As Reiki practitioners, we are regarded as people who should be calm and peaceful in the face of any difficulty. While this is something that we all strive for, we are also human. The world that we live in is currently under a very chaotic and troubling energy. Any lightworker can feel it, and these tribulations seem to be growing every day. This is where we can join together as energy healers, and use our collective Reiki energy to bring about peace, healing and understanding for all of humanity. Not only have these times been predicted, but there is also a spoiler alert: the beings of love and light win!
In the oral traditions of the Indigenous people of North America, there are predictions that during these times of chaos, people of love and light will unite and heal the world. These are sometimes called the 7 Generations Prophecies and foretell a time when all of humanity pulls together to heal the entire world of evil, sickness and war. This movement will be led by the Indigenous people. As we see more and more people beginning to embrace Native Spirituality, lightworkers should be very encouraged that we are making some headway in healing the planet and humanity as a whole.
In the Age of Aquarius predictions, astrologers have long claimed that we are coming into a time where humanity will realize that we are all powerful beings that can claim our divine inheritance of love and light as sovereign children of the Universe. As we wake up to this divine inheritance, the healing energy that is released will cause a Golden Age of peace, healing, love and truth. The Golden Rule will be embraced by all of humanity. The true meaning of the Golden Rule is “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”, and this is the secret to creating a paradise right here on Earth.
As Reiki practitioners, we are now called upon to help raise the energy here on Earth to the highest possible healing vibration, so that these beautiful predictions of peace and healing can become manifest into all of our realities. As we look around and see all the chaos happening at the moment, it is obvious that our time to act is now.
Let’s look at a few simple things that we can all do as lightworkers to help heal this planet and claim our divine birthright of peace, love and healing.
- Daily Self Reiki, finishing off with sending Reiki to all of humanity as a whole, and to our beautiful planet Earth. Are you remembering to do your self Reiki? This is such a simple way to raise the vibration of the Earth, because as we heal, we help those around us to heal as well. Our healing energy radiates out to our loved ones, friends, communities, nations, and the world. Never underestimate the power of being a lightworker! Make sure to send all the Reiki symbols to yourself and all of humanity. There is so much going on under the surface at this time, so using all the symbols that you are attuned to will be very powerful.
- Gather with your fellow Reiki practitioners and other energy workers to send love, light and healing to all of humanity and the earth. Try to do this regularly, through Reiki shares and other spiritual gatherings. As we begin to blanket the earth with Reiki and positive energy, peace and healing will be facilitated through spontaneous acts of generosity, kindness and other healing actions and emotions. Humanity will begin to wake up to their divine potential due to the increased positive vibrations that will be released by joining together with other lightworkers to heal this world.
- Organize Reiki Youth Groups through your Reiki practice and spiritual groups. Teaching Reiki to the next generation and seeing them embrace and use the energy to create miracles of healing in their own lives is a wonderful opportunity to give back to your community, and ensure that the next generation of lightworkers is ready to help bring about the peace and healing that we all want so desperately. I have written about how to organize and facilitate Reiki Youth Groups here on Reiki Rays, and I have to say that it was one of the most rewarding and powerful spiritual experiences of my life. As we teach our children and youth to work towards peace and healing for all of humanity, the healing energy of Reiki will continue to grow and be used to help facilitate a better future for us all.
The time is now for Reiki practitioners to unite and help raise the vibration here on Earth. As a lightworker, you are a powerful force for change. Embrace that power now and use it. It is your divine calling. You were born into this time for a reason. I know you can feel it! Will you answer that call?
Article by Rev. Dr. Tracy Cox, DD
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Rev. Dr. Tracy Cox, DD is a Reiki Master Teacher, Spiritual Mentor and Coach. She works with clients and students worldwide by phone or webcam, and in person at her private office in Aurora, Ontario, Canada. She has an active spiritual ministry, and is an Ordained Minister who has been awarded her Doctor of Divinity degree. Her doctoral dissertation was focused on scientific research proving the power of prayer. She uses the information from her research to help her clients heal and overcome their challenges in all areas. For more info, please see or connect with her on Facebook at
Yes, we need to be together and heal the Cosmos.