The Sanskrit name of Sacral chakra is Swadhisthana chakra. It defines our creativeness, sexuality, sensuality, self-love, happiness, emotional body (feelings and emotions), happiness, pleasures and more… It is known as “seat of all emotions”.
Signs of Balanced Sacral chakra – Feel happy and joyous, outgoing, radiates joyous energy, loves life, optimistic, sexually balanced, self-esteemed, emotionally balanced, creative
Symptoms of Overactive Sacral chakra – Addiction, clinginess, tension, dramatic, frustration, over emotional, overwhelming, egoist, junk addict, arrogant, selfish, seeks happiness in a wrong way (addiction, gambling), dominating, sexual addiction, introvert, greediness, trust issues
Symptoms of Underactive Sacral chakra – Disinterested in all aspect of life, lack of self-esteem, suppressed emotions, frigid, depressed, sexual regression, feel lack of love or unworthy of love, unemotional, blocked creativity, harbour guilt feeling, sluggish
Sanskrit name – Swadhisthana chakra
Location – Abdominal region, 3 fingers below navel
Color – Orange
Archangel – Chamuel
Associated organs – Large intestine, blood circulation, reproductive organs, lower back, kidney, body fluid, gall bladder, sexual organs, pelvis, bladder, hip area
Related diseases/issues – Addiction to junk food, alcohol, backache, bedwetting, bladder, creative blocks, cystitis, fear, fertility, fibroid, miscarriages, fibroids, frigidity, hips, impotency, irritable bowel, kidney problems, menstrual problems, muscle spasms, ovarian cysts, over-eating, pre-menstrual syndrome, prostates disease, stomach problems, testicular disease, uterine fibroids, vomiting, womb problem.
Crystals for Sacral chakra – Carnelian, orange calcite, orange kyanite, moonstone, sunstone, peach aventurine
Essential Oils for Sacral chakra – Patchouli, ylang ylang, sandalwood, orange
Food for Sacral chakra – Orange, mandarin, melons, honey, carrots, nuts, mango, passion fruit
Beej Mantra – VAM
Affirmations –
- “I am radiant and my body is beautiful.”
- “Love and goodness nourish through me.”
Some simplest way to heal-
- Self-healing – Whenever you are doing self-healing, you can keep chanting VAM or the affirmations. Or you can simply give Reiki to your chakra with the intention to unblock and balance the chakra.
- Distant healing – When you are healing others, set your intention to heal this chakra and also you can chant affirmation on their behalf.
- Meditation – Meditate on Sacral chakra. Visualize a vibrant orange ball spinning clockwise, absorbing all the blockages and transmuting it to divine positive energies to energise and balance your chakra.
- Crystal healing – Take any of the Sacral chakra stones and program it with its chakra affirmation, mantra or intention to balance this chakra. Lie down and simply place the stone on the Sacral chakra for 20 minutes or carry the stone around with you. Alternatively, you can give Reiki by hovering your hands over the chakra stones.
- Water – Hold water bottle between palms. Set the intention to cleanse, activate and balance this chakra. Chant Sacral chakra affirmation minimum 28 times while giving Reiki. You can even chant VAM 108 times. Now you have a bottle filled with Sacral chakra affirmations and mantras. Consume the water.
- Simply chant – Chant the affirmations or mantra whenever you are free.
- Essential Oils – Dab a drop of any of the mentioned essential oil on the chakra.
- Food – Include any of the mentioned or any other food associated to Sacral chakra in your daily diet.
Chant the above switchwords 28 times thrice a day or you can even write anywhere on your body.
Article by Rinku Patel
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Rinku Patel is a Reiki Master Teacher, Doreen Virtue certified-Angel intuitive, Fairyologist, Realm Reader, Crystal healer, Angel card reader, and Indigo card reader. Other than that she is a Certified Tarot card reader and spiritual writer. Rinku can be reached via her email address and on Facebook at Magics n Miracles
It is so helpful, dear Rinku❤.
Thank youso much for the switch phrase to clear and stabilize the sacral chakra. Tahnks a lot. Lots of love to you dear pretty angel.❤🙏🏻
Very informative article Rinku Di.. Thank you so much for writing this article on Sacral chakra… It’s so easy to use it in our day to day life.. Thanks.. Be blessed