Aura is an energy field that surrounds the human body. Our aura and body connects through energy centers called Chakras. Unless a person has psychic or highly tuned spiritual abilities, Aura appears invisible to the naked eye. In true words, aura is an electromagnetic force field that surrounds every living organism and object in this universe. The Human Energy Field;…
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Reiki Rays Turns One. Month :-). Best Posts Roundup and Newsletter Launch
Dear friends, Exactly one month ago, we were posting our very first article on Reiki Rays. Although it’s only been one month, so much has happened that it seems like it’s been one year. Thank you A big thank you to all our readers, Facebook fans, Twitter followers, and subscribers via RSS, email or other channels. Love, light, and Reiki…
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Reiki Levels Of Attunement
In order to practice Reiki on others, one needs to learn Attunement process. Attunement is a ceremony that is given to a Reiki student upon completion of a level of study in Reiki. In attunement ceremony, Reiki master passes on the Universal Life Force Energy from the Master to student. After getting attunement, the student gets the energy implanted in…
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How the Meridians and Chakras Work Together?
Chakras are spiritual energy centers located in our spiritual bodies that channels Universal Life force Energy or Qi/Ki both (In and Out) of our physical and spiritual selves. They are considered both transmitters and receivers of energy. Meridians are energy paths in the body in which Qi/Ki flows through. The idea with both is that one must have balanced Chakras…
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How Reiki Works?
Reiki is a spiritual practice of healing. It uses and heals the Universal Life Force within and around a person. This Universal Life Force with is energy is called Qi or Ki. Reiki uses the concept that in order for a person to be healthy and balanced, they need to have a free flow of Qi/Ki both within and around…
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