I’m positive that every single person reading this article will relate to it. I know that at some point in life you’ve had to make a decision. Be it a big decision, such as buying a new home, or a small decision on what to have for dinner. Every person has at one time or another had to make a decision. Sometimes making a decision can be extremely difficult no matter how big or small – some people struggle with decision making, and so this article has been written to help and assist.
Using Reiki to help with decision making:
Method 1
1. Write your issue or concern down on a piece of paper.
Eg: I need to know if I should buy the house at 26 Duke Street, or not to buy it. Can you help me please Reiki?
2. Write underneath this request, an invocation to Reiki (similar to what you do before giving a treatment).
Eg: To my dear Angels above, in love and light, I ask to channel Reiki healing energy, for the total healing of mind, body and soul as I ask for help and assistance in making the above decision. Thank you Reiki.
3. Hold the piece of paper between your hands (in the prayer position) and call in the Reiki energy. Feel your hands become warm and begin fill the paper with its divine energy.
4. Draw the Reiki symbols over the piece of paper (by holding it in one hand and using the other to do so), or if you prefer to keep your hands in the prayer position, beam the symbols into the paper, or visualise the symbols entering the paper, knowing the issue is being soaked with divine loving energy with the symbols to help and assist Reiki to do it’s loving work.
5. Place the piece of paper in a special place until the decision is made.
6. Give thanks to Reiki for its help and assistance.
Method 2
1. Choose two different crystals.
2. If they have not been cleansed, then give them a quick cleanse with whatever method you are comfortable with.
3. Allocate which crystal represents “YES” and which crystal represents “NO.”
4. Place both crystals in your hands (in the prayer position) and call in the Reiki energy by doing an invocation similar to what you would do before a treatment.
Eg: To my dear Angels above, in love and light, I ask to channel Reiki healing energy, for the total healing of mind, body and soul as I ask for help and assistance in making the decision on should I buy the house at 26 Duke Street? I ask that you infuse the crystals with your loving energy. Thank you Reiki.
5. Place the crystals into a specifically chosen box.
6. Shake the box around so the crystals move about.
7. Stand before the box with eyes closed. If you like, now is another good time to say an invocation (if you chose to do so):
Eg: To my dear Angels above, in love and light, I ask to channel Reiki healing energy, for the total healing of mind, body and soul as I ask for help and assistance in making the decision on should I buy the house at 26 Duke Street? I ask that I chose the right crystal for the circumstances. Thank you Reiki.
8. With eyes closed, open the lid of the box and place your hand in and the first crystal you clasp your hands on, is your answer. Bring it out of the box and open your eyes.
9. Trust whatever the crystal infused with Reiki is telling you – Yes or No.
Method 3
This is a beautiful and simple method if you don’t have much time.
Before going to sleep, do a Reiki invocation, whilst standing in your room, and more specifically above your pillow. Ask for help and assistance during the sleeping hours on the decision you need clarification on, and trust in the morning, Reiki will have provided an answer for you.
Thank you for reading this article and I trust the methods and suggestions within are useful.
With love, light and harmony,
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Awesome article… Made for me… Lots of love!!!
Hi Dhwani, I’m so glad you enjoyed the article 🙂 Love, light and harmony. Tammy
Tammy, article was amazing, gives direction to those who r in primitive stage of reiki. Keep it up????
Hi Anuja, thanks for your comment and glad you enjoyed it. I feel it can be used at all levels of reiki, not just the early stages. Love, light and harmony. Tammy x
Wonderful article dear.stay blessed
Thank you Shipra, I’m glad you enjoyed the ideas <3 and the article <3
nice article Tammy 🙂
i usually use my pendulum for dowsing and create a card where i write three options as yes,no and maybe.
Thanks for your message Nidhi. Writing a card is a great idea as well. Thanks for sharing. Tammy xx
Hi!! This is great! Thank you!! Just a quick question: I only have my Level 1 in Reiki, how can I use the symbols, or do I have to wait until I receive my Level 2 attunement? Thanks!! Love, light and peace to all!
Hi Denene thanks for your message. In level 1 I teach 2 traditional symbols and 13 non-traditional symbols, which students can use right away… then in level 2 I teach yet another traditional symbol and Level 3 the final and fourth traditional symbol. Some teachers however don’t teach any symbols until level 2… if you’ve not been shown any of the symbols yet, you’ll need to wait until you have been. I trust this makes sense? Tammy xx
Wonderfull ….I really liked the way u r describing ,can you please tell me how to do reiki to buy a specific house which I liked it a lot
Hi Sandhya, i will write an article on this for you so keep your eyes open xxxx
awesome article 🙂
Hi Shraddha, I’m glad you enjoyed the article. With love, light and harmony. Tammy x
Great article. Thanks a lot
Very nice, I really in need of this.
Hi Tammy, in the first method how do I know the answer by writing on the paper
Hi Jaya, the answer will come to you and a decision will be made. You’ll just make up your mind. Intuition will also play a big part in it. Reiki will help you make a decision rather than being indecisive, that’s how you’ll know xx