Article by Daya Devi-Doolin
I offer Reiki Healings for donations every Sunday from 2 pm to 4 pm (weather permitting here in Florida). I didn’t really like the 68 degree temp, but it was a lot warmer than it had several weeks ago, in a row. So I bundled myself up and took my gloves and hat and off I went. I decided if there is a little piece of sun, I would sit in it and bring the client’s chair in the sun too so I could work on them.
It didn’t work where I found some sun, so I went up to another level, the level where the store was which “hired” me to offer healing under their sponsorship. I sat on a bench in the patch of sun. I Prayed. In less than 10 minutes out on the upper level, a young woman asked me if I did healing and what kind. I told her Reiki. She smiled and offered me some money for a session. She had a Beagle dog with her on a leash. He was quite the little person, calm and peaceful and obedient. I found a table that was out there on the lawn by the store that was poking its way into the sunlight and so I guided her over to it and pulled a chair in front of my chair.
I prayed with her before we got started, activated the Reiki energy and then scanned her aura, body and spirit for where I was to start. I stopped midway her face, around her jaw and throat. I took my hands and spread her aura open there and was led to move down to her navel and Root chakra. I parted each chakra band open like parting the Red Sea on both levels for several minutes really wide and then I heard I was through with that. I began activing the Reiki energy again and placed my hands directly on top of her head. In three various positions I stood there for quite a while and then I moved to her neck and shoulders. The Beagle was not ever impatient while being on the leash. He lay beside and in-between both of us.
While my hands were on her head, I heard the Spirit of the Beagle telepathically tell me “This is what I would like to share with her. Tell her, that just like I am standing still, she needs to stand still in one place, not rush around willy, nilly wandering around wondering where to go or what to do. She needs to do what I have done and what I am doing, standing still and waiting for the right person to come along and give me the love I need and food and shelter.” I didn’t understand all of this and why the dog would be desiring me to share this with her. I was DONE in about twenty minutes and sat back down in my chair at the card table. I crossed her arms over her chest, fingers touching each part of her shoulders. She must have sat there for twenty – twenty five minutes. I didn’t watch my watch so I don’t know. She was very peaceful after I worked on channeling the energy.

Image by Maëlick
When she finally opened her eyes, I told her I had a message for her and asked if she’d like to hear it. She said yes. First I asked what the dog’s name was. She fumbled about saying it and said Red but it doesn’t seem like that’s his name she said. She said she was told by the owners of the shop they had found him roaming the highway there (Cassadaga, Rd in Cassadaga, FL) and would she like to have him. They had put flyers on various posts in the community and nobody ever claimed him. She said she adopted him with her two kids. Got him shots at a veterinarian and didn’t see that anyone had claimed. The vet didn’t check for chip.
Then I told her what the dog’s Higher Self had revealed to me and asked her if she understand the message and what it meant for her. She said yes.
In the midst of our conversation, we heard a man yelling from his white pick-up truck, “Hey, that’s my dog! That’s my dog Tater!” He quickly turned into the parking lot of where we were sitting and jumped out of the truck and ran over to the dog. He called, “Tater” and again and Tater ran up onto his knees. What a sight to see. He explained to us the dog had been missing for a month. The young man had taken his daughter to emergency hospital, locked the Safe-t lock to the fence and when they got back home, Tater was gone. They looked everywhere for him. He said, he’s my dog, he’s my dog, look I have pictures on my phone, here he is in the living room, here he is doing this, here he is sitting on the window sill.
By this time the young lady was in tears. She tried to call her kids to let them know the dog wasn’t theirs to keep any more and she knew they’d be disappointed to see her come home without their dog.
She went into the store and told the owner what was happening outside and they came out ready to fuss, argue and shout at the man. The young man said, you don’t want to mess with me. I calmed everything down by my thoughts and pretty soon, they were all talking amicably, sensibly to try to work something out. The guy Ronald, said “I am going to have to be in Alabama this weekend, you can dog sit with him if you want. She said really, tears turned to smiling. Then he said he can stay with you this weekend even if you like. She was like blown away at the turn of events. I reminder her that the Beagle had said to her to be still! The young man and the young lady exchanged phone numbers and ways for her to stay in touch with Tater and they live very close to each other so the kids can go see Tater.
Bottom line….So, Tater’s message to her, which we all witnessed how true his words were – stand still, stand firm and let God take care of whatever needs to be care for without worrying. He found his home without moving a muscle, without putting up any posters, without making any phone calls except telepathically. The other point was Ronald had just prayed again that he find Tater and while he didn’t know the real reason for driving up that road at that time, his prayer was answered by standing firm, standing still.
If the young lady and I weren’t listening to Spirit, we would have been on the lower level of the outside of the store and never would have been seen. But we were listening and did act on what we heard to do and where to be.
Dat da-ta da, Reiki does it again! Unexpected miracles!
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Daya Devi-Doolin, is a 500-hour E-RYT (Registered Yoga Alliance Teacher). She is Known as a “Doctor of Thought”. Daya Devi-Doolin is an Ordained Minister and the Co-founder with her husband Chris, of The Doolin Healing Sanctuary in Deltona, FL. She is an internationally known speaker and Award-Winning Author of metaphysical and self-help books. Her inspirational speeches share the secrets for a successful life. She is a Certified Reiki Master Teacher. The Doolin Healing Sanctuary was Voted among Top 5 Yoga Studios on Orlando’s A List in 2013 and the 2nd Top Yoga Studios of Orlando A List for 2014. They received Best Alternative Healing Business Award for Orange City and Deltona, FL in 2013 and 2014. Daya is the host of her own show at and she’s going into her sixth year as host.
What a wonderful article and just what I needed to hear. It could have been written just for me.
I have been wandering and wondering what to do so for so long. I shall sit still and be peaceful and leave it up to the Divine to guide me (along with a good dose of Reiki!).
Yes Edwina, it was written just for you and about 100,000 more :). Let me know if you would how you get guided along by sitting and “standing” still in your heart and mind (with a dose of Reiki).
Warmest Blessings,
Be still .
Be still