“We cannot ignore our pain and feel compassion for it at the same time.” — Brene Brown
Namaste to all,
Today’s topic is not new to anyone, especially ladies. And there are so many stigmas, myths, taboos and moreover, issues associated with this. Faced by almost every woman on earth. The pain, hormonal imbalances associated with the menstrual cycle can be overwhelming some or most of the time. Though, there are tools available in modern times for woman, still the pain and blues attached to a woman monthly cycle is beyond explanation no matter how much we talk about same these days.
There are four phases of the cycle: menstruation, follicular phase, ovulation, and luteal phase. Few hormones, glands and body parts(female reproductive system) are responsible for the whole cycle that’s actually a complex process. At the same there are a lot of discomforts like pain, emotional upheaval, and other diseases associated here. I have not seen a single woman in my life who does not feel any pain or discomfort during her cycle. Other than responsible hormones, I feel that the myths, taboos, etc. are responsible for most of the discomforts and pain around cycle. Since, mostly these cycles are something that people still don’t feel comfortable discussing.
Let’s get into the healing part of how Reiki can heal most of the issues associated with women’s cycle. With this article I am trying my best to infuse Reiki to ease out menstrual cycle issues in general. To receive best outcomes follow the practice for 21 days once your menstrual cycle is over, i.e. from the follicular phase.
Step 1: Intention
Start the healing process with the intention of healing your reproductive system. You can keep a print of a woman’s reproductive system with your name on it. Draw CKR on your palms, rub them and put your hands on your lower abdomen where the uterus is located. Send Reiki healing for cleansing and protection. Cleansing of any wrong teachings, myths, taboos, stigma that has been infused in your mind, which is causing these pains, discomforts, etc.
Step 2: Healing
Draw the SHK symbol on your lower abdomen and your palms as well. You can also call upon Archangel Raphael (Healing Angel) and Archangel Haniel (Associated with the healing of feminine issues). To intensify the healing, take a white or green candle. Carve SHK on it. Light the candle in front of you. Now initiate the healing process. Also in this state try to connect with the unhealed emotion of yours that is causing this pain.

Step 3: Connection
In this stage you need to draw HSZSN on your palms and send Reiki to your reproductive system. Intend to connect with trauma, myth or any judgements that have been conditioned and causing this pain (or any other issue). Connect with the root cause of this suffering associated with the cycle. Once you get the clarity, invoke Archangel Raziel to release these traumas, judgements and pain to Divine’s light.
Step 4: Filling the Voids with Energy of Love
Once you have released anything that was not meant for you i.e. pain, sufferings, etc., it’s time to fill yourself with the loving energy of Reiki and Angels. For this, draw all the four symbols on your palm in this sequence, CKR, SHK, HSZSN, DKM, and CKR. Rub your palms and invoke your guardian angels along with Archangel Chamuel to fill your mind, body, soul and aura with the loving and healing energies. Visualize yourself soaking in the bright pink and white light. Be in this state for as long as you wish.
Step 5: Grounding and protection
At the end close the healing session by drawing CKR on your palms, soles, and Root chakra. Invoke Archangel Michael to keep you grounded and protected under his Divine light. You can visualize brilliant Royal Blue light embracing you.
Step 6: Gratitude
Express your gratitude to Mother Reiki, Reiki Masters, Your Mentors, Mother Earth, Archangels, and all the Divine beings for their healing energies, love and blessings. Drink some water at the end.
Important note: This article is based on my experiences with myself, my clients, peers, friends, and family. I have compiled the whole process to heal the women of their monthly issues that they face almost half of their lives. Wish you all a healthy and happy menstrual cycle.
With love, light and Gratitude to all.
Article by Rene Mic
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Rene Mic is a Post Graduate and worked in corporate profile as an Administration Manager for over 10 years. She is a Reiki Master, Angels Practitioner, and Tarot Card Reader. She finds Reiki as the best gift of Divine that taught her to heal not only self and others. Reiki enables her to heal mother nature and its elements too. It connects her to his soul and mother earth as well. Her aim is to spread love and light to this planet for the well being of all. She resides in Delhi NCR, India. Her email ID is reenabhartiya@gmail.com
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