One great way to extend your Reiki practice is to make essences that will give your clients an extra boost of Reiki healing between sessions. Using essences can markedly help to loosen blocks to healing progress.
When we visit sacred sites their vibrational essence can have an immediate impact on our well-being, reducing anxiety and stress. We can feel their healing power and it would be great if we could bottle it and use it whenever we need it. Well, we can.
Besides, what could be better than making essences using the vibrations of special places? This is an excellent way to get creative with your healing.
Making Essences
If you’re new to making essences I recommend that you start with a spray version that can be sprayed into the client’s immediate environment and aura without causing irritation or damage to the lungs, skin or surfaces the spray touches.
Choose your ingredients wisely and avoid energetic clashes. Use dowsing or intuition as a guide to what will work best.
To make a successful essence you will need the following:
- A base for your essence such as distilled water
- A pleasing scent using essential oils of high quality, preferably sustainable and organic. Just a few drops is all that is needed
- Crystals (optional)
- Your Reiki blessing
- Sacred site vibrational essence
- A bottle with spray top
- Labels that explain what the essence is and how to use it
If you are not trained in botanicals use high-quality flower, tree or essential oils to create a blend unique to you. Always have your client’s well-being at heart when choosing scents – don’t overdo it.
Charging Your Essence with Crystals
To charge your essence with crystals, make sure your crystals are at maximum potency by cleaning them, then leave the crystals as close to the water as possible. Do not insert the crystal into the water as there can be impurities that may leach into the water.
The Energy at Sacred Sites
As an energy sensitive person, you have had many vibrational experiences at historic and sacred sites. If you are unsure which site is best, dowse over a map to find exactly the right place to go, and dowse at the site for the best place to collect the vibrational essence.
Where Can You Collect These Vibrations?
Collect at shrines, temples, religious places of importance, pilgrimage sites, neolithic sites, gardens, natural springs and sites of natural phenomena. It is not usually necessary to get permission unless you intend to sell your essence commercially and wish to use the site name in your product.
Choose your collection site wisely. When you get to a site and the energy seems a little off to you, don’t collect essence there. It could be that the place has recently picked up some negativity or the energy of the site has shifted. Use your intuition. A site known for ghosts, great outpourings of grief or historical atrocities will not be suitable.

Infusing your Essences with Sacred Energy
- You will need distilled water in a clear glass bottle.
- It makes sense to ask these places for some vibrational energy to help others, so ask for the site’s blessing before you begin. This will help transmit your intentions clearly to the site and the carrier bottle.
- Place the essence bottle in a suitable position where it can rest in the vibrations of the environment. If it is a clear day, some sunlight (or moonlight) will help increase the charge.
- Leave the bottle at the site as long as you can, but don’t leave the bottle unattended or where it can fall and hurt someone.
- If possible while you’re at the location send your Reiki into the bottle. If this isn’t possible, add your Reiki blessing into the sacred site essence as soon as you are able. Then add this to your blend and you have created your own unique Reiki essence.
- Thank the site before you leave and protect the bottle from negative vibrations by keeping positive vibes as you journey home.
Consider These Other Places and Energies for Your Essences:
Places of performance – these are full of crackling energy and if the theatre has hosted great actors, orators or musicians, their energy can meld and grow making it of very high energy indeed.
Environmental essences – anywhere with clean air, good soil, unpolluted water and an uplifting energy, such as mountain ranges, lakes, forests, gorges, streams, great river sources and glaciers.
Artistic gathering places – Artists have often gathered in living spaces where they can commune and inspire each other. These energies can help a client looking for more creative expression.
Phases of the moon – Leave your essence on a windowsill or somewhere safe in the garden/yard where the moon will shine the most on it.
Solstices, Eclipses, weather and Horological Events – Allow the essence to soak up the vibrations of the celestial or meteorological event.
Coloured light – Shine a coloured light onto the essence for as long as possible.
Geometric shapes – Place your essence on a geometric shape for 24 hours and place the geometric shape on the label of the finished bottle.
Chakra symbols and colours – As with geometric shapes, expose your essence to the chakra symbols and colours and add to the finished bottle’s label.
Singing bowls and sound therapy – Expose the essence to the wonders of live singing bowls or a sound bath.
Using Reiki Essences
Now you have created and bottled your Reiki healing essence your client is free to spray this essence wherever or whenever they need it.
It is particularly useful in negative spaces or on bed linen just before bed. To spray the essence through the aura, spray into the air just in front of you and then walk through the falling mist. This can be very helpful during a stressful day.
Article by Phoenix Fenegan
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Phoenix Fenegan is a Reiki Master Teacher, YA 200hrs Yoga Teacher, Meditation Teacher, and spiritual & energy explorer. Phoenix has a YouTube channel called Intuitive Meditations which has many resources for Reiki students and those looking to experience meditation. She is a writer of some note on yoga and spiritual matters which were first published way back in 1997.
You can contact Phoenix through her website:
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