Once upon a time, the flowing locks of a woman were more than just an accessory – they were a symbol of her vitality and inner strength, revered by cultures across the globe. From ancient times, every woman was taught to cherish her precious tresses as if they were a crown of gold. These strands of hair possessed mystical powers that could attract prosperity, heal the sick, and even captivate a man’s heart with a single flick.
But as time marched on, the secrets of the power of women’s hair were buried beneath the sands of history, and the once-revered tradition of adoring these strands faded into obscurity. No longer do women gift their beloved with a lock of hair to keep close to his heart, nor do they make a pendulum out of their wedding ring to seek guidance about their loved ones. The art of choosing a hairbrush or comb with the utmost care has been lost to the ages.
However, despite the disappearance of these customs, every woman still possesses an innate understanding of the significance of her hair. It’s not just about the way it looks, but rather the undeniable power it holds – a power that can move mountains, heal wounds, and inspire greatness.
Hair from energetic point of view
Hair strands are like delicate antennas that channel vital energy in and out of our bodies. They can reveal much about our physical and emotional state, including the health of our organs and the functionality of our hormonal system – especially important for women.
Beyond just a health indicator, hair is also a symbol of femininity and a link to the Yin energy of the universe. Changes in our hair can subtly alter the course of our destiny, making a trip to a professional hairdresser a powerful step towards transformation. Cutting our hair is an even more significant signal to the universe that our soul desires change.
For women, hair length is a critical factor in maintaining vitality, and short hair can disrupt the flow of energy. The ideal length should reach the T10 vertebra, covering the sternum and shoulders. The length of a woman’s hair was once a ritual passed down from mother to daughter, teaching them to practice asceticism and remove problems through their hair strands.
Beyond its energetic importance, well-groomed hair also reflects a clear mind. The ancient practice of combing out negative energy or emotion before bed was no accident – it helped relax the body, mind, and soul. In essence, hair is more than just a physical feature – it’s a vital aspect of a woman’s well-being and connection to the universe.

Hair throughout history and culture
In ancient times, hair held immense spiritual significance, with people cutting their hair only in extreme cases of illness or stress to purify themselves of negative energies and sins. Across cultures, hair was seen as a symbol of feminine energy and power. The Hindus believed hair was the dwelling place of Shakti, while the Dacians, Slavs, and northern peoples valued long, shiny braids as a sign of health and prosperity.
Barbarians often captured the wives of enemy leaders and cut their hair as a ritual to drain their husband’s power and rule over their city or territory. Little girls were taught to wear their hair in a single braid made of three strands, symbolizing the unity of body, mind, and spirit. Before marriage, the braid was unbraided and then re-braided into two braids, one connecting to God and her own people, and the other to her destined people.
Married women’s hair was always covered to channel its power only to the family and protect against external envy and negative energies. Women who wore their hair unbraided in public risked being labeled as loose. Only in front of their husbands could they let down their hair and connect with their source of energy and femininity. Women with special initiations and functions, such as ritual dancers, priestesses, and hetaeras, were exceptions, using their hair as a tool and influence over people or events.
Witches and healers also wore long, unbraided hair to connect to the energies of the elements they worked with. At the beginning of any invocation ritual, they would rotate with their arms raised, forming an energetic vortex through which they could connect to the forces of nature. In all these traditions, hair held immense spiritual power and was seen as a source of energy, vitality, and protection for women and their families.
Hair in modern times
It’s true that many modern women may view these customs as outdated superstitions, but before dismissing them entirely, it’s worth considering the spiritual significance that hair held in ancient times. If you feel a connection to these traditions, it may be worth experimenting with them for a limited period and seeing if they bring any benefits to your well-being.
By taking the time to care for your hair and understanding its energetic power, you may find a deeper connection to your inner self and the universe around you. Who knows what insights and positive changes may come from following in the footsteps of your ancestors?
So, before brushing off these traditions as outdated and irrelevant, take a moment to consider their profound spiritual significance. You may find that by embracing them, you can tap into an ancient source of feminine power and vitality that will enrich your life in ways you never imagined:
- Avoid cutting your hair before important events to prevent altering their course
- Monitor your hair’s condition regularly and brush thoroughly at least once a day, preferably in the evening
- Recite positive affirmations or pray while brushing your hair
- Tie your hair in a ponytail or braid for extra energy and when visiting negatively charged places like markets or hospitals
- Tying hair in a bun “down” develops humility and obedience, while a “ponytail” or bun on top of the head increases physical and mental resistance
- Hair loss may indicate unresolved issues with men in the family
- Regenerating and protecting your hair can attract abundance and prosperity into your home
- Letting your hair grow can increase vitality and intuition
- To receive a sign or answer related to home or loved ones, formulate the question while brushing hair, braid it and sleep on it
- With a simple wave of your hair, you can plant love in someone’s soul.
Method to incorporate Reiki into your hair wash routine
Reiki is a form of alternative therapy that uses energy healing to balance the mind, body, and spirit. While it is typically associated with physical touch and hands-on healing, it is possible to incorporate Reiki into other aspects of daily life, including hair care. Here is a method for incorporating Reiki into your hair care routine:
- Set your intention: Before beginning your hair care routine, take a moment to set your intention for the session. This can be as simple as a statement of gratitude, or you can set a specific intention for healing or rejuvenation. Draw the Cho Ku Rei symbol on your scalp.
- Ground yourself: It’s important to be in a calm and centered state of mind before incorporating Reiki into your hair care routine. Take a few deep breaths and visualize yourself rooted to the earth.
- Begin washing your hair: As you wash your hair, imagine that you are cleansing not just your physical hair, but also any negative or stagnant energy that may be held within it. Use this time to release any stress or tension that may be stored in your scalp or hair.
- Apply Reiki: Once your hair is clean, apply Reiki to your hair and scalp. You can do this by placing your hands on your scalp and visualizing the flow of healing energy moving through your hair and into your scalp. You can also use Reiki symbols or hand positions to direct the energy flow.
- Visualize healing: As you apply Reiki to your hair, visualize the healing energy flowing through your hair and into your body, filling you with renewed energy, vitality, and health.
- Rinse and style: Once you’ve completed the Reiki portion of your hair care routine, rinse your hair thoroughly and style as desired. You may wish to set another intention for your hair as you finish your routine.

