Article by Neetu Uberoy Palan
I have a special place in my heart for students, being a teacher for almost 23 years. I still remember that the minute I entered school, the first thing I did was cover my class with white light with the intention of keeping them protected. Little did I know then, that white light was also angelic light for protection.
Here, I shall be sharing a method that I was recently guided to by my angels (as I always do what I am guided to).

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Angels guided me to use Reiki, Angelic Zibu symbols, some switch numbers, and affirmations. This has helped my son quite a lot and a number of other parents could also help their children with this Angelic guidance. I hope it helps you as parents and students, too.
I told the students and parents to ask Archangel Jophiel and the angels of illumination to help them study and pass exams. These angels can also help you absorb new skills and offer you illumination and wisdom to fuel your creativity. Angel numbers and Switch numbers for wisdom, concentration, success, and confidence were a part of the healing session. A very powerful Switch phrase to be written and chanted was given to the student. When drawn and used with their individual names and colors, Zibu symbols to remain centered, focused, for wisdom, and to clear any and all blocks worked like magic. The students were to take a white paper and write all the numbers, one below the other, draw the given symbols, switch words, numbers, and write the affirmation too. After writing all of the above, I energized the paper with CKR.
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Neetu Uberoy Palan who was a teacher by profession for almost 23 years, has been spiritually inclined during the past 7 years. She is an Angel Tarot and Oracle card reader, a Reiki Grandmaster, a Crystal healer, Money Reiki Grandmaster, a Pendulum Dowser, a Numerologist, and a Switch Healer. She has changed many lives with her counseling sessions. She has also learned Angel Reiki and believes she has a deep connection with Angels that makes her what she is right now. Her readings and healing sessions have given true guidance to many and that has, in turn, blessed them with happier lives. She could be contacted on +91 9892304943. She could be contacted on or you could also mail her at
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