I often find that as a client’s healing progresses through Reiki, they may reach a point in their journey where they become stuck and unable to move forward on their own. This may involve having to make difficult decisions about their lives, setting new goals or just taking the next logical step in their journey of healing. In such instances I would draw on life coaching to provide some structure within which a client can comfortably take that next step. This could be on a very informal and intuitive basis or through a very structured transformation coaching process.
The aim of a more intuitive process is to complement the Reiki healing process with constructive guidance and to encourage clients to take responsibility and actively participate in their healing process by setting and achieving attainable goals.
As an example, my client Jane (name changed to protect her privacy) was suffering from depression. She showed substantial progress towards recovery and healing through a combination of conventional and Reiki treatment. However, we reached a point where she felt elevated levels of energy, well-being and vitality, but she felt incapable of setting goals for herself. Jane was unable to motivate herself to achieve these goals once set. With life coaching as a basis, I guided her towards setting small, realistic, day-to-day goals and record her successes with each of these goals. With this her confidence grew and she was able to set bigger and bolder goals. Although none of this occurred in a formal life coaching setup, I was able to provide her with this guidance and monitor her progress within the safety of the Reiki treatment session. This is such a wonderful success story of how Reiki healing combined with another therapy can truly support a client in their healing journey!

After a Reiki healing session, clients often ask HOW they can make the changes they desire to live a more fulfilled and happy life. They feel overwhelmed, do not know where to even begin making the changes to support their healing and a healed life. All they know is that they need to do things differently… They need proper guidance! With this in mind, I have designed a 12-step transformation coaching programme through which a client is guided and supported to step into a healed life of living authentically and true – a life that is no longer based on fear, guilt and misplaced obligation. This is a more structured and formal coaching programme that usually stands outside, but complementary to their Reiki healing process. For many clients the healing process may seem daunting and this transformation programme is geared to provide them with the tools to make lasting changes, take their power back and become the hero of their own stories.
Life coaching also provides me with background and tools to deal with “difficult” clients – yes, as Reiki practitioners we sometimes do come across a “difficult” client. As in all other therapies, the success of Reiki therapy is dependent on the client’s willingness and commitment to their own healing.
Occasionally I would have to deal with the “joker”, the “victim” or the “spiritual addict” and being able to identify them and not fall prey to their manipulations and tactics makes me a far more confident and effective therapist. So, life coaching skills are not simply good to have to be supportive of a client and their healing process, but also very handy in support of my role as healer, therapist and “holder” of the healing space.
I have found that the skills required for effective life coaching are applicable to all forms of therapy. As a Reiki therapist I need to be able to effectively listen and respond to clients’ needs, remain impartial and non-judgemental and most of all, release myself from the burden of personal investment in the success (or not) of their healing. I have acquired these skills through my training as a Reiki Master/Teacher, my experience but also through my training as a life coach and transformation coach. As a Holistic Therapist I have found great benefit on a personal level and in support of my clients through combining Reiki with life coaching and transformation coaching.
Please stay tuned for my next article where I will discuss Reiki Combined: Reiki and Using the Pendulum
Article by Thea van der Merwe, Ph.D.
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Thea van der Merwe, Ph. D. is a nationally and internationally trained holistic energy, certified and experienced Master Reiki Practitioner, qualified in Usui Reiki, Reijukido, Karuna® Reiki, Karuna Ki Reiki, Crystal Reiki, and Gendai Reiki. She obtained the title of Shihan (full master/teacher), the highest level in Gendai Reiki Ho. Besides her greatest passion which is Reiki, Thea is also a spiritual shaman, healer, and teacher, offering readings as a way of accessing spiritual guidance. Her journey of personal discovery, growth, and healing started back in 2005 when she was personally in need of healing and searching for something more than what conventional medicine and therapy could provide. Thea is currently nationally and internationally registered with the South African Reiki Masters Association and The Reiki Healing Association respectively – both professional associations for the local and global Reiki communities, working to promote the wide-reaching practice and healing effects of Reiki throughout the world and where the primary philosophy is that together, we can do so much more. You can get into contact with Thea van der Merwe at viterra.co.za, which is her website, and at facebook.com/viterrahealing on Facebook.
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