Reiki training also involves learning to send Reiki to the past.
What does this mean exactly?
By focusing on the past, are we missing out on the present moment?
Not at all. In fact, it’s quite the contrary!
The past does not exist anymore. However, positive and negative memories from the past continue to remain alive within our consciousness. If left unchecked, some of our negative memories can hold us back and prevent us from living life at our highest potential.
Sending Reiki to the past just means healing the distorted memory (or energetic association) of a past event so space is opened up for fresh new energy to take its place. Healing the past doesn’t necessarily mean forgetting a negative event. Forgetting an unpleasant event may be impossible for many of us. However, neutralising the negative charge associated with it is certainly a possibility. Healing can also include coming into a higher understanding and acceptance of why something happened the way it did and making peace with it.
There is no one formula to heal a past event nor any specific way in which healing may be expected to occur. Healing usually unfolds differently for different people. In the context of Reiki, let us look at two of the most probable ways in which healing of the past could unfold.

Reiki Heals
When we begin to practice Reiki, we learn the art of going within and connecting to our own selves. Regular practice balances the flow of the life force within our system and helps us achieve a higher level of awareness and stability. This new way of being improves our outlook on life and helps our inner strength develop. As a result, it becomes easy to let go of certain memories and patterns. This kind of a spontaneous letting go/healing is more likely to happen with memories and patterns that are not deeply rooted.
Reiki Shows The Way
When issues are deep rooted, Reiki practice alone may not be sufficient to achieve a thorough healing. Wounds from childhood (or adulthood), especially if they involve, any kind of rejection, abandonment, guilt, shame or abuse, could all be considered deep rooted. Troublesome issues with no known root cause (usually believed by many to be rooted in other lifetimes) may need deeper healing too.
In the case of deep rooted issues, Reiki practice can help to make us more aware of the heavy baggage we may be carrying. This increased awareness can motivate us to do something about the issues from our past that need healing. It can inspire us to free ourselves in body, mind and spirit so we can look forward to a more wholesome life in the present.
In order to achieve a complete healing, it may be necessary to take the help of therapists, healers, counselors or medical professionals (or a combination of them). If we are sincere with Reiki practice and in the flow, the path we must take usually makes itself known. The Universe may arrange for us to cross paths with the right people at the right time or guide us on how to connect with other humans who can help. When a suitable path opens up, it is important to walk it.
Healing the past may not happen overnight. It’s a journey that unfolds differently for different people. However, when we are committed to our healing, the Universe will conspire to support us in every way possible.
Reiki Blessings!
Article by Haripriya Suraj, Reiki Master
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Haripriya Suraj is a Reiki Master, Angel Healer and Starseed Lightworker. Reiki is her constant companion from which she derives peace and contentment. She is deeply connected with the Stars and Angels and they form an integral part of her Reiki practice. Her core mission is to help bridge the worlds of Spirit and Science and to help people connect with their unique soul missions. Haripriya offers Reiki healing sessions and training programs in Bangalore, India. Reach Haripriya at, on email at and on Facebook at Angel Light.
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