I would say my number one tip [for novice healers] is to remember you are not “the healer”. This helps a novice to stay out of their own way, and also to stay out of the way of the profound healing that can happen, if you let it. Often new healers, and many experienced ones, let their egos get in the way and begin to proclaim things or comment on things they sense or feel without any real understanding of what it is they are seeing or feeling. Best to open to the discomfort of not knowing. You are not the healer and you do not need to know the answers to the person’s issue. Your job is to simply hold space for the other. You do that through a non-judgemental and loving energy.
Often using the word “healer” sets us up wrongly, the person will come with expectations, so the first thing I do is correct that misperception. I explain that Reiki is a balancing energy that will allow them to heal themselves, gain insights, and grow. Perhaps I will say a few things during a session, but I say them as an offering – I am not trying to fix anything, so they tend to be more like observations or questions. A great question will open the person up to their own insights far quicker than dispensing advice. For example asking a person “Your throat chakra feels a bit tight, is there anything you are not saying that you want to say to someone?” will open up their own self-awareness and allow them to grow much faster then if you say “You need to tell such and such this or that”. The question helps the person become self-empowered, they will recognise the tightness for themselves next time. Whereas the proclamation just makes the person more dependent on you as the giver of all wisdom. Help the person grow by linking them with themselves.
Trust that the person in front of you has all the wisdom in themselves to heal, they are coming to you to provide a safe space for them to open to their own wisdom, that is all. If you are able to drop in some observations that help in that process then great, but it is not at all necessary. When you trust this, it makes your job so much easier and you can relax. When you focus on creating that open and loving space, it also makes you more attractive to others to come to you, so this will also help you to build your business.
Good luck and enjoy yourself!
* This article is part of our Ask RMT project where experienced Reiki Masters answer questions from members of our Reiki Rays community. You can find our Ask RMT series of articles here.
Article by Elaine Hamilton Grundy
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Elaine has been teaching Reiki for over 20 years and founded The Reiki Centre in 2007 to focus on bringing high quality Reiki teaching to those interested in self-empowerment. Over the past 2 decades, Elaine has trained thousands of Reiki students and over 80 Reiki Masters via her vigorous Teacher training program.
She is the author of Reiki, Pure and Simple a down to earth beginners guide to Reiki, and most recently Reiki- A Path to Freedom, an advanced Reiki book exploring Reiki as a spiritual path to your inner truth.
Elaine’s passion is bringing the spiritual aspect back into Reiki and helping people find their inner truth and autonomy through their Reiki practice. She runs regular online webinars, workshops and community healing groups and can be contacted via www.Reiki-Centre.com or facebook: www.facebook.com/ReikiCentre
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