Greetings everyone! This is a lovely technique I learned long back to get guidance during difficult times in my life. It is to get clarity and blessings for situations in your life. Unlike other techniques, this is for Reiki level 2 and above as the main ingredient in this is the distance healing symbol.
Now, when can you use this technique? Suppose you want to know, if someone has betrayed you or if someone is conspiring against you, Situation Reiki will give you the answers. You can also understand why some relationships in your life are beyond your control via this method. If you have say multiple options about which job to take or which doctor to go to, you can get answers through this. You can also locate missing items and persons through this technique.

Image by sakura_chihaya+
Please don’t treat this as a channeling tool and ask questions like “when will I meet my soulmate or when will I have money?” Reiki doesn’t believe in time and space, so you may not get accurate answers. You may instead ask “what can I do to meet my soulmate earlier? Or what can I do to make some more money?”
Follow these simple and yet effective steps.
1. As always with every healing and meditation, you need to clear your mind and calm down. Do this calming down anyway you want. Visualize yourself in a white room or white light. Remember everything around you has to be white. Whenever you use white light for any healing or asking questions, it gets infused with divine energy. Your own ego and logic are safely kept out of your way.
2. State the intention three times “I wish to do a Situation Reiki to find out…..” (whatever it is you wish to find out!)
3. Draw or visualize a big Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen in front of you in the air chanting its name three times. The symbol has to be big in size.
4. Draw or visualize three sets of Sei Hei Ki and Cho Ku Rei alternately around and above your crown chakra like a ring of flowers. i.e. Make a halo of Sei Hei Ki and Cho Ku Rei around your head.
5. Now talk to the divine symbol HSZSN in front of you. Ask in your mind, “what do I need to know about this person or this problem?” you will get clear divine guidance.
6. In case you want to ask if you will accomplish something within a specific time period, you state the time period yourself. For instance “Will I finish this project in six months?” You are allowing the symbol to answer the question as a yes or no plus the symbol will also give you additional information.
7. Thank the symbol and Reiki and come out of your meditation.
This is great to seek the truth in every situation in your life. The guidance is almost always accurate. Only remember to visualize the white light or yourself in a white room for as long as you can. Good Luck!
Article by Ananya Sen
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Ananya Sen
Ananya Sen is a crystal healer gifted with claircognizant abilities. She lives in Bangalore, India, but she can offer distance crystal healing all around the world. Ananya also gives mantra diksha and offers free pendulum readings.
You can reach Ananya via her email address:
This is so very amazing,thank you Ananya for the simple and yet so wonderful ways to become a master in reiki,thank you for bringing reiki to so many people in more and newer ways,reiki is and will keep blessing you in throughout your life,will continue to do as guided by you,thank you again and again and endlessly.
All people reading these posts,please do get in touch with Ananya she is a super healer and an excellent an awesome teacher,for any solutions to your problems,she is divinity defined.
Lots of love n blessings to you and Soniele.
thank you for those kind words!!
I find great comfort reading your daily postings. I am Reiki II practitioner and am looking forward to my Master attunement. Your information has proven invaluable to me and I thank you for sharing new ways for us to channel love and light…Thank you Ananya
simply superb Ananyaji…I follow u here…you are doing a great job..Thank You and grateful for your contribution.pls.advice how to reach you my id is
Reach me at
Tried…and the answer is surprising…somebody I did not even think of, but my faith in reiki is complete. It has given me answers with out even actually asking them.
Thanks and Namaste
Great work Muzna !! Keep doing and spread the word of Situation Reiki
The answer is turning out to be on the mark as every day passes. will do it again , and yes tell others too.
ananya thank is simply wonderfull and easily applicable.
Thanks Annanya, this is really a wonderful technique…!!!
Hi Ananya,
Thank you for this article. Can I use this technique for finding questions for others in the process of healing them.
One if my friend is ill, and he is getting multiple complaints day by day.
I am a recent 2 nd degree reiki student and he is my first reiki case. Would be thankful for your guidance.
Hi Ananya
Thank you for this great article. Shall get back to you after trying for sure.
God Bless