A beautiful, miraculous means to health and peace, Reiki doesn’t just improve one’s story – it can also give one a happy ending. Death is a very difficult topic for most, and even more so if the one passing on is afraid of the unknown. Reiki can help.
It is quite impossible to be prepared for the passing on of a healthy person as that usually happens suddenly. However, if someone has met with a fatal accident or is terminally ill, it is very helpful to shower them with plenty of Reiki healing. Of course, it is natural to still hope that Reiki might bring about a miracle and that a life might be saved – and this is of course possible sometimes – but when we know fairly well that a person might not live long, the way we heal them through Reiki can change somewhat.
Unfinished business
One of the biggest stumbling blocks in the journey of a soul is unfinished business. Find out from the client or relatives if there were any major unfulfilled dreams or responsibilities. This is especially critical in the case of people who are going to leave behind young partners or young children. Reiki healing to resolve all these issues will go a long way.

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When a person has been ill for long, there is a tendency for their relationship with loved ones to take a sharp downturn, as they often tend to project their fears and frustrations onto loved ones. A little talking to the relatives about their current relationship with the client will shed some light on this. If the client’s behavior has been difficult, it is important to talk to them (if possible) about how they feel towards their relatives, to help release any guilt they might be harboring at being unable to express gratitude and love. If talking is not possible, it might be helpful to send Reiki healing specifically for healing all relationships.
While healing people who are in a hospital, the energy of the hospital provides quite a challenge, as in most cases I’ve seen it to be a negative environment. Some souls find it very hard to transition in such poor conditions and slip into a short-term coma, which is really a physical manifestation of a deep conflict – the soul can neither move on, nor stay. Healing through Reiki during this phase can be tremendously helpful and many times people cross over within a day or two of starting healing. If you are able to visit the hospital, flooding the entire room with energy will also help.
After someone crosses over, it might be risky to be trying to heal them while at the funeral or near the body. It is safer to wait a couple of days before starting Reiki healing, and then send distant healing for the easy moving on of the soul. Once the soul transitions, it will feel like no Reiki is being received.
If relatives are seeing the deceased repeatedly in dreams, and if they seem unhappy or asking for help, then the healing needs to be more intensive.
I have observed that if a person has been receiving Reiki for about 21 days before they leave their body, the journey is usually very smooth and the soul transitions within a matter of hours. In this case almost no Reiki healing is required.
Article by Ashwita Goel, Reiki Master
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Having learned Meditation as a child, Ashwita incorporated Reiki into her life during her early teens. After a decade of witnessing the magic Reiki, she felt compelled to take up Reiki professionally, and ended her corporate career in 2007, taking up Reiki full-time. She eventually incorporated EFT, hypnotherapy and past life therapy into her work. Apart from her healing work, she teaches Reiki and meditation, and her book ‘Healing Through Reiki’ is available on Amazon. She holds regular full moon and new moon meditations at @AshwitaGoel. Her website is www.reiki-bangalore.com and her blog www.ashwita.com
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