When clients receive regular Reiki treatments, they start feeling better, whether that’s less pain or more confidence, they are often surprised and delighted by the changes. Some people choose to deepen their connection with the energy and learn how to treat themselves daily. When they commit to the practice, more changes occur and some feel compelled to share Reiki with others, and many would like to make a living from it, but what stops them?
Enter imposter syndrome!
This is a mental condition that prevents us from achieving success in our goals, but what can cause it?
There are many reasons, but here are a few of the most common;
- Struggle to clearly explain Reiki
- Lack self-esteem
- Feel unworthy making it difficult to accept money
- Feel like we’re not ‘doing anything’
- Lack confidence in our practice
It can manifest in several ways:
- Self-sabotage
- Unfinished projects
- Unrealised dreams
- Constant learning programs without utilising skills learned
- Procrastination
- Having a million tabs open, unable to close any 😉
Any of these sound familiar? The good news is that we can make small changes to regain confidence in ourselves, our practice and feel we are aligned with our values. SO how do we do this?

A few easy steps to eradicate imposter syndrome:
- Awareness – recognising and labelling the reason for our failures. And I say failures in the kindest context possible, because without failures, we cannot learn and grow. If any of the above resonates with you, imposter syndrome could be responsible. And as Reiki teaches, working from the root cause is the most effective way to harmony. Without awareness, we often continue in the same cycle and find ourselves in physical dis-ease and are forced to change something.
- Reiki. Reiki. Reiki – obvious I know! But by emphasising the word, we are bringing it to the forefront of our minds. Set a new intention for your daily practice, when you invoke daily Reiki, place emphasis on feeling confident, feeling valued, imagine how you would like to feel and give it Reiki. By doing this every day, we are specifically directing the energy and it will work exactly where it needs to.
- Take practical steps – practice speaking about Reiki in front of the mirror, trust me, if you can master this, people will be a breeze. We can be our own worse critics! Struggling with the words, borrow someone else’s. Is there a person you know who describes Reiki eloquently? If so, repeat their words, you can start with “Joe Bloggs describes Reiki as…….” When this feels natural, you’ll easily say it in your own words and your confidence will grow.
- Pick one job – commit to completing one job. I know you were committed before but this time you have a bigger reason to finish it, this isn’t about a shelf on the wall, it’s about fulfilling your destiny – a bit much??? That may sound extreme, but small unfinished jobs, accumulate big energy and make us feel defeated. With these out of the way, our energy, mind and focus are free to literally change our destiny and step away from the imposter in us.
- Ask for feedback – this may put you well and truly out of your comfort zone. If we already feel like an imposter, the last thing we need to hear is that other people think so too! But almost all the time, we are pleasantly surprised by the responses. And if we do receive negative feedback, this is great for us! We have an opportunity to ask them what they didn’t like and how we could change their experience next time. When this happens, we feel empowered in meeting someone’s expectations and appreciating how unique each person, and their energy, is.
Any or all these steps may feel challenging and test us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, but if we can be kind to ourselves and work through them, we will also be fulfilling the five precepts:
Just for today
I will not anger
I will not worry
I will be grateful,
I will honour my duties fully
Be kind to myself and others.
When supporting every aspect of our lives, Reiki can support our desires, decisions and dreams. And when it helps us feel that we are true to our life work, whatever that may be, there are no limitations.
Article by Amy Brandon
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Originally from the UK, Amy Brandon learned Reiki in Perth, Western Australia, where she was initiated into Reiki 1, 2 and Master levels of the Usui Shiki Ryoho system. After a few years of treating and teaching Reiki in Houston, TX, Amy has returned to Perth and continues in the position of Vice Chairperson and Volunteer Coordinator for the Reiki Association of Western Australia, she enjoys teaching the Usui system of Reiki and her own course for Animal Reiki.
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