Although it seems incredible, the transmission of energy to balance and heal oneself or other people is something very natural for humans. We are born with a sense for detecting energy frequencies and many of us try to channel energy to regulate ourselves. As a child, I had this motivation to send energy to other people even without knowing the existence of Reiki. And I know many people who also felt that call towards channeling energy.
But it is very important to know that this channeling of energy natural and instinctive is not the same as doing Reiki. To be a Reiki practitioner is to receive a specialization in how this technique should be performed. We can compare it with the preparation received in various professions of which we may have some knowledge, but require that we acquire more information to be experts. For example, a house designed by oneself is not the same as one designed by an architect, even though we have lived in houses all our lives; A haircut done by oneself is not the same as one done by an expert hairdresser. But the professional comparison that seems most appropriate to Reiki is that of an athlete.
An athlete, for any sport in which performs, receives a “theoretical” preparation, but he must also carry out permanent training, applying this theoretical information to exercises, and must also have a good physical condition that allows him or her to carry out this activity. In Reiki practice, it is very similar. At each level in Reiki education, we receive some theoretical explanation of the history and technique and we also receive an attunement. The Reiki attunement would be like the physical preparation that the athlete must do, it takes us into the energetic state that enables us to be a channeler of universal vital energy. Although, unlike physical preparation, the athlete must make a great physical effort in many training sessions, while in the attunement we are still receiving the work that the Reiki master does, and in single attunement, we are prepared to channel Reiki.
In this way, the Reiki attunement improves our energetic state, prepares us, and enables us to be a better energy channel than we are without this “training”. Just as practicing a sport is an important step towards having a good physical condition, practicing Reiki (even on other people) also helps us to have a better energetic state.

But what happens if we channel energy without being a Reiki practitioner? We are not going to have a sprain, a broken bone, or some physical discomfort as someone can do when they practice a sport intensely without physical preparation. For those who channel energy without being a Reiki practitioner, one recommendation is to limit to practicing it on yourself and not send energy to others. When channeling energy for yourself the worst that can happen is that you stay with your own negative vibrations, but when you channel energies for someone else, you can charge yourself with the frequencies that overwhelm this person or you can also use your own personal energy to balance this person and become energetically depleted.
When I channeled energy without being a Reiki practitioner, I did it just before sleeping, sending energy to my loved ones. Then I slept and woke up perfectly fine the next morning. For this reason, I could not perceive the energetic depletion involved in channeling energy to others.
To illustrate this situation of what can happen when channeling energy without being a Reiki practitioner, I will tell you what happened to a dear friend of mine. Her daughter had leukemia and was hospitalized and receiving medical treatment, so my friend was permanently taking care of her daughter in the hospital. The girl was receiving Reiki in person and remotely from some Reiki practitioners, but when they were not available, her mother instinctively decided to energize her herself. By doing so she saw that her daughter felt better, but she was exhausted and needed that someone else to take care of her daughter. This happened because she sent her own energy to the girl instead of channeling energy as Reiki practitioners do. Fortunately, her daughter recovered and today she is a healthy woman.
So channeling energy without using the Reiki technique can cause discomfort to the point of leaving you so tired that you need to go immediately to bed and you may not feel any greater consequences than that. But if you are a Reiki practitioner, while you are channeling not only improves the person receiving but you as well. In addition to this, you can channel a greater energy flow and you can receive the benefit from the symbols and techniques that help you protect yourself and send the energy frequency that is needed.
For all this I recommend that people who feel called to be a channel of energy, do not miss the opportunity to learn Reiki, to receive this training that we call attunement to be able to channel energy in a more appropriate way.
Article by Magalí Giménez
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I am Magalí, I am a Molecular Biologist, I have a PhD in Biological Sciences, I specialize in plant genetics and epigenetics.
I am a Master in Usui Reiki and level two Karuna Reiki®. I am a reader and healer of Akashic Registers.
You can visit my meditation channel in Spanish @ElMayorBien, and you can contact me at
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