The 2020 Global Reiki Survey is Out!
The Empirical Proof of the Wonderful Benefits of Reiki
We in the Reiki world don’t need convincing of the benefits of our Reiki practice, but it’s always great to have data to back our cause. As a teacher I know, as you do, that Reiki is a life-changer and a force for transformation, healing, and a deep connection with our inner peace. Well, now we can state that 91% of Reiki users agree!
The Global Reiki Survey of nearly 1,300 Reiki users (thank you to all who participated!) covered emotional/mental measures, physical health and lifestyle changes. Respondents were asked to rate their levels of improvement since beginning a Reiki practice.
92% of Reiki users report more peace,
85% report less stress.
The range of improvements is impressive with mental/emotional wellbeing topping the list:
87% report less anger,
86% less anxiety and worry,
and 84% more happiness.
Reiki is Life-changing
Thousands of personal stories and testimonials covered an enormous range of positive differences people experienced once beginning a Reiki self-practice. The common theme weaving through the data and feedback was that Reiki was life-changing.
I had Post-Partum Depression. Reiki pulled me out of a very dark place. – Constadina V, USA
I am more creative. Reiki opens up a new world for self-development, I am more active and more self-confident. – S.G., Poland
Emotional health and resilience, inner peace and strength even through very hard times. – Carolyn C, USA
Reiki changed my life. – Gabor, Hungary
Is Reiki Pandemic-Proof?
The fact the data was collected during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic (27th April to 2nd June 2020) is an incredible testament to the resilience and power of our Reiki practice.
Asked about their physical wellbeing, 80% found they suffered from less colds/flu, the implications of this one data point – that Reiki helps our immune system to fight viruses, should be shouted loud and clear. Our ability to help ourselves and build our immune systems to strengthen ourselves against viral infection is something we all have experienced, and this data supports this fact.
As a teacher or leader in your Reiki community, please do encourage your students and friends to be persistent in their self-healing. During this difficult and uncertain time it is amazing that the responses were filled with uplifting, positive and encouraging stories of optimism and gratitude. Reiki during the time of the pandemic is helping people be more resilient, calm, and peaceful.
Reiki helps a huge range of issues
72% saw improvements in headaches/migraines and 69% found improvement in muscle cramp/pain. 66% reported improved sleep. But the range of illness that improved with Reiki was extremely broad:
I’m a quadriplegic with chronic pain issues as well. If I couldn’t do self-treatments I would be much worse. – Carl A., USA
Cardiomyopathy from heart attack and high cholesterol. I continue to beat the odds! Doc calls me a walking miracle. No stints, or defibrillator and I live a normal life. – Tammy F, USA
My Lyme disease causes various symptoms, including swollen lymph nodes that stay swollen – but they cause me almost no pain or worry now. – Beth B, Singapore
The Lupus I had has completely gone asymptomatic. – Sandi R. R., USA
All symptoms of fibromyalgia are gone; no depression anymore. – Tabine Z, Netherlands
I had breast cancer, 6 years cancer free. I believe Reiki helped me in dealing with shock and getting through surgery, radiation and all treatment. – Tonya, USA
Had chronic fatigue and significant pain 20 years ago and gradually improved when I learnt Reiki. Although I am over 70yrs now I still feel the benefit through regular self treatment. – Flossy S, UK
At a time when hospitals and doctors clinics are not the best place to find yourself, it is amazing that this simple self-help technique can help such a variety of ailments. Reiki supports your entire being, be it mental, emotional or physical – and this is a very important plus right now.
Self-practice is the Key Success Criteria
No surprises, but the more you Reiki yourself, the better your results. If you think you are already getting great results with a 15-minute daily practice, you will significantly improve those results with a half an hour practice and again with a one-hour daily practice.
It’s totally up to you how much you want significant change, the key to success is in your own hands. Now that’s self-empowerment.
Even a short but regular practice sees results – if you are doing 1-3 hours a week, 91% of respondents see improvement. Whatever you can manage, you will see rewards.
Community, Community, Community!
As a Reiki Rays fan, you don’t need to be told the importance of community, this wonderful platform helped enormously in the success of the dissemination of this survey. Our Reiki community is important, and this also bears out in the data.
