Article by Haripriya Suraj, Reiki Master
Many of us practise Reiki but we often forget to enjoy the benefits that Reiki offers. One benefit that is felt by almost everyone who receives Reiki is a feeling of relaxation. This feeling of relaxation can be experienced almost every time we give Reiki to ourselves or to others.
This beautiful healing energy with its soothing warmth literally penetrates our cells and helps us enter deep states of relaxation. Even when we do not feel any sensations, just placing our hands over different parts of our body calms the mind, relaxes the body and nourishes the soul.
However, when we turn Self Reiki into a task to be accomplished every day, it ceases to be a relaxing experience. And that is not the purpose of Reiki practice. Reiki is not a task to be accomplished but an experience that we must look forward to each day.
Self care is an important aspect of life. Finding some quiet time to unwind and relax is beneficial to our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Reiki practice is one of the easiest ways for us to take some time off for ourselves on a daily basis.

Image by dreamymo
Here are some tips that can make our Self Reiki sessions more relaxing
1. Practising Reiki at approximately the same time every day can help us drift into a state of relaxation easily. It is similar to getting into bed around the same time each night. The body knows what to expect. So, we fall asleep easily. Similarly, when we give ourselves Reiki around the same time each day, we tend to relax more easily. Having erratic practice times can make it harder for the body to relax. While it may not be practically possible to practise at the same time 365 days of the year, we can certainly aim to do so for the most part of it. The time you choose must work for you and fit into your daily schedule with ease.
2. Practising Reiki in the same place every day also helps to a large extent, again because the body tunes into the familiar surroundings and begins to relax. Much like how we tune into sleep mode once we tuck ourselves in bed. Your practice space could be your healing room, bedroom, living room- any place that is clean, comfortable, accessible everyday and feels right to you.
3. Lighting a candle and playing soft music can also help some people get into relaxation mode. Much like how we feel in a calming spa ambience with flowers, soft music, candles and dim lighting. However, some people prefer to keep things quiet and music may not be a great option for them. Consider having music in the background only if it helps you relax.
4. Many people find that lying down during self Reiki feels more relaxing than sitting up straight. Lying down is my personal preference too. This may not be a great option if you are practising at bed time as lying down at that hour can put you to sleep. But at times when you are not sleepy, lying down comfortably can help you relax more deeply. Just make sure you ground yourself sufficiently after the session.
5. During the session, allow yourself to soak in the energy, like we would soak in a bubble bath! Allow the energy to wash over you and to flow as it needs to. Do not get into the habit of rushing through your healing every day. Take the time to feel the energy in different parts of your body. Notice the sensations in each of your chakras as the energy courses through them. Enjoy the process of allowing your body to relax. Let your hands rest on each position for as long as they naturally feel like. When we practise this way, we derive maximum benefit from our Self Reiki practice.
6. Finally, view Self Reiki as ‘Me Time.’ No doubt Reiki is much more than just relaxation and brings about deep healing on various levels. But what it so faithfully does for us every time is helping us relax. The more we learn to relax, the easier it becomes to heal as well. Relax, let go and enjoy every minute of your Reiki practice!
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Haripriya Suraj is a Reiki Master, Angel Healer and Starseed Lightworker. Reiki is her constant companion from which she derives peace and contentment. She is deeply connected with the Stars and Angels and they form an integral part of her Reiki practice. Her core mission is to help bridge the worlds of Spirit and Science and to help people connect with their unique soul missions. Haripriya offers Reiki healing sessions and training programs in Bangalore, India. Reach Haripriya at, on email at and on Facebook at Angel Light.
Very beautiful article Haripriya
Hi, i am reiki master. I feel that all the articles that published on reiki rays are highly motivating & appreciable. I am so grateful to all the authors for keep motivating us to practice reiki in different ways. Thanks a lot. .