Reiki is an effective treatment of allergies as it balances the immune system. I always ask clients about allergies during our introductory session and often clients would indicate the possibility of an allergic condition, but without being sure of the cause(s) of such a condition. Being able to obtain further information about the symptom(s) they experience, their living and working environments and the circumstances within which the symptom(s) may be experienced, I am able to provide them with additional allergy management tools over and above Reiki therapy. The identification of allergy triggers is the first step. Lifestyle changes and other measures can then be set in motion to manage, minimise and eliminate allergies.
Within the context of Reiki healing, allergies are often the result of unprocessed, repressed and oppressed emotions. In her book “The Secret Language of Your Body“, Inna Segal refers to the mental and emotional triggers that may manifest as allergies. Many of these emotional states revolve around feeling irritated by people for controlling and/or manipulating you… And this is usually as a result of not standing in your own power, not having and maintaining your boundaries and hanging on to the perceived hurt that other people have caused you.
Due to the nature and nurture of Reiki healing, we are often able to let go of these repressed and oppressed emotions and clear the blockages that they cause. This more often and not alleviates and even clears the allergy that may have manifested. I have also observed how regular Reiki treatments enable clients to effectively manage their allergies, allowing for a more gentle and natural approach to allergy management, rather than having to medicate and over-medicate.

My personal experience has allowed me to clear my own allergies by going into the emotional states that I considered to be the root cause and bring this into the conscious mind. Together with regular Reiki self-healing, setting the intention of healing these emotional blockages, I have been able to completely heal the allergies that have manifested.
This approach to allergies together with Reiki therapy provides for a more holistic approach to dealing with allergies. As a Reiki therapist it is important for me to be able to assist clients with more than just channelling Reiki energy. I need to understand other aspects of their lives and how these affect their vitality and well-being. Modern life is riddled with a variety of allergens – foods, medicines, detergents, cosmetics, the air we breathe, and even our own thoughts and emotions. Many clients suffer from allergies at some stage or another and at various levels.
By being knowledgeable and informed I can be more effective as a therapist, providing clients with ways and means to deal with their allergies on a day-to-day basis, embracing the support that Reiki healing provides.
Please stay tuned for my next article where I will discuss Reiki Combined: Reiki, Life Coaching and Transformation Coaching.
Article by Thea van der Merwe, Ph.D.
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Thea van der Merwe, Ph. D. is a nationally and internationally trained holistic energy, certified and experienced Master Reiki Practitioner, qualified in Usui Reiki, Reijukido, Karuna® Reiki, Karuna Ki Reiki, Crystal Reiki, and Gendai Reiki. She obtained the title of Shihan (full master/teacher), the highest level in Gendai Reiki Ho. Besides her greatest passion which is Reiki, Thea is also a spiritual shaman, healer, and teacher, offering readings as a way of accessing spiritual guidance. Her journey of personal discovery, growth, and healing started back in 2005 when she was personally in need of healing and searching for something more than what conventional medicine and therapy could provide. Thea is currently nationally and internationally registered with the South African Reiki Masters Association and The Reiki Healing Association respectively – both professional associations for the local and global Reiki communities, working to promote the wide-reaching practice and healing effects of Reiki throughout the world and where the primary philosophy is that together, we can do so much more. You can get into contact with Thea van der Merwe at, which is her website, and at on Facebook.
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