There is evidence that continuing support after class plays a part in respondents reported success with Reiki. As a Reiki teacher this would suggest building a support system is advantageous to students, and as a student it would suggest that seeking ongoing community helps to increase results. It could be hypothesised that a feeling of community helps to encourage a regular Reiki self-practice and feeling of well-being.
This advantage is seen across all the wellbeing measures of reported physical, mental and emotional parameters.
Being part of a community, having a sense of being supported and being able to gather with like-minded people helps to keep us inspired and gives us a sense of belonging.
Let’s stop the Online/Face to Face debate
I know many of you won’t like this result, but please let’s stop fighting about this. Online and face to face Reiki learning does not make a difference. Instead of fighting about the education of Reiki and how it “should” be done, and how “Usui did it” how about we gather our forces together and move forwards with the really important finding that Reiki creates a profound improvement in the lives of people who use it? Isn’t that a far greater cause to rally around? Reiki is amazing, it is powerful, and now we have data to prove it!
Here’s the statistics of the online trained respondents versus the face to face respondents:
The similarity in findings is helped by the fact that online teachers provide equal amounts of ongoing support (more prevalent with online gatherings and social media), and in general online courses tend to provide more hours of education. Though even hours of education is changing with time.
Online courses are trending
If you are a Reiki teacher, you may want to take note that online courses appear to be trending with time. Obviously COVID-19 has had a huge impact on teaching face to face classes, and many students have chosen to go online instead. This is wonderful for them, that they have an alternative and can utilise Reiki during this challenging time. Of the respondents who learned Reiki in the past year, 34% did it online.
Going online and helping your students and potential students is obviously a personal choice, but it’s good to know the results are just as effective.
Hours of education are also changing
If you learned Reiki over ten years ago, there was really only one way to do it – a weekend workshop. Now the variety is widening and the scope for adapting to the times is also encouraged by the results of this survey. Many of those who learned Reiki in a one day workshop, or even over a few hours, reported the same benefits as those who did longer workshops. The data number was small for those who learned over a few hours (the majority of respondents learned Reiki 1 and 2 over a one or two day workshop) so these are indicative results only, but it would seem the length of time you learn Reiki is not as important as what you do with it afterwards.
We reap what we sow!
Having said that, at Reiki Master level there were benefits to a longer education. This would seem logical – it is hard to teach something forwards unless you yourself have been well trained and take the time to understand your subject – that would be logical no matter what the topic. From that perspective, if you are considering becoming a teacher, it makes sense to seek out a longer training, and do it face to face. Only 7% of online trained Reiki Masters were professional teachers (as compared with 44% of face to face trained Reiki Masters).
- Reiki users report overwhelmingly positive results in an enormous variety and breadth of wellbeing, Reiki provides life-changing support and benefits.
- Reiki users appear upbeat and resilient despite the upheavals caused by COVID-19, in that respect Reiki is playing an important part in mental and emotional wellbeing.
- The most important factor for results is a consistent self-practice, the more you do, the better your results.
- Self-practice is more important than education, in other words what you do with Reiki after your training is more important than how you learned it, how long you learned it for, and whether it was face to face or online.
Enjoy your practice! Thank you again for taking the time to participate in this survey and for sharing all your amazing and uplifting stories. To read the summary findings or download the full 110 page report please visit:
Article by Elaine Hamilton Grundy
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Elaine has been teaching Reiki for over 20 years and founded The Reiki Centre in 2007 to focus on bringing high quality Reiki teaching to those interested in self-empowerment. Over the past 2 decades, Elaine has trained thousands of Reiki students and over 80 Reiki Masters via her vigorous Teacher training program.
She is the author of Reiki, Pure and Simple a down to earth beginners guide to Reiki, and most recently Reiki- A Path to Freedom, an advanced Reiki book exploring Reiki as a spiritual path to your inner truth.
Elaine’s passion is bringing the spiritual aspect back into Reiki and helping people find their inner truth and autonomy through their Reiki practice. She runs regular online webinars, workshops and community healing groups and can be contacted via or facebook:
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