Article by Sheetal Sapan Mhatre
Every business whether it’s small or big requires promotion and marketing to expand. You can hire a smart and extremely intelligent marketing tool at no cost, wondering how it is possible. It’s completely possible with Reiki and Archangel Chamuel. We are working with Archangel Chamuel as he will help in finding customers. Here are the methods.
1. Morning Prayer
Every morning light a candle or a lamp and make a Chi Ball and visualize the Power symbol (Cho Ku Rei), the Mental/Emotional symbol (Sei He Ki) and the Distance symbol (Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen) in the Chi Ball and say: “Dear God, Goddess, Archangel Chamuel whoever will benefit from buying my products and services give them the wisdom, willingness and finances to buy my products and services so that we both mutually benefit from our association, this or better. Thank you!”

Image by adinavoicu
2. Raise the Vibrations
Draw Reiki symbols like the Power symbol (Cho Ku Rei), the Mental/Emotional symbol (Sei He Ki) and the Distance symbol (Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen) on the walls of your business, visiting cards website, Facebook page and products, this will raise the vibrations of your business and will help to ward off any kind of negativity and at the same time will help attract more customers as well as goodwill.
3. Evening Ritual
At the end of the day send a Chi Ball with Power symbol (Cho Ku Rei) symbol to protect your business place and also offer gratitude by saying: “Divine Guardian Angels of my business thank you for blessing me with so much prosperity, good will, and success. Please continue to shower your blessings on the business and make it grow beautifully, this or better. Thank you!”
4. Wednesday Ritual
Wednesday is a day of Mercury, if you want things to manifest faster in life then praying on Wednesday helps. Take a golden candle and draw Reiki symbols on it. Light it every Wednesday and pray for abundance. Visualise yourself covered in golden light.
5. Ethics and Action
A business that is done ethically and with dedication grows multifold. When the energy of Reiki is added magic begins to unfold.
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Sheetal Sapan Mhatre is a Reiki Usui Master. She is also a Certified Angel Intuitive from Doreen Virtue, MBA in human resources and Masters in Commerce. She is a certified Train the Trainer. She takes workshops on Angel Guidance, Prosperity, Tarot, Goddess Lakshmi and Angel Magick. She is also an Angel and Tarot card reader. Sheetal can be reached on Facebook page at Spiritual Retreat by Sheetal Sapan Mhatre.
THANK YOU, Mrs Sheetal Sapan Mhatre for your wonderful explanation. May God & kreiki lights guide you to write many more articles to help us “readers”
Many blessings to you.
Paree Preity
Paree thank you for your kind words
Can you do the same for increasing your sales and meeting daily targets.
Yes you can dear
Very nice to learn this way and we can revive
Thank you
* reiki lights
Thanks sheetal for your Dedication n continuous update and support to your followers.
Thanks Chanchal for kind words
Excellent Article Sheetal, Its Really great thought to Bless the people who are buying our products !!Can u also Guide on Sending Energies to Emails which we send to our Clients , looking forward for same .
Thank you very much mam for wonderful article.. you are doing excellent work.. THANK YOU
Thank you very much.Sheethalji for your Divine Guidance.May God Bless You with Divine Knowledge and Divine Success.Stay Blessed Always.?????????
thanks Sheetal, can I do this to sell my small business house.
Hi Shital
Late …I am reiki practitioner who had left
I am starting now again … Pl tell me how can I give reiki to my husband’s business ?
Latha Ramachandran
I am a house wife. I disappointed as not able to earn. Now I have started trading in share market with a little amount saved. I am not able to get profit on daily. Please bless me with reiki energy so that I can get for monthly expenditure. Thank you.
Thanking for sharing the valuable process. I shall certainly use it for improving my business. I shall report the results after a certain time.
I am introduced to reiki (level 1 & 2 ) a year back and hope that your article will be useful in taking the business to a different level.