A standard Reiki treatment covers most body areas, and all the seven chakras – and it usually lasts about an hour or a little over.
As the practitioners give the treatment, either to themselves or to other persons, they tend to listen to their intuition and spend more time on areas that “draw more energy” compared to the others. If you don’t feel the energy flow yet, don’t worry, just spend equal time in each position.
There are variations of these positions, and some Reiki Masters teach them differently. Some may teach more or fewer positions. If in doubt, do as your Master has taught you, or follow your intuition.
The images below cover self-healing. We have another article with the reiki hand positions for healing others here.
At the end of the article is a chart you can download in PDF format and print.
Reiki Hand Positions for Head
Position 1: Cover the eyes approximately with the palms of your hands.
Position 2: Cover the ears approximately with the palms of your hands.
Position 3: Place your hands on the back of your head, either one on top of the other as in the image below, or alternatively you can place them side by side.
Reiki Hand Positions for Front of the Body
Position 4: Place your hands on each side of your neck.
Position 5: Place one hand on the chest, above the breasts, and the other just above it, towards the neck.
Position 6: Place your hands under the breasts, in the solar plexus area.
Position 7: Place your hands on the abdomen, over the stomach.
Position 8: Place your hands in a V shape, fingers touching or almost touching, below the waist (for men) or over the ovaries (for women).
Reiki Hand Positions for Back of the Body
Position 9: Place your hands on your shoulders, fingers bent over, pointing towards the shoulder blades.
Position 10: Place your hands on your waist, on the back, palms placed on each side of the spine at comfortable distance.
Position 11: Place your hands on your hips on the back of your body.
Reiki Hand Positions for Legs and Feet
Position 12: Place your hands over your knees.
Position 13: Cup each foot with your hands.
Reiki Hand Positions Downloadable Chart
To download the full chart in PDF format, see below.

Reiki Hand Positions
License: You may print an unlimited number of copies of the PDF document. You may use the document in a commercial setting, and you may distribute the document, as long as it remains intact and this license notice is included. You may not modify the document in any way.
Very nice,self explanatory,useful
Light & Blessings for the sharing
Very useful love and light angel blessings
Thank you ,nice,useful message
vazhga valamudan
Thank you so much. I was looking for such a chart!!!
Thank you 🙂
Thank you for sharing this. Very easy to understand, and the drawings are excellent! Light and love to you all 🙂
many thanks.
It is the easiest method of hand positions. Sridharbabu.T
no son necesarias tantas posturas, con equilibrar los 7 chakras principales es suficiente.
Nice and compact.
Thank U
Thank you for this very useful chart!
thank you very much….greetings from romania..
Wonderful chart…. Love the website. Seems like I learn something new or additional every day!
Thank You For Sharing :))
Thank you:) needed it badly:)
Bless you
One of the clearest and most explanatory set of hand positions I have seen in print.
It’s too good. I was searching for this. Thanks a lot.
The examples of the hand positions are nicely done. Thank you for sharing and it is most appreciated.
Dear sir,
In TAMIL there is a proverb,”THIRAI KADAL ODIYUM THIRAVIYAM THEDU”.Go to any place to earn money/knowledge..
It is wonderful, we are getting knowledge, without moving to any place.
Iam also happy because,lot of indians are watching and expressing there opinion about reiki.
Thanks for opening our eyes.
With love.
Thank-you so much for this.
I’m glad I found your website.
Thanks very helpful while doing reiki .
Thanks,very usefull
very useful and effective. it is indeed great to have such selfless motivating intentions. i see nothing but universal energy behind it. let us enrich our-self with reiki blessings. looking forward for more support. thanks a ton
Very good
how funny! i already do these hand positions. thanks
Thank you I needed these Namsstep
I learned 24 positions of Reiki. Reiki has been very effective for immediate relief from pain.
I Thank you, What do you say as you perform this? Namaste
Thank you so much for sharing, this is very useful and very easy to understand, blessings x
Thank you so much for this great chart! I’ve been looking for one that has great detail and is very easy to understand.
Many Thanks.
Thank you so much !
Thank you
Thank you, very usefull
Thank you so much. Love & Light
Just a extra large thank you.
Very beautiful explained. Thank you! 🙂
Thank you a lot for these pics! They are very helpful.
Just a question…
There are a lot of kind of Reiki in the world, with a lot of kind of positions, most similar, most different.
I would like to know from which “type” of Reiki are they from?
I mean are they from ORIGINAL JAPANESE REIKI, or from Alliance (Phyllis Lei Furumoto) Reiki… or?
Thank you in advance for your reply
Why only 12 shown in place of 24 ?
は紛れもなく、あなたが言っていると信じています。あなたのお気に入りの正当化は、インターネット上での注意すべき最も簡単な事のようでした。私はあなたに言う、私は間違いなくイライラものの 男性と女性は彼らははっきりと知らない心配を考えます。あなたは、トップの上に釘を打つために管理し、全体外にも定義されて副作用を持つがないもの、人々信号を取ることができます。そう取得するために戻ってくるもっと。調査後のおかげ
Thanks to you very much
Nice chart.
I love this techniques, I´m a brazilian máster of reiki and I´d like to deep my knownledge of Karuna reiki, and Seichem reiki. God´s inner each body of Universal Life. Thank you very much for all rules which I could practicing.
Is that necessary to give reiki all parts of body everyday?or only give reiki to seven chakras? I am confused
I love you these Books so much. May Rekie God bless you….Thank you so much….Bhakthavathsala
What a wonderful site, and so much information, I have learned so much from your site in a short period of time, and looking forward to what else I can learn to help be better at my healing .Thank you
Also I want tho thank You for this excellent help. Now I am so happy, that I did not stop learning the english language. Thanks and Love
Thankyou so much your charts make it so much easier when learning.
Am going to print them off and make a wall vhart in my healing space.
Thank you for excellent help.
Thanks. God bless you
Good morning
I have a friend who keeps sending me reiki I was going thru a very bad phase of my life but with REIKI I am bcom so strong n better . I want to do a reiki courses but very difficult to find I live in London NW9 6PD if u can guide me I would appreciate it from the core of my heart.
Aaaallllll your books are so gud I have just started reading as I received it yesterday only the 1st book only has made me feel so good
Thanks a million billion trillion times for all the information u have sent about the hand position .
OH, this is VERY helpful <3 Many thanks for this sweet offering!! _/\_
Love and Light,thanks to you and Universe
How long do you hold each position?
Thank you ???
Thank you! I was just trying to study them last night and was having trouble following the sheet provided to me.
Last night thought of some simple reiki and lol it pops up now.Thank you divine reiki and thank you too divine soul.I am one with you.
Sending you love and light in return.
I did this now and felt reiki energy. Beautiful!!
Thanks a lot for sharing the knowledge.
Thank you so much, for this help me and others to heal physically, emotionally and spiritually.
This is so much information and easy to understand. Thank you so much!
Thanks for the help.
Thank you so very much!
Infinitas gracias, me encanto la opción en español estare pendiente de todas sus publicaciones. Gracias gracias gracias
Very clear and very helpful !
Nice explained
My heart is full of gratitude and Thanksgiving for this amazing chart, enlightening e-books and articles. God bless you , your team and your wonderful work to create a wonderful human being through reiki.
I have never came across such tremendous effort and knowledge as this ‘reikirays’. Your emails are truely very educative.
Thank you once again!
Thank you so for sharing.
These charts are very handy! <3
Gratitude !
Thank you for reading this article and hope all the insights shared will help you develop your Reiki practice! Many blessings 🙏
So grateful – thank you so much for sharing
Thank you! Love these charts!
Thank you! Love these charts!