Feminine energy is one of the topics that has preoccupied me a lot lately. Of course, not by chance. I see more and more women around me who have come to work side by side or even more than the men in their lives. I often feel overwhelmed by the responsibilities I have and the many activities in which I am involved.
I once, by chance (or not) came across an article in which it was mentioned that the verb “to do” is attributed to masculine energy. I realized then that I really am a woman who does a lot, which is why I was a little scared and I realized that I have to take care of balancing this energy from the masculine spectrum with the feminine one.
Perhaps in this period that we are all going through on a planetary level, feminine energies are best suited for our healing and entry into the Trinity, for the awakening of the inner child. We are leaving a masculine era and entering a feminine one. That’s what we all know.
Feminine energy refers to a specific set of traits, considered to be the opposite of those associated with masculine energy. The masculine side is expressed when we work to achieve a goal, when we make progress, when we solve things and move forward. The feminine side is expressed when we live in the present, we embrace the creative energy, we dance, we play and we are aware of our emotional baggage.
The heart chakra is governed by feminine energy. It is one of the most beautiful energies we have on the planet. It has been suppressed for a very long time because it is also a very intuitive energy. We have forgotten our own intuition, and the fourth chakra, the heart chakra, is guided by our own inner guru. When we have a balanced heart chakra, so a balanced feminine energy, we are connected to our own intuition, we feel more compassion and empathy than all other people, we do not need to seek help outside, we have all the resources inside us. Feminine energy is known for its dominance over healing. People who have the dominant heart chakra are often found in professions related to healing, are doctors, masseurs, practitioners of alternative medicine, therapists, psychologists. They aim to heal the earth, they like to plant, to work the land, to make tinctures, to drink teas, they are totally dedicated to healing, their own, but also those around them.
Every human being is a combination of both feminine and masculine traits and there are no specific ones that are inherent in one gender and should not be expected and claimed exclusively from one gender or another. Both feminine and masculine energies are necessary for us to feel complete. Sure, men are usually encouraged to identify more with their masculine energy, but it’s important for them to be able to show their emotions and be flexible. (In fact, now it’s more important than ever to raise boys without gender stereotypes, to teach them to show their emotions and validate their emotional intelligence). Equally, women are encouraged to promote their feminine energy, but it is important for them to know when to be clear and concise, when to take the lead, and when to fight to progress.
But why have so many women lost touch with their feminine energy?
For centuries we have lived mostly in patriarchal societies, where men had power over women, where men held the positions of power and had more privilege – head of the family, leaders of social groups, boss in the workplace and heads of governments and communities. Therefore, since masculine energy was more about progress and moving forward, it was considered more “valuable” than feminine energy. Because of this, women often ended up feeling unbalanced, both individually and culturally. Because of this, traits like aggression, power, stubbornness, and even greed are glorified, whereas empathy, care, and foresight are vilified. When we overestimate masculinity, we spend most of our time working and very little resting, going on vacation, and connecting with others and with ourselves. The overestimation of masculinity also makes us dependent on things – such as phones or laptops – and focus less on experiences – such as time spent in nature or expressing our creative and spiritual side.

When we are too masculine and have lost touch with our own femininity, we often long for things we can’t explain, but intuitively feel we need: rejuvenation, spontaneity, emotional resources, the ability to take risks. Basically, we long for feminine energy!
We are so busy that we rarely take the time to listen to what our souls really need. We keep focusing on the outside, oftentimes forgetting who we really are. We often dig ourselves in piles of files and never stop working, so that we do not feel anything anymore. Because feeling makes us vulnerable. We can easily change that. All we have to do is reconnect with ourselves. An excellent way to do this is to meditate. When we work with ourselves, we explore our thoughts and emotions, we practically drill inside ourselves and bring to light things that we need, but that we have repressed.
Meditate between two rounds of intense work. Do you remember that word, pause? When was the last time you took a break without feeling guilty? When was the last time you took some personal time between two rounds of intense work that required concentration and attention? If you’re like me, you probably started laughing when you read the idea. I mean… meditating during the day is for those who have time, right? But, believe me, it works! The other day I meditated in the middle of the morning on a work day and, immediately after, I managed to achieve so many things! I recommend setting an alarm when you sit down to meditate… I know that pressing the pause button is extremely difficult, I still struggle with the instinct to shoot as much as I can, I admit that I am from that category of perfectionists in series mothers who want to do much more than is necessary. If I make a list of 4 things to do, I do 5 – because I can. However, pressing the pause button is like training a puppy to pee outside. This practice allows you to catch up and create the space you need to recover your energy, so that you do not feel crushed by so much pressure and weight on your shoulders.
Ask for help from your spirit guides!
We must learn to relax and ask for help! We must not stress about what we cannot control, we no longer have to take on responsibilities that do not belong to us, we no longer have to get angry about the small things! We must learn to receive and accept the help of spiritual guides.
