“They are the chosen ones, who have surrendered” … Rumi.
Deep words, deep thought. However, the word surrender doesn’t go very well with many of us. There is a sense of weakness aligned with the term. So often, I get cold responses in my classes when I talk about surrendering oneself to the divine for the best results. So, let’s explore a little more why it happens in this article. I have kept the discussion in accordance with reiki, but it applies to spiritual conduct in general.
Starting from the beginning, the first attunement to Reiki begins our journey with the infinite, never-ending source of divine energy that is available to us through a simple prayer. Reiki becomes an important part of our daily life as we continue to practice, and countless positive changes are witnessed. The unnecessary and unwanted energy blocks are washed away, and their place is taken by gentle yet powerful cosmic energy. In addition to the physical, mental, and emotional healing, our oneness with the universe is strengthened. Our frequencies and vibrations start tuning with the universe, and we see the results in front of our eyes in the form of wish manifestations.
Sending energy to our desires and visualizing them happening is a lovely feeling. As the connection to the universe becomes more prominent, instant manifestation becomes frequent, and a sense of power is strongly felt. We feel more confident and in control of our lives, and here, sometimes, the fine line between confidence and ego disappears. At times, when we are manifesting our wishes again and again, thanking the universe and living our desired reality, we tend to skip asking the universe that let it be for our highest good. We are convinced and certain that whatever we ask is for our best, and the cosmos shall deliver it.

Now let us revise the basics of manifestation –
1. Aabhar (Gratitude)
Thanking the universe for big and small things and expressing gratitude for being there for us sets the tone for any desires we want to be fulfilled. A heartfelt thank you makes the most powerful connection that then further results in achieving our goals. It’s like a hug that you give to the universe, and the universe responds back with a warmer embrace.
2. Anurodh (Request)
After expressing our gratitude, we now make a wish and ask it to be fulfilled. We visualize it as already being done and try to experience the emotions and feelings of joy which we expect to go through when our wish gets fulfilled in reality. We pray that if the wish is for our highest good, it shall be granted.
3. Prayas (Effort)
Working towards fulfilling our goals is critical. The universe watches over our efforts to make our wishes come true and what our desires really mean to us. Once a sincere effort is recognised, the universe rewards our sincerity.
4. Samarpan (Surrender)
Samarpan or Aatmsamarpan; once the course is set and we have set in motion the above three steps, the last step is to leave it and let the universe decide its fate. Here comes the question: if we put in so much effort for a sincere wish to come true, then what’s the point in letting it go at the last moment? On the one hand, we are asking the universe to grant our wish, and on the other hand, we are sliding it away for an unknown outcome. Is surrendering a weakness or our incapability to take decisions that we are displaying to the universe? To many people, the word surrender gives a negative vibe as it displays the weakness on our part, in rough terms, a cowardly act.
The truth is, surrender is the bravest and the strongest step where we not only detach ourselves from the outcome, but we show our absolute faith in the universe. When we ask the universe to fulfill our wishes, we know that a sincere request will be granted. Surrendering is a step ahead that shows we trust the universe, and everything will work out in our favor. It’s like we want to reach a destination, and we hand over the steering wheel to the person we rely upon. We have full faith that we will reach safely, timely, and easily.
Surrendering does not mean giving up or showing helplessness on our part. It’s letting go of the need to control things, knowing that all will be well taken care of. Surrender shows the ultimate faith in the divine order and makes space for miracles. In reality, we control nothing; a fake sense of ownership prevents us from letting go of things. Once we realize this, it becomes easy to flow with the energies of the universe. Believe and trust that once we hand over our desires to the universe and surrender our wishes, our ego, and our thoughts for our highest good, we shall see miracles happening in front of our eyes. We shall get much more than we desired in a much better and more beautiful manner. Have faith that the universe is always watching and what we give shall be returned back to us. Make the universe your best pal, charioteer, and confidant, and reap the fruits of absolute bliss.
Thank you
Love and Light
Article by Astha Shrivastava
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Astha is attuned to Reiki since 19 years and has started healing those in need since her first Reiki level in 2000. She achieved the grandmasters level 6 years ago and since then has been teaching Reiki to people. Being a Ph.D. in Biotechnology, she has a basic instinct of combining science with Reiki and utilizing the combination for the highest good of people. She firmly believes that the basic knowledge of how various tissue and organs of body function adds to the effect of energy healing. She has also expanded her Reiki boundaries to encompass Angel Reiki and Crystal Reiki. Astha also provides consultations to Reiki channels and seekers to help them grow in their practice. Currently, she features as a partner expert on lifepositive.com/therapist/asthashrivastava and can be contacted at reiki.astha81@gmail.com.
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