Article by Justine Melton
Anyone who has gone through a Reiki Attunement knows that it brings on a 21 day cleanse. During this time you may feel a great release and feel light and joyous. It is also possible that you may feel all sorts of things, experience flu like symptoms and in more serious cases may even go through a healing crisis. Some people may experience a mix of both high and low feelings and go back and forth between the two. My experience consisted of an assortment of different symptoms and a deep purging of toxins with each attunement I received. Basically, I got to experience the stomach flu with all 3 of my attunements! ☺
After an attunement it is very important to take good care of yourself. Make sure to get out and exercise, drink a lot of water, take a salt bath, practice daily self-reiki, meditate and most of all listen to your body. During this time notice if any colors speak out to you. Colors have amazing healing properties and can add a special extra touch to your Reiki sessions.
Once I became a Reiki Master I was guided to start recommending the use of the color blue after a Reiki attunement. The color blue is a wonderful healing color, eases stress, helps with grounding and cools down inflammation.

Image by Minhimalism
Here is a simple guided meditation with the color blue that is perfect for the 21 days after a Reiki attunement…
- Begin by Reiki-ing the space that you will be doing your meditation session in. I like to use the Master symbol but use whatever calls out to you!
- Turn on some relaxing, soft music that will help you more easily get into the zone.
- Light a candle that helps you relax. Blue or white are recommended here but if something else speaks out to you go with your gut. This is about healing YOU after all and not what may be best for someone else.
- Lay down in your space and close your eyes. Spend two min allowing yourself to just slowly breathe. Concentrate on your breathing and notice how your chest slowly fills up and then slowly empties with each breath.
- Picture a big ball of crystal blue light hovering right above your body. Let this blue ball of light slowly fill the entire room with its healing energy. Visualize the blue light expanding out into every corner of your space.
- Allow yourself over a period of five min to then slowly breathe this light in and out. With each inhale imagine the blue light coming into your body full of healing energy. With each exhale imagine the blue light carrying away anything that is bothering you.
- After this step picture a glass pitcher filled with over flowing blue light above you. Imagine your spirit guide or angel holding this pitcher and gently pouring this blue light over you, starting at your head and slowly going down to your feet. The blue light gently and slowly washes over you just like water. Allow yourself to feel this blue light that is like refreshing water to wash over you for a good five min. Imagine that all that is troubling you washes away as the light passes over you.
- Pay attention to any messages you may feel you are getting from your angel/spirit guide or source during this time. You may be surprised at what transforming thoughts come to you.
- At this point picture that a loving ball of blue healing light moves over to you and then surrounds you like a soft bubble. Imagine that it is there to stay for the rest of your day. It is protecting you, healing you, and surrounding you with loving healing energy. At this time open your eyes and be grateful for the healing you just received with the help of the color blue.
- Lastly, ground yourself with the version of the Reiki grounding symbol you were taught.
This meditation can be done at any time you feel that you need to heal or relax.
Wishing you all love and light.
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Justine Melton is a Reiki Master/Teacher and an Intuitive Counselor. Reiki came into her life and changed it in amazing ways. It is her passion now to bring Reiki to others and help them to heal in a holistic way. Justine is lucky enough to be an Empath, Clairaudient, Clairsentient, and Clairvoyant. She is able to use these gifts with Reiki if asked to give extra messages during a session for the client’s highest good.
Lovely article.This is very much loving n healing.i just wanted to know while sleeping should we come out of this blue healing light or it wil be ok if we sleep with it.
Thanks a lot.
Thank you for sharing. Just by reading I could visulise and feel.
Love and Light
A lovely meditation! I love the use of the blue healing energy and it was great to hear from you in San Diego!
wonderful, thank you
Dear Justine,
Thank you very much for this perfect example of meditation!
I’m Theo from the Netherlands.
I have noticed many differences between Reiki courses here and abroad.
So sometimes a question arises, right now it is;
What symbol do you call grounding symbol?
I was thought only three symbols during Reiki ll + the master symbol during my master training.
Thank you in advance for your answer.
Hi Theo, i’m from NB, Canada… I received 3 symbols when I did my second level also, but my master thought me to ground myself by imagining long roots coming out of my feet and anchor them into the earth.
Hi Theo. I like to use the infinity symbol for grounding. You might like to try it. —Focus on breathing and draw the infinity symbol in the air with one finger until you feel it’s calming effect. 3-5 minutes.
Dear Theo the grounding symbol is the CKR or Power symbol. Light and Love, Ioannis
Beautifully explained about the meditation process.
Hello everyone!
Amazing meditation. Thank you so much!
But i have one question (it is more likely for me if i undarstand it right). This meditation can be use for 21 days cleancing period and i can just do this meditation without doing hands position? Or it is different?
Thank you for your answer and attention
Dear Viktoria,
This meditation is recommended for the 21-day clearing period after getting a Reiki attunement but of course you can do it whenever you feel guided to. It can be done without using your hands.