you? That was me too, some years ago ☺
Right through my college days and a subsequent six years in another career, something didn’t feel right about what I was doing with my life. I had a hard time figuring out what that “something” was. All I knew was that I was not happy with the academic courses I did or the jobs I worked at. People thought I was an idealist on the lookout for a perfect career. But I knew deep down that I was not looking for an ideal set up. I knew I had a different purpose to fulfil and it just took time for me to figure out what that purpose was.

Image by AdamSelwood
The purpose was actually unfolding all along. All the experiences I had and the challenges I faced before and even after I became a Reiki practitioner helped me reach where I am today. Being determined about my life’s path and not being swayed by others’ opinions helped immensely.
The good news is that you can do it too! You can follow your heart and fulfil your purpose. You can use your healing abilities and teach others about it too. You can create a life that feels meaningful to you and which satisfies the longing of your soul. All you need is a strong will and a bit of courage.
Take Small Steps Each Day
If you wish to have an independent Reiki or spiritual teaching practice, start moving in the direction of your dreams today. Maybe you can’t afford to quit your current job and set up a full time Reiki practice right away. But you can certainly accomplish a little bit each day. If you wish to do more healing work and you don’t have clients and students yet, heal with Reiki in other ways. You may have a garden at home. Why not give Reiki to your plants? If you have pets at home, why not pamper them with Reiki treatments? Give Reiki to Planet Earth and play a role in its healing. And most important of all, heal yourself with Reiki every day. Remember, the more you heal yourself, the more you are able to help others heal. These may seem like small steps but they can go a long way in helping you fulfil your life’s purpose. With every small step you take, you inspire the Universe to take ten steps more. And you will soon find yourself living life at your highest potential.
Call on Archangel Michael
You can also call on Archangel Michael to help you move ahead on your life’s path. Michael loves to help healers and spiritual teachers fulfil their purpose. The best way to connect with Michael is to have a personal interaction with him. This is one technique you may want to try:
- Go outdoors in nature (preferably in your own private garden or roof terrace). If that is not feasible, don’t worry. You can do it indoors too.
- Take a few deep breaths and relax. Call upon Archangel Michael and request him to be by your side. Call him from your heart.
- When you call on Michael, you can be certain that he will be there. You may feel a warm presence beside you or you may just sense that he is by your side. Once you intuitively sense that Michel is beside you, hold his hand. If you ask for your hand to be held, rest assured that it will be held (even if you can’t feel it). Or you may find that Michael puts his arm around you. Trust your intuition and go with the flow. Stroll around your garden with him. Walking with Archangel Michael is like walking with a wise old friend and sharing your life’s story with him along the way!
- Pour your heart out to Michael. Talk to him loudly (if possible), as it can help you connect better. No one is around to judge you or laugh at you. Tell him about your desires and aspirations with regards to your life’s purpose. Tell him about your fears and about everything that is holding you back. Ask him to guide you.
- Notice all the empowering thoughts and feelings that enter your awareness as you walk. These are Michael’s messages for you. If you receive a message that does not feel right, know that it is coming from the Ego and not from Michael. The angels always give us empowering messages, even when the messages have challenging guidance. Trust your intuition and accept only those messages that feel right.
- Thank the Archangel for his guidance and request him to continue helping you with your life’s purpose.
Just the act of walking with Archangel Michael will help you feel powerful. It can help you develop a strong will and to become your own Master and guide. His messages serve as additional guidance.
There is no better time to start than now. Do whatever you can to fulfil your life’s purpose today, no matter how small the step. And allow Archangel Michael to be your mentor. Do you know how blessed we are to have angelic guides and mentors? ☺
Be fearless and know that you can accomplish your life’s purpose. You can be an amazing Reiki healer, a powerful spiritual teacher and everything else that will make a difference to you and to the world!
