It is the effort, not the results that matter. – Maria V. Snyder
Namaste to All,
Hope everyone is safe and sound on the planet. Something that prompted me to write this article was my last few healing sessions. As always my client booked the session and it started. Eventually, the intention was the highest good of my client. Everything went well. The session ended and my clients felt peace. But later on, what my client informed me was beyond my expectations. Whatever happened compelled me to think once again that, is this me or my client intended, is this the highest good?
Subsequently several years of my practice, I started doubting myself and the healing methodologies I was working with. It was high time. I paused my appointments and schedules. Some deep diving and introspection was the need of the hour. I questioned myself, what went wrong? Was it the intention or the method or the methodology? I kept asking my guardian angels and Reiki guides till I found the right answer.
There was nothing wrong with my methods or methodology. It was the expectation. We expect and visualise a particular result in the light of our judgments. But when we say at the end ‘for the highest good’ and let go of the results, everything starts falling in place as per divine timings. Healings make a way that is best and meant to resolve issues with ease and peace. Hence, the more we let go of results, the higher the chances of positive outcomes.
Another aspect is that we start comparing. For example, if I am manifesting a particular amount of money to receive but I received a different amount that was not as per my expectation. In this case, there will be doubt and round of thoughts that what went wrong where. But nothing is wrong. No matter what we intend to receive, if we are asking for “the highest good”, we will receive the same. As our conscious mind is not aware of the best but our higher self is. Always connect with your higher self while doing Reiki Healings. You may use the HSZSN symbol for connection.

Healing (here healing means Reiki healing) prepares our conscious and subconscious mind to accept the final result in the best possible manner. For example, if I desire something big (like a big house or a luxury car), I shall be adaptable to small changes in life. Otherwise, no matter how big my achievement is, I will start losing to square one. Hence to receive big changes we must adapt to the smaller ones. In this scenario connect with your future self with help of HSZSN and visualise yourself in that scenario. Feel the energy of results. Pen down your experiences.
Another guidance I received was the Divine timings. What we see and perceive is one or two dimensional. What Divine or beings of Divine light sees and perceives is multidimensional. Therefore at the beginning, we may not find the outcomes or results as per our expectations but later on, we would see how healings made the way that was best possible and meant to achieve things with ease and peace. Whenever preparing for a session, my advice is to connect with your guardian angels. You can simply invoke them by saying a simple prayer like, “Dear Guardian Angels of mine, I call upon you now to be with me, guide me and protect myself during the session”.
The next and very important message was ‘doubting myself’. I got to know that this is the biggest block in the path of any healing modality. Doubt comes from fear. We fear that we might sabotage our self-image as a healer. In this process, we limit our beliefs and start doubting. But this should not happen in any given case. Reiki or other healing methods will take you to the path meant not only for healing but for enlightenment. When you intend the highest good then that’s what going to happen. So go with the flow. Clear your doubts/fears with the help of CKR. Heal and fill your mind with SHK after clearing.
Last but not least. This was the lesson meant to be learned. Never put your personal experiences or judgments while healing others. It will lead you and your client to utter confusion. And ethically it is also not right. Always be neutral and refrain to pour your emotions or views into your client’s session. To achieve this always put yourself and your client in separate chi-balls with clear intentions.
This article is based completely on my experiences and guidance that I received from Reiki guides and my Guardian angels. Hope you find it beneficial too.
Love, Light and Gratitude.
Article by Rene Mic
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Rene Mic is a Post Graduate and worked in corporate profile as an Administration Manager for over 10 years. She is a Reiki Master, Angels Practitioner, and Tarot Card Reader. She finds Reiki as the best gift of Divine that taught her to heal not only self and others. Reiki enables her to heal mother nature and its elements too. It connects her to his soul and mother earth as well. Her aim is to spread love and light to this planet for the well being of all. She resides in Delhi NCR, India. Her email ID is
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