This year’s end is just around the corner and you have planned all the activities you will be making, that’s great! But I ask you to remember the blessings you have been receiving throughout the year. Yes, Gratitude is today’s topic!
We have been through another year and it’s been amazing! Having shared a lot of articles about gratitude, Reiki, angels and ascended masters. Now we are going to perform one of the most powerful and basic gratitude rituals of the year.
As we close another challenging year, we have experienced all sorts of emotions. So now is the time to thank for our best experiences and attract more of it in our lives for next year and beyond.
~The Gratitude Ritual~
You will require the following items for this ritual
- 12 Candles (preferably white)
- Rose petals
- Incense
- Some food, clothing item or money (unused/newly bought)

Image by skeeze
The Gratitude Ritual
- Cleanse the area where you will be performing this ritual preferably the center of your house (this is not mandatory)
- Now you may decorate this area and start carving 12 things in the candles (1 thing per candle) that you are thankful for. For example New Car (carved on one candle)
- Once you are done with carving the 12 candles with various things set them up in a circle
- Now call in mother Reiki (if you are attuned) and ask her to bless this area. Call out for divine beings and ask them to be with you as you offer this gratitude ritual to them.
- Meditate for 5 minutes and concentrate on all the things that you have received this year. Do not overthink just focus and think of the first 12 things that come to your mind. Eg. food, air, home, spouse, new job, happy relationships, divine guidance, money, etc.
- Imagine your aura expanding and visualize that you are attracting more and more of these things in the New Year and beyond, imagine how would you feel when all the lovely dreams will come true
- Now open your eyes and light each candle one by one
- As you light each candle feel the love and gratitude. Think of how lucky you have been to receive all of this in your life.
- Once all the candles are lighted, decorate the circle with the rose petals. Burn the incense.
- Now offer the food, clothing or money that you have.
- Now, pray: “Dear divine beings (you may call in any specific angel, deity or ascended master if you wish), I call upon you now I am taking this time out to thank you for supporting me and my family with love and blessings. I also thank you for the (call out the name of the things that you have carved on each candle). I would now like to offer this (food, money or clothing – whatever you have offered) to you, please accept and bless this so wherever this will go, it will grow and shall come back to me multiplied in blessings and other forms. I thank you for blessing me today and always.”
- Once you are done with your prayer. Let this circle of candle burn till the end (do not leave it unattended)
- Next day, donate the item that you had offered to a needy person or animal
On this positive note, you may end this year with love and abundance. Show love to all beings, treat them as you would treat yourself, with love and forgiveness.
I wish you all have a wonderful holiday season and a fabulous New Year!
Article by Chanchal Mishra
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Chanchal Mishra
Chanchal Mishra is a Certified Reiki Master and Angel Therapist. She also practices Kundalini Reiki, Crystal Reiki, Angel card reading, Money Reiki and Karuna ki. Chanchal completed her English Literature Master’s degree from Delhi University. She also completed her Post graduation in Fashion Marketing from California, USA. Chanchal loves to read and write. In her free time, she empowers others and provides guidance to those in need. Reach her at
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