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Haripriya Suraj is a Reiki Master, Angel Healer and Starseed Lightworker. Reiki is her constant companion from which she derives peace and contentment. She is deeply connected with the Stars and Angels and they form an integral part of her Reiki practice. Her core mission is to help bridge the worlds of Spirit and Science and to help people connect with their unique soul missions. Haripriya offers Reiki healing sessions and training programs in Bangalore, India. Reach Haripriya at, on email at and on Facebook at Angel Light.
i love this article! I can relate to this so much. I always enjoy reading your articles. I feel like you are a kindred spirit of mine. Sending love to you! 🙂
Thank you Haripriya 🙂
You’re welcome Shishira!
Thank you Justine. You spoke my mind. I feel the same way about you when I read your articles 🙂 Love and Light to you.
Everyone must try I too had awesome experiences with AA Michael .. Thanks your articles:) love and light to you.
Thank you so much Meetu 🙂 Love and Light to you.
Thank you very much Haripriya…… I was in need of this information.
Thank u
Thanks a lot Haripriya! This article is amazing!! Love to have such experience. Hats off to you.
Was just wondering how to confirm my life plans.. Must try this. 🙂
Sending love&light 🙂
I so needed this today. After spending a couple of years learning Crystal Healing and Reiki and receiving my Diploma’s. I have been so disappointed that even when I have offered free treatments to friends or neighbours. No-one has actually said they wanted one. I needed the practice. I was beginning to doubt that I was supposed to be a healer, yet I felt so passionately about it.
Dear Marjorie
I read your comment and feel I need to send you support that you can move forward with an open heart continuing on your journey to offer Holistic healing. We need more like you so do not be discourgaed. Joy and Blessings to you X
Excellent article.Thank u Harpriya for this excellent guidence.
Thank you for your generosity! Many Blessings
This is so inspiring useful article, needs to be appreciated as selfless service to humanity.
Very nice article, unique way, you taught us to connect with Archangel Michael. I will certainly try this. Thank you.
Love the message will certainly try talking to archangel michael
Thanks a lot Haripriya, for sharing this beautiful article..I hv done reiki 3rd degree n practising regularly from 3 months even hv done angel theraphy…but I want to go more deeply n work with the angels n reiki as well….my intention is to spread the divine light among others n those specially who need it more by helping n healing them in each n every way…I aslo teach brahmavidya course absolutely free intention is every body should have a healthy body and a healthy mind….pleade guide me n tell what more I can do to go further in my purpose n spread love n light..I read n love ur articles…please do share more knowledge able articles …love n light to u.
Very inspiring article, Haripriya…Am going to follow your suggestions and see what turns out 🙂 Thank you!
Fascinating, yesterday was the Feast day of St. Michael and all the other Archangels.
Dear Haripriya…
Thank you for this article…the universe is indeed working through you ‘cos this was just what i needed to hear right now 🙂
Loved your article about Arch Angel Micheal.
Dear haripriya I love reading your articles I want to try this to be connected with angle Michael is it saint Michael about we know who always is against bad energies I want to heal myself first and then also others thanks for your beautiful article
Dear Haripriya, thank you so much for what you do. Your articles are inspiring, and true. I love the way you connect with so many other people in a loving and kind way. I look forward to reading your articles, and take them to heart. Thank you for what you do. Sent with love and light. Myhrr
Thank you Haripriya for this inspiring article. Professor Dr Oswald Ndanga.
I receive Archangel Michael’s loving guidance and protection. Thank you for this beautiful article. Blessings!
Beautiful article Haripriya !! Thank you very much for sharing. I needed to hear it.
I have been reading the articles with deep interest and whenever I put the articles down, I battle to retain anything that I just read. For this reason, I am sceptic about practicing Reiki incase I do something wrong. How can I get passed this blockage….
Thank you so much. I will try as well.
I need to connect ,with Haripriya for her advice , I am a reiki master I practice self healing , need to connect on a higher level , so that I can help others , the needy , and also how to ward of evil curses with the help of reiki , need to know it .