All of us who have experienced Reiki in our life know the calming, soothing, and healing nature of this cosmic energy. As the energy flows in the body, a deep sense of rejuvenation sets in, and all kinds of tensions, even those that are several years old start to melt away. However, there are times in our everyday lives when we are feeling low and uncentered; even if there is nothing major to worry about, just a sense of not feeling good about anything sets in. It can be called anything; a bad mood or irritation/frustration/lack of self-love.
Can Reiki help you elevate your mood and uplift your spirits in a few minutes?
The answer is yes:)
Let’s try out this short meditative exercise to elevate your mood:
- Lie down or sit in a comfortable position and make sure you are not disturbed for a few minutes. Place your hands on the Heart chakra or Hara chakra or one hand on Hara chakra and one hand on the Heart chakra.
- Say the gratitude prayer (thanking yourself is a very important step, feel it) and draw your attuned symbols on the third eye. Draw a CKR on both your palms and if not attuned, skip the step.
- Now, breathe in slowly through your nose and breathe out slowly through your mouth. Close your eyes and focus on the breathing process. Bring in your consciousness to your breath and slowly be in the moment.
- As your mind calms down you can feel the warmth of Reiki on your Heart and Hara chakra. Imagine this as the love of the universe for you that now starts to glow in your body.
- As you continue to feel the energy, imagine a beautiful pink light surrounding you. It grows more dense and beautiful and you can feel the pink glow on the skin. You can now feel the pink energy on your hands, your face, your heart, abdomen, legs, and all over.
- As you breathe in, you take in this pink light inside your body and breathe out all the negativity. You can now feel yourself completely immersed in this pink energy which is the love of the universe for you.
- As your body and mind get filled with this energy you feel calm, happy, rejuvenated, and centered. Remain in this state as long as you wish to.
- As you soak in the energy, repeat the Reiki gokai in your mind feeling every word of these.
Just for today, I will not worry
Just for today, I will be kind to others
Just for today, I won’t be angry
Just for today, I will be honest
Just for today, I will be grateful
And add this statement to this sequence
Just for today, I will love myself and be kind to myself
- Repeat the last statement three times and thank the universe for its unconditional love for you.
- Now cover yourself in a Reiki bubble that would act as a shield against all negativity. Once done, slowly open your eyes and thank the universe.
The process can be made more effective by using grounding crystals like black tourmaline to ground the dense energy blockages if present. This energy may also come out in other forms like tears, quivers, sweat, etc. during the process initially. Let it come out in any way. Once the dense energy is released, space gets filled by loving light of cosmic energy. You can be in the sea of pink light till you feel better. I am sure once the process is over you shall feel more peaceful, confident, loved, appreciated, and blessed. The universe always has our back, and the best time to realize it is in moments of despair. We are energies, raising the vibrations of the earth to make it a better place to live. Namaste,
Love and light,
Article by Astha Shrivastava
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Astha is attuned to Reiki since 19 years and has started healing those in need since her first Reiki level in 2000. She achieved the grandmasters level 6 years ago and since then has been teaching Reiki to people. Being a Ph.D. in Biotechnology, she has a basic instinct of combining science with Reiki and utilizing the combination for the highest good of people. She firmly believes that the basic knowledge of how various tissue and organs of body function adds to the effect of energy healing. She has also expanded her Reiki boundaries to encompass Angel Reiki and Crystal Reiki. Astha also provides consultations to Reiki channels and seekers to help them grow in their practice. Currently, she features as a partner expert on and can be contacted at
Wow ….very nicely explained….reiki is amazing n so r it’s ways …… thanks for sharing such a beautiful process…..