We all have Masculine and Feminine Energy within us. The balance between Masculine and Feminine within us determines the exact relationship we have with our Spouse/Romantic Partners. In the World of Swipe Right and Left and an eternally confused generation where people treat relationships on trial and error, this modality can be a boon.
What is Sran Srin Reiki
Sran Srin Reiki typically means the energy of Shiva-Shakti or the energy of divine father and mother. The essence of this energy is love – pure unconditional love, merging of the divine masculine and feminine within, and spreading more love on planet earth.
It is to revamp the whole institution of love romance and marriage where a confused generation that marries for the wrong reason can get more liberation, especially when people can choose partners more consciously.
Consciously choosing a partner is choosing it from a place of peace and calm and not out of desperation or to prove something to someone. It also includes taking full 100% responsibility of your choice and not blaming others for it.
My personal story on why this cause has been so important for me
I had a grown-up seeing my parents happily married and deeply in love with each other and that was my idea and in fact, my point of view about marriages being a safe haven for all. And obviously, hence I believed in the forever kind of love.
Now here was the catch – It was also contrasted by the opinion of a bunch of unhappy friends in unhappy marriages who kept telling me marriages are never happy and you end up only compromising. I was constantly being told I was too rosy-eyed and probably a bit stupid and naïve.
So by the time in 2012 I bought these limited thoughts from peers and ended up programming myself with the limited thinking of having relationships or marriages only for the sake of it or as a tickmark or getting married because it is ‘time to get married’ or ‘you need a partner for stability or status’.
However in 2013, I got my Kundalini initiation and then a lot of things followed – the Reiki Attunement, an Angel Connection and I reconnected to my psychic powers and plethora of divine experiences. I discovered my life purpose. After going through my dark night of the soul for 1 whole year, one day in my meditation this blessed energy was given to me. I feel deeply drawn by the core of my life purpose to spread Conscious Love on earth and help awaken more people and drive away skepticism.
How was it channeled
It was channeled by Ashwini Chube(me) on 27th April 2016 at 11:44 am on an auspicious day on Chaitra Vadya Panchami according to the Hindu Calendar. The attunement was made by Goddess Durga and Lord Shiva himself. I was guided to practice this energy and give it out to others only at the Divine time.
So why we are talking about it in 2021?
The year 2020 awakened many individuals to their truth. There were multiple chakra activations or what we call Tower moments where old paradigms died and shifted, and the old-world collapsed. We are now in a position to understand and receive the Energy of High Vibrations and make a conscious choice in relationships, conception, and life.
There are 3 Levels of this Modality
Level 1: Connecting to both Shiva and Shakti
- Here we are introduced to understanding the masculine and feminine polarities.
- We have 7 symbols and each has a purpose.
Level 2: Connecting deeper to Shakti – divine feminine energy within
- This level has 9 symbols for 9 forms of Durga.
- It connects us to understand and connect to the divine feminine within us
- It helps us heal our relationships with our feminine side and relationships with our mother/mother in law and all women in our life.
Level 3: Connecting to Shiva – divine masculine energy within
- It has 6 symbols
- It connects us to understand and connect to divine masculine within us
- It helps us heal our relationships with our masculine side and relationships with our father/ father in law and all men in our life.
What can it be used for?
- To understand choosing partners consciously – Most people who come to me for tarot readings or relationship coaching/healing issues, especially the ones who are in not-so-happy marriages or in lukewarm relationships, face the following major problems. I call it unconsciously choosing a partner or choosing a partner for the wrong reasons:
- They got married due to social pressure or peer pressure
- They got married due to pressure of aging parents to marry
- Got married because it was time to marry and age to marry
- Married as a compromise assuming that you cannot find a lover, marriage, best friend, and a soul partner, all in one person
- Married to skip loneliness and to avoid loneliness in old age
- Married because you need a partner for stability or status
- Heal relationship between couples – In today’s world, the main reason for divorces is empty relationships and empty marriages. When people start treating marriages like give and take and get married for wrong reasons or compromises or societal status, there are issues bound to happen. The modality gives a different perspective on marriages as sacred divine and romantic partnerships.
- To increase or decrease energy – This can be used in an amazing way to heal and deal with energy flows. Sometimes we need to change the flow of energy either by increasing or decreasing it. This modality helps to understand and balance.
- To balance masculine and feminine energy – We all have both energies within us and how we balance them determines how balanced our lives can be.
- To conceive – Most couples who face issues in conception again have an energy mismatch. The symbols and the understanding of this modality can help couples conceive and take the next step in making their family larger.
- Understanding Sacred Sexuality and healing womb – An excellent modality to heal any womb trauma and understand your own patterns.
- To find soul fragments and integrate them – When we get hurt or suffer from trauma or face a violent or upsetting situation, we lose fragments of our soul. This modality can help you retrieve your soul fragments.
Who can learn this Modality
- Both Men and Women
- Those who wish to heal the relationship with their Spouse/Partner
- Those who wish to find a life partner
- Those in a toxic relationship who wish to walk out of it and to find peace, joy, and a new partner
- Those who wish to conceive or heal a miscarriage
- Anyone who suffered from any womb trauma
- Anyone having a pattern of turbulent relationships
- If you wish to heal relationships with your Mother/Father
- If worked on along with Reiki symbols, this modality works beautifully
- Helps calm mind and centre, as well as ground
- The understanding of the polarity of Masculine – Feminine Energies
- There are 3 attunements for this modality at 3 levels with minimum 21 Days gap in between for each level
- Anyone who is attuned to Level 2 or above of Usui Reiki can get the attunement
- This Attunement can help get one to peace, joy, and calm more
It’s my humble desire to spread this joy in the World and acquaint more and more lightworkers.
Lots of Love and Light to my readers.
Article by Ashwini Chubé
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Ashwini Chube
Dr Ashwini Chube is a Usui Reiki Grandmaster since 2014 and holds a Ph.D. in Energy Medicine. She practices Usui Reiki - Karuna reiki - Excalibur Reiki - Angel Medicine - Violet Flame Healing - Lavender Flame Healing and many more modalities.
Ashwini is also an Access Consciousness Bars, Body Process & Intro class Facilitator. Ashwini is an Angel Psychic - Divine Channel -Tarot Reader & Claircognizant and also the teacher of Angel studies. She is a Life Transformation coach and also a Twin flame coach. Ashwini is also an Ascension teacher with the Diana Cooper School of White Light and takes workshops on Ascension and also facilitates Spiritual retreats.
Ashwini works on Body movement as a therapy and is also a licensed Zumba Fitness instructor and takes in person and online sessions.
Being an ex-investment banker working previously in Mumbai & London - she is an impact speaker and Life Transformation Coach with corporates and groups.
Get in touch with Ashwini through her Website: www.unicorninsight.com or at ashwini.chube@unicorninsight.com. Her Facebook page is: facebook.com/ashwinichubeofficial
How can I learn this reiki Modality
Hi Bertena
I have started teaching this modality.
you can get in touch with me on ashwini.chube@unicorninsight.com
The first Batch is on 23-24-30-31 Oct 2021. Please connect if you are guided
Warm Regards,
I would like to know more …
Dear Oriana,
Greetings and thanks for the interest .I have started teaching this modality.
you can get in touch with me on ashwini.chube@unicorninsight.com
The first Batch is on 23-24-30-31 Oct 2021. Please connect if you are guided
Warm Regards,
Hi.. I would like to learn more