Article by Elaine Hamilton Grundy
Remember 2012? Some talked about the end of the world, but many of us interpreted 2012 to mean the end of the “old” world and the beginning of the “new”. Over the past 8 years, many of us have been ramping up and shifting through a huge mountain of personal growth issues. Many of us have also been anticipating 2020 as the end of this preparation period of growth and a stepping into the “New Earth” as described by Eckhart Tolle in his book “A New Earth, Awakening to your life’s purpose”. In his book Tolle describes the ego’s illusionary hold on our lives, causing suffering and separation. He talks about breaking free from this grip and living a free and egoless life. Many of us have been practicing for this moment, on our yoga mats, in our Reiki practice, in our meditation practice. Practicing for this very moment, that is now upon us. The end of the New Earth reads: “A new species is arising on the planet. It is arising now, and you are it!”
Dust down Tolle’s book and take another read, it outlines the lessons we are now living. Surrender, be in the moment, go inwards. During these extraordinary times we are being hit by these lessons hourly, things are changing so fast. If you try to process all the changes through your usual egoic channels (the part of you that hates change, thinks it is in control, needs to know what the future holds) you will be a hyperventilating mess on the floor. The ego is quite powerless in this present time. Our usual egoic activities no longer work – there is no point to planning or controlling.
Consciousness is waking up, and in this awakening it is shifting our world view in a huge, inescapable wave of energetic expansion. No more business as usual. “The awakened consciousness…is changing all aspects of life on our planet…because life on earth is inseparable from the human consciousness that perceives and interacts with it” Tolle states. Something much much bigger is happening, consciousness itself is rattling the entire egoic structure. We are being called to play our part and consciously look inwards.
As you sit with this expansion, where are your personal development buttons still being pushed? Doubt, anxiety, fear? Are you connecting with others through your mutual fear and panic, or through a different vibration? So many online groups are now forming to help us stay centred and steady. So much energy is coming in that we can connect with during our Reiki practice. But are you seeing this as an opportunity to surrender into the “New Earth”, or are you scrabbling and clinging to your egoic past? Your outlook will greatly affect how much you suffer during these coming weeks and months.
We are already blessed in our Reiki practice with a modality that lends itself perfectly to inwards reflection. Use this time wisely. Consciousness is calling on you to awaken. Use your Reiki practice as a way to deepen your inner connection. Drop under your egoic fear and find the peace within you that is already surrendered. When I wrote my book, “Reiki – A Path to Freedom” I predicted that Reiki was evolving into this new consciousness, but I had no idea this shift was actually upon us.
The opportunity is here now, Reiki is a perfect spiritual path, and this is the perfect spiritual crisis. Enforced isolation, time for inner reflection, forced surrendering of our plans, an unknown unfolding of future events. As the outside world falls into unpredictability, our egos have nothing left to hang onto. If you can become the observer of your ego you will be able to see all its fear and anxiety, but you will also be able to see that there is an altogether deeper, quieter and calmer part of yourself that is always present.
Use your Reiki practice as the vehicle to your inner peace, it is the truth of who you are. You are eternal, peaceful, unshakable. As you do your self-practice or as you join an online healing group and sit with others from around the world, use this time to investigate your inner stability. Notice that even though your ego may be scared and shaky, your inner strength is steady. There is a part of you that is calm, sure, loving, supportive. Cultivate this part of you and focus your attention here.
We are in the perfect storm, all of us together. Our shared Reiki practice, our shared desire to wake up and see the truth of who we are, our shared desire to shift into the “New Earth”. As more of us focus on our inner life, we bring more universal attention into this space. More individual shafts of consciousness focused on our inner light will affect the whole. We are in very exciting times.
Elaine Hamilton Grundy has also begun a free online weekly Reiki healing send; for more details visit or The Reiki Centre Facebook page:

Elaine has been teaching Reiki for over 20 years and founded The Reiki Centre in 2007 to focus on bringing high quality Reiki teaching to those interested in self-empowerment. Over the past 2 decades, Elaine has trained thousands of Reiki students and over 80 Reiki Masters via her vigorous Teacher training program.
She is the author of Reiki, Pure and Simple a down to earth beginners guide to Reiki, and most recently Reiki- A Path to Freedom, an advanced Reiki book exploring Reiki as a spiritual path to your inner truth.
Elaine’s passion is bringing the spiritual aspect back into Reiki and helping people find their inner truth and autonomy through their Reiki practice. She runs regular online webinars, workshops and community healing groups and can be contacted via or facebook:
Thank you for sharing! Also, for providing your website, where others may find other wondrous; insights, possibilities and wisdom… Namaste…