Method to incorporate Reiki into your hair care instruments
Incorporating Reiki into your hair care instruments is a simple process that can help you infuse your hair with positive energy and promote healthy growth. Here is a step-by-step method for incorporating Reiki into your hair care instruments:
- Cleanse your hair care instruments: Start by cleaning your hair care instruments to remove any residual energy or debris that may be present. You can use soap and water to clean your combs and brushes, and a disinfectant spray for your hair dryer or straightening iron. So the Cho Ku Rei symbol on your instruments.
- Set your intention: Sit quietly with your hair care instruments in front of you and take a few deep breaths. Set your intention to infuse your hair care instruments with positive energy and to use them to promote healthy growth and vitality in your hair.
- Channel Reiki energy: Place your hands on your hair care instruments and imagine that you are channeling Reiki energy into them. You can do this by visualizing a bright, white light flowing from your hands and into your instruments, or by using Reiki symbols to direct the energy.
- Infuse your instruments with Reiki energy: As you channel Reiki energy into your hair care instruments, visualize the energy flowing into them and filling them with positive, healing energy. You can also repeat positive affirmations or mantras to further amplify the energy. Draw the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen symbol to send the intention and Reiki to all your future hair care rituals.
- Use your instruments as usual: Once you have infused your hair care instruments with Reiki energy, you can use them as you normally would. As you comb, brush, blow dry, or style your hair, visualize the positive energy from your instruments flowing into your hair and scalp, nourishing and strengthening your hair.
Method to incorporate Reiki symbols into your daily hair care rituals
Incorporating Reiki symbols into your daily hair care rituals can help promote balance, harmony, and healing for both your hair and your overall well-being. Here’s a method to incorporate Reiki symbols into your daily hair care routine:
- Choose a Reiki symbol: Each Reiki symbol has its own unique energy and purpose. Choose a symbol that resonates with you and your hair care goals. For example, the Cho Ku Rei symbol is often used for power and protection, while the Sei He Ki symbol is associated with emotional healing and balance.
- Create a sacred space: Find a quiet and comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. You may wish to light candles, burn incense or sage, or play relaxing music to help create a calming and peaceful atmosphere.
- Hold your hair care tool: Whether it’s a brush, comb, or hair dryer, hold it in your hands and focus your attention on it. Imagine it filling with Reiki energy and becoming a channel for healing and balance.
- Draw the Reiki symbol: Use your fingers or a visualization technique to draw the chosen Reiki symbol on your hair care tool. As you do so, visualize the symbol imbuing the tool with its energy.
- Use the tool as normal: As you use your hair care tool, visualize the Reiki energy flowing into your hair and scalp, promoting healing and balance. You may wish to repeat the symbol drawing and visualization process throughout your hair care routine.
- Thank the Reiki energy: When you’re finished with your hair care routine, take a moment to thank the Reiki energy for its healing and balancing effects. You may also wish to express gratitude for any specific benefits you experienced during the process.

Incorporating Reiki and Reiki symbols into your hair care routine and your hair care instruments can be a powerful way to promote balance and healing for both your hair and your overall well-being. It can also be a way to connect with the energy of Reiki and deepen your spiritual practice.
In conclusion, while many may dismiss the beliefs and practices surrounding hair as superstitions, they hold deep cultural and spiritual significance that should not be overlooked. As women, our hair is not just a physical attribute but a reflection of our inner selves and a source of our feminine energy and vitality. By recognizing and respecting this connection, we can improve our overall well-being and connect more deeply with our spiritual selves.
Article by Patricia Lidia
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Patricia Lidia is a corporate engineer, writer, blogger, and coach on creativity and emotional balance. She is passionate about reading and writing, alternative therapies, and spirituality. She is a Reiki master teacher with over ten years of experience. Her aim is to help women find their emotional balance and create the life they’ve always wanted.
She resides in Timisoara, Romania. You can find her at patricialidia.ro/ or patricialidiaemotionalhealing
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