In recent times the olde traditions/practices of ancestor veneration (honoring, paying respect, sending healing, etc.) to ancestors has been re-establishing priority among various practitioners’ daily way of life. Whether elaborate or minimalist constructed ancestral altars (inside) or ancestral shrines (outside/in Nature), mementos, libations, etc. Mainly due to the simple reality that when we honor our ancestors, we are also honoring/showing gratitude to all that we are. In honoring the ancestors, we call forth and clear/heal their energy within us. Furthermore, this sacred act serves in Spiritually clearing, purifying, healing and elevating our Self. And perhaps most importantly Spiritually freeing our Self.
In Spiritually freeing our Self we become more accessible for opportunities and potentialities of what we can actually easily/effortlessly do, attract, create, manifest, unfold, heal, etc. for the ancestors and for what they may likewise do for us, throughout the Spiritual, physical, etheric, astral, emotional, mental, psychic, and Divine planes of existences. Ancestor veneration strengthens the link between the physical and Spiritual worlds while aligning all planes of existences that effect your daily life.
In our everyday life we are presently all seeking ways to develop/ establish/ nurture stronger relationships whether with living sentient beings or ancestors, respectively. The ancestors are always nearer than we can imagine, waiting watching and wondering, do we remember and know to keep the Spiritual connection alive with well-intentioned acts.
One of the simplest, easiest, yet profoundly affective means of paying respects/ honoring/ healing ancestors’ spirits is with libations, or better said, pouring libations.
To pour a libation is to harness the most ancient form of prayer. Libations invoke the ancestors/ ancestral Spirits, and includes to varying degrees the additional ability to also invoke Spirit Guides, Angels/Archangels, Ascended Masters, gods/goddesses and Orishas. Libations may be performed before doing any Spiritual work, to set the tone of a sacred/Spiritual space.
Any liquid may be poured while performing a libation. As a matter of fact, the pouring of liquid is the difference between saying a traditional prayer and performing a libation. Water based liquids can be conduits of energy and when poured while performing libation upon Mother Earth activates/strengthens that before mentioned connection between the physical and Spiritual worlds.
The Reiki Libations works in the exact same matter, serving the exact same purpose, and is performed in the exact same manner. To perform The Reiki Libation (or a libation without the HSZSN sacred symbol):
- Before you break the seal, utilize the HSZSN sacred symbol 3X upon the unopened bottle.
- When opening any bottle for the first time, immediately pour a little on the ground (even if you are inside but only on a floor – not on a rug/carpet, and utilize the HSZSN sacred symbol 3X upon the poured liquid).
- As you pour saying whatever you feel comfortable saying to show respect/gratitude (it can be as simple as just saying “Thank you Ancestors” or whatever you feel like saying) to any ancestors/transitioned immediate family members/Spirit Guides, Angels/Archangels, Ascended Masters, gods/goddesses and/or Orishas, following-up with the HSZSN sacred symbol 3X.
- When finished performing your libation (remember it doesn’t matter how simple you keep it), you may “thank Reiki”, then if you choose, pour yourself or whoever else a drink.
- Now enjoy the drink, and enjoy the blessings returned from ancestors for your wise choice in honoring them and performing The Reiki Libation for you/them, respectively.
Article by Writeously
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Writeously is a certified Reiki Master/Teacher, a shamanic practitioner, and an avid (Yoruba-inspired) Spiritual practitioner. He shares powerful, daily astrologically-aligned, herbal magick/aromatherapy and also serves as functional wisdom. He makes it an integral part of his overall intentional daily continuous seeking/studies/practitionership.
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