Article by Athina Bailey
As energy healers, it’s important to remember that money is energy. It is a neutral resource and the relationship we have with it is determined by our experiences and upbringing.
If we had any events in our childhood where we were told money is bad, or rich people are bad, or that we need to work very hard to make money, we will hold that belief in our energetic system. These beliefs are held as energetic blocks in our system that can stop the flow of abundance coming to us. Money is an energy that allows to have freedom and ease in our lives and knowing that it is divine and we deserve it is crucial bringing wealth into our lives.
Working with my clients around their money blocks time and time again I have found money blocks in various areas, some being totally unrelated to money!
One of my clients who is also a practitioner came to me saying she couldn’t keep consistent clients and felt her clients were constantly looking for a way to undervalue her by asking for discounts. Going into her energy system we found she held the belief that she felt she wasn’t good enough to do this work. Because of her age, she felt she was underqualified to work with people despite her formal training! This was then translating to the clients she attracted. After we shifted it the clients she attracted were totally different!
I worked with another woman and we found it was her anger that was actually disconnecting her from the flow of abundance into her life. In both these cases once those blocks were healed they noticed significant changes in their money story and their relationship with money in their lives. Remember money is energy and the blocks are also just energy. And as Reiki healers, we know how to clear blockages!
Here are some techniques I give my clients and that I also use myself that helped me grow my Reiki business. Remember the key is consistency. Don’t just do this once. To rewrite your energy and money story do it daily and consistently and money will flow to you!
Ways to Heal Your Money Blocks
1. Affirmations
Create a list of your own money affirmations, some of my favorites are:
- “I am open and ready to receive my unlimited divine wealth right now.”
- “Money flows to me freely and easily.”
- “I am grateful for the abundance I have and the abundance that is on its way.”
The reason why affirmations are so powerful is that they reprogram the subconscious mind when done consistently. Write them on paper and place it on your desk and next to your bed to see when you wake up or are working so it’s constantly imprinting into your mind.
As you say these affirmations allow your hands to guide you wherever they intuitively take you on your body. Give that place Reiki, this is where your money block is probably sitting (most often I find money blocks in Sacral chakra and Throat chakra! Though they can be sitting anywhere.) Give this block Reiki and say your affirmation 12 times. You should feel an energetic shift!
2. Journaling with Symbols
It’s important to determine your current relationship with money. When you say to yourself: “money flows to me easily, freely, constantly, and in great sums” how does it feel? Do you feel good, do you receive an affirmation in every cell of your body? Or do you feel off, and feel something wrong in the pit of your stomach?
Write it down. What is that feeling that you feel? Ask yourself, why is it there? When do you think it started? Continue to dig further and further as you journal, why don’t you deserve to have money flowing constantly, freely and easily in great sums? As you journal you continue to ask why, why are you feeling this? Where is this coming from? You can discover where this money block started from and where it’s sitting.
After you have done your digging, draw the symbols HZSN, SHK & CKR all over your journal where you wrote intending to send Reiki to all the areas your money blocks formed and originated from. Do this every time you’re feeling like you’re struggling with your finances.
3. Visualization
Visualization is an extremely powerful tool! It puts us in the vibration of attracting that which we want and it sends it out to the universe like an order that this is what we want!
Imagine what it would be like to have enough wealth, see yourself already there, what would it look like, how would your life be different? What qualities would it bring into your life? Allow yourself to day dream and have fun and feel the feelings of being totally abundant and wealthy! Get into this vibration and energy daily before you work to change your money story! Make sure as you’re visualizing you’re giving yourself Reiki!
Have fun manifesting and remember to share with me your success stories!
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Athina Bailey
Athina is a Reiki Teacher, a Kinesiologist, Speaker, Author and a business coach for spiritual practitioners. She is deeply passionate about energy work and despite having studied many modalities including Hypnotherapy, NLP, EFT, Kinesiology, Seichim & more, she believes that the basis of everything is energy work. She currently teaches Reiki around Australia and speaks regularly at events for practitioners, coaches & entrepreneurs. Athina believes in empowering spiritual souls to create a life that is entwined with their spiritual work. She does through her programs and courses, giving others the skills to start using Reiki & energy healing and to create their own spiritual business so that they can change the world. For more info visit: and
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