You have begun your Reiki practice and received a request to perform Reiki on someone’s pet or livestock. Whether you intend to have a strict animal clientele or a combination of human and animal, one thing is clear: love all animals. By loving, I do not mean you are required to accept a particular species as clientele. I mean, understand all animals are energetic creatures whom we have a spiritual bond with as healers. It will not be spiritually or financially beneficial to you if you cannot understand the energetic strength that animals hold. Animals are more in tune with nature and spirit. Some are just as adept at being healers as you are.
If you have a pet yourself, you understand the love and goodness that sharing space with your animal has in your home life. You also always feel the energy flow between you and your pet. Just as I do with my fur baby, you probably Reiki him or her every day, all the while receiving as well as giving universal energy each time. If you are a healer who is not a pet owner, do not dismiss your ability to help an animal in the healing process. Reiki energy is for everything, including assisting animals. People especially need healers for their animals who have suffered because of the negligence of others.
As you know, a lot of pet owners hire healers for their dogs or cats and so do organizations that rescue animals. I adopted my fur baby, William Wallace, from a well-known pet rescue named BarksnBitches. These dedicated animal lovers saved him and many other doggies from kill shelters and other horrific situations. The trauma Wallace suffered was clear. He would allow no one to touch him without becoming aggressive or fearful. Wallace was always looking for a way out of my home. He was under normal weight and scared. But by giving him Reiki and being patient, he is now a happy, lovable doggie who always wants to play and gives lots of love to others. Wallace does not suffer any emotional or mental issues from his previous ordeal. I respected him as a living creature, and I let Reiki guide me in his healing.
This is what healers must do with all animals. In performing Animal Reiki, it is up to the healer to be in tune with Reiki energy to where he, she, or they can sympathize completely. This allows for effective removal of the trauma and the pain instilled. A proper explanation about how Reiki helps ease the animal and owner into a safer emotional space should occur at the initial consult. You want the owner to know and feel confident that you are the right healer to assist in this process. Be sure to show your skill in not only Reiki, but your understanding of the emotional intelligence of all animals.

Recommend that the owner receive Reiki simultaneously or separately to help their animal in the healing process. As mentioned, animals are energetic creatures. If the owner is still carrying the pain and trauma for their pet, then it will be difficult to release the trauma in your session. It will be a challenge to break the barrier if the owner cannot release their own fear of the animal. This creates a cycle of what I call “Fear Healing.”
Fear Healing occurs when the owner continues treating the animal as if it is a damaged creature that is incapable of healing. The owner, unknowingly, is not respecting the individual personality of the animal or the ability to heal that is present. Instead, the owner is instilling a sense of helplessness and dependency within the energetic field of the animal. When, in fact, the animal needs a little space to understand the new environment is one of safety, individuality, and love. As a healer, you must be able to differentiate between the owner’s emotion and the animal’s emotion, then address both within the Reiki session. Inform the owner that constantly saying positive words and performing acts of love for the animal, combined with Reiki, helps expedite the healing process. These actions will eliminate the possibility of a Fear Healing cycle for both.
Remember, helping animals with Reiki is synonymous to helping people. We want the best outcome in a Reiki session for all parties. As mentioned, if you are a Reiki healer who has not been around animals or who does not have pets, do not worry. Your Reiki will not falter. Have faith that the healing will be just as strong and successful with your animal client as it will with your human client. If you have allergies and cannot be in the presence of certain animals, then consider and recommend performing a Distance Reiki session. It is just as effective as an in-person session.
Below are a few of my personal tips to get you prepared for your first Animal Reiki session. I have found them to be beneficial in my practice and I hope you agree.
- Tip 1: Make sure you feel comfortable working with animals. This article focused mostly on pets, but the client may ask you to Reiki livestock, such as a horse. If you do not feel comfortable, then refer the client to another healer who will do the job appropriately.
- Tip 2: If you feel comfortable with an animal, allow the space to be prepared according to the sleeping or resting habit of the animal. Do not force a new or uncomfortable situation. I allow pet beds to be brought in and I make sure the owner is near or holding the animal. If it is livestock, I always recommend beaming Reiki to the animal while it is in a resting state.
- Tip 3: Know the animal’s body. Learn the location of the various organs, muscles, bones, and major energy channels. This will allow you to understand the animal better. If possible, speak with a veterinarian to learn typical characteristics and habits. But keep in mind that each animal is different based on the living conditions and experiences.
- Tip 4: If the animal does not want or should not be physically near you, i.e., livestock, beam Reiki. If it is a pet and not livestock, move forward little by little each time you perform Reiki. You can do this in a single session or over a period of sessions. Allow the animal to feel your energy and get to know you in this manner before attempting to touch. As mentioned, if the animal is livestock, you will always want to be a safe distance away as you send Reiki unless you are familiar with the animal. Working with livestock is the perfect opportunity to beam Reiki.
- Tip 5: Always maintain a calm tone if you choose to speak. Do not make sudden hand gestures or movements and do not wear perfume or intense deodorant. Go slowly and at a steady pace. Let Reiki flow freely.
- Tip 6: Remember, animals do not need a lot of energy. If an animal wants to leave your session within 15 minutes after receiving Reiki, allow it. You can always make up the time by sending Reiki to the situation or to the owner. Be clear of any variation of agreement. Never shortchange the paying client by ending the session earlier than expected. If you do so, refund part of the payment.
- Tip 7: Whenever you can help an animal in need with Reiki, do it. The Cosmos will smile upon you for the good deed, and Nature will return the favor.
If you feel unsure about working with animals, sign up for an Animal Reiki Certification class to help. These classes offer detailed guidance on working with animals, how the healing process works, and prepare you energetically and emotionally to Reiki animals.
Article by LaTanya L. Hill, JD
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LaTanya L. Hill, JD is the creator of KA® Reiki, a spiritual healing technique that taps into ancestral energies while strengthening a person’s inner spirit; the sole proprietor of IMREIKINOW®, an energy healing company based in Los Angeles, California, and an Approved Provider for the California Board of Registered Nursing. She is also a certified Reiki Master Teacher in Usui Reiki Ryoho, Holy Fire III, and Karuna Reiki® and a Chakra Healing Master. Her Reiki handbook, “Reiki Vibrations with 33 Meditations and Affirmations,” is available online and offers healers and lay persons Reiki advice, meditations, and affirmations that may be used in both daily and work life. LaTanya is also an expert teacher on the Insight Timer App with Reiki meditations and courses published internationally. She has been featured in and written for multiple Reiki and business organizations and has been interviewed about Reiki on various podcasts. For more information go to and follow LaTanya on social media @imreikinow, to see video testimonials of Reiki sessions, certifications, and more.
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