But we want to be strong, to prove that we can and to compete, don’t we? Well, here’s the big mistake we’re making. Because we have no way to be in feminine energy wanting to demonstrate and compete, but being relaxed, understanding and accepting that we DO NOT HAVE TO BE ABLE to do everything if that means to exhaust ourselves and, especially, to learn to receive: help, opportunities, guidance… then a new world really opens up for us!
Daily rituals that make you happy!
We shouldn’t forget to have some daily rituals that make us happy. What can you do every day for yourself that will bring you pleasure? I really like to smile in the morning, to look at myself in admiration in the mirror, to take a fragrant bath, to take a walk. Nature charges me so well with energy and vitality. All these little rituals make me feel happy. Also, at the Full Moon, baths with rose oil, milk and flower petals are not missing from my routine. I really feel like a Goddess then! When we take care of our “nature” and when we live by the laws that the Universe has created for us, nothing bad happens to us. When we are emotionally balanced, we attract only beneficial events in our lives!
Embrace the tea break: for the English, tea breaks are a tradition. It’s a time of the day when everything stops. They put on a cup of tea and maybe a slice of cake or some biscuits next to it and take a break. But most of us drink our coffee or tea while working on mobile devices or laptops. When was the last time you took a break to really enjoy a drink? Embrace the idea of a tea break. Schedule the alarm in your calendar and make it your sacred time. Drink from your favorite cup and live the moment. You and that sweet, hot elixir. It doesn’t matter if it’s coffee, tea, turmeric latte, a hot chocolate with caramel sauce, cream and meringues – it’s your moment of reconnection with you.
Go out in nature!
The places can be characterized as either masculine or feminine, depending on their main characteristics. The feminine is the energy and force of life. Places like the forest, the jungle, the parks and the ocean abound in natural feminine energy. Go there when you feel unbalanced and need to revitalize. Embrace a tree, ground yourself walking barefoot through the grass, step into the cold water!
Be creative!
The feminine is the creative force. Historically, femininity has been associated with women because they can create life. But creation can take many forms: artistic expression, writing, dancing, painting or creating new ideas. Think about what you want to create. Anything that takes you into this creative state is considered feminine.
Express yourself emotionally!
If the masculine is defined by logic, the feminine is expressed by emotions. We all have an emotional side, but many of us have not been taught to understand our emotions. If what you feel and how you behave confuses you, don’t worry; you can learn to know and understand yourself better. You do this by listening to what you are feeling and working to improve your emotional intelligence. As you begin to understand what each emotion means, you will automatically begin to feel better about yourself and more complete.
Use Reiki!
The feminine energy activates chakras 4, 6 and 2, Reiki on them triggers strong awareness and cleansing. The effects are felt through emotional, mental and physical releases. Sexual energy is especially activated. Because femininity, without the harmonious manifestation of sexual energy, is only motherhood. The manifestations of the feminine energy are mainly related to the sacral chakra, in relation to the masculine energy! Once these chakras are balanced with the clear intention of regaining the female energy, explanations begin to flow about what it means, how it feels and how this energy manifests itself harmoniously. And obviously, the related “tests” to integrate it.
Draw Cho Ku Rei on the chakra, to connect to that part of the Universe which is pure light, pure energy, unpolluted by any information emitted by any human thought. Then draw Sei He Ki on the chakra and its dorsal projection to eliminate all harmful manifestations. Conclude the symbol suite by drawing Cho Ku Rei again, to seal the chakra energy.
Count on spontaneity and play!
Let’s be honest: we don’t value vacations, connections, relaxation or rest as much as we should. We work too much (too much masculine energy!), and so we do not live the small spontaneous joys of life. Too many of us are waiting for the next vacation to feel relaxed. We don’t have to wait that long! We can have mini-vacations every day. Prioritize rest and moments of relaxation. Read books, listen to music, do yoga and simply enjoy every moment. When you’re not plugged in all the time, you reconnect with your own self.
Life = work + family / friends + you + health + learning… balance!
(sort by your priorities – think hard!)
Test what works for you: to avoid burnout, I started testing a system of breaks and mini-vacations. What works for me:
- 1 day per week total disconnection – Sunday
- 4 days per month total disconnection – an extended weekend
- 7 days per quarter total disconnection – a mini vacation
- 14 days per year total disconnection – annual leave
It’s easy to lose touch with our feminine energy, but it’s an important part of us and who we are. If you feel overwhelmed, worked, fragmented or exhausted, you desperately need your feminine energy, which will restore you, inspire you, give you the zest for life. When I feel overwhelmed by a situation or life itself, I return to my practices of increasing feminine energy and things start to move…
Article by Patricia Lidia
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Patricia Lidia is a corporate engineer, writer, blogger, and coach on creativity and emotional balance. She is passionate about reading and writing, alternative therapies, and spirituality. She is a Reiki master teacher with over ten years of experience. Her aim is to help women find their emotional balance and create the life they’ve always wanted.
She resides in Timisoara, Romania. You can find her at patricialidia.ro/ or patricialidiaemotionalhealing
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