Article by Natasha Winsor
What Is an Attunement?
An attunement is a sacred initiation into a metaphysical order that has been present on earth for thousands of year. It further awakens and illuminates the heart and accelerates your divine plan and soul purpose. The result is more love, happiness, joy and peace, which you then extend to others by radiating universal energy. By receiving an attunement you will become part of a group of people who are using Reiki to heal themselves and each other and who are working together to heal the earth. By becoming part of this group you will also be receiving help from the Reiki guides and other spiritual beings who are working toward these goals.
Reiki attunements connect you to the universe and your higher self by opening your chakras to allow more energy to flow. This shift in consciousness allows for greater intuition and balance to occur in the physical body. The amount of energy received grows with each attunement. Attunements stimulate your whole physical, spiritual, emotional and energetic body thereby promoting health and personal growth on all levels and enhancing your sense of well being. Even if you do not use Reiki on a regular basis, the personal growth and energy shift will affect you for many years.
During an attunement heavenly Ki energy carrying the Reiki symbols is channelled into the Crown chakra to the receivers heart. Earthly Ki is drawn up through the legs and lower centres to meet the heavenly Ki in the heart. Hand Chakra’s are activated and attuned to the symbols and opened for Reiki to flow through them. Any obstructions, resistance or fear are removed.
After an attunement expect to have a 21 day cleanse. The energy will work through the seven chakras 3 times, cleansing, lifting deep blocks and preparing for more light to flow through them. This cleansing process can make you feel invigorated and revitalised, but on occasion it can make you feel more emotional as you re-evaluate all aspects in your life. You may also experience headaches, a cold or an upset stomach for a few days. This is all part of your body removing toxins and negative energy and is a very positive process. Every attunement is different so do not try to feel any particular way. Open your heart and mind and let the amazing process take its natural course. You may also notice a difference from the 1st degree to the 2nd and finally Master levels. In fact, the master level can be the most powerful yet unsettling attunement as you make a commitment with all of your soul to follow the principles of Reiki and to pass on this loving energy to others.
Preparing for an Attunement
1 week before the attunement:
- Begin an internal cleanse, think about purifying your physical body.
- Minimise coffee and caffeine as they create imbalances in the nervous and endocrine systems.
- Meditate each day using a style you know or simply spend half an hour each day in silence.
- Go for quiet walks spending time with nature and get moderate exercise.
24 hours before the attunement:
- Avoid alcohol. Minimize eating sweets, chocolate and refined foods.
- Come away from reading negative newspapers and television news.
- Eat and drink healthily.
- Treat yourself as if you are the most important person in the world.
- Give yourself time for self healing treatments or treat yourself to a massage or some form of body work treatment.
Day of the attunement:
- If possible, avoid eating until after the attunement or just have a light snack.
- Take something special like a crystal or piece of jewellery into the room so that it soaks up the powerful energy.
- Let your intuition guide you, do what ever you feel you need to do.
- Give yourself time afterwards to come back down to earth and process what you have just experienced.
- Make a note of any visions, feelings or experiences you had.
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Natasha Winsor
Natasha Winsor is originally from Zimbabwe but moved to the UK 12 years ago. She is a Holistic Therapist and Reiki Master specialising in Aromatherapy Massage, Reiki treatments and courses and Angel Guidance Readings. She comes from a very spiritual family and has communicated with angels and spirits since she was four years old. Natasha started doing angel readings for friends and family at the age of fourteen and after years of growth and learning, she now does distance and face to face readings for people all over the world with the help of her guardian angel, Archangel Michael. After working in a very stressful corporate environment, Natasha left her job to follow her heart and start practising holistic therapies full time. Her main aim in life is to make a positive difference in the world by helping others to find inner peace through relaxation and guidance from the angels. Reach Natasha at and on Facebook at Angelic-Whispers.
Thanks for the great article. I was wondering if attunement can be given for generic individual healing or is it only done to attune someone to a particular Reiki level?