Blending Reiki with an Intuitive Guidance Session is a natural for me as I was a practicing Intuitive before I was a Reiki Master. So, from the start, offering intuitive guidance as part of a Reiki session was a win-win for me. What I’m talking about here is different than Dr. Usui’s method of using intuition to guide delivery of Reiki to clients. Reiki history describes Dr. Usui’s use of intuition as a guiding force in his own Reiki practice, and he trained students to intuitively deliver Reiki to clients, however it’s not clear if he also relayed intuitive guidance to clients as part of his treatment sessions.
When I began offering Reiki sessions in my own practice, both in-person and by distance, I quickly noticed I was receiving not only information about blocks and imbalances in my client’s energy system and how to select and direct Reiki energy and symbols for use in the session, but also specific guidance in the form of messages to share with my client. The type of guidance I receive to share, includes, for example, causes of energetic blockages and imbalances with suggestions on how my client may dodge them in the future; recommendations on how to change perspective to create balance in my client’s lives that would be reflected in the energy body; external situations contributing to the state of their energy; and also straight-up, direct messages from spirit guides, mine and theirs, including episodes of mediumship.
When I realized what was happening, that I was conducting a guidance session within a Reiki session, I just went with it. My finely-tuned intuitive language of personal signs and symbols created for clarity with my guides blends beautifully with all things Reiki. So, I began to create blended Reiki and Intuitive Guidance Sessions where Reiki energy did it’s work, and intuitive guidance received was passed on to my clients by me, the delivery girl. Today, my clients are delighted with this option of service. I continue to offer traditional Reiki sessions, in-person and distant, but this blend is the service my clients request again and again. Over time, I’ve incorporated the use of crystals, oracles, and meditation as part of individually designed sessions and no two sessions are alike.
It’s common knowledge that a side benefit of a Reiki practice is an increase in the strength and clarity of natural intuition. Tapping into intuition is easy with training and practice. In the next paragraphs, I discuss why I offer this blending of healing modalities and the benefits to my clients. I also share how I do it; what it feels like on my end; and examples from actual sessions on the types of information I receive and share with my clients that add value to their experience with Reiki.
Why do I blend Reiki with Intuitive Guidance Sessions, and what are the benefits to clients?
I offer a blend of Reiki and Intuitive Guidance in a session because it greatly benefits my client by providing information and guidance they may use immediately to make new choices to support themselves in creating their lives while enjoying the benefits of a Reiki session. Often, the guidance creates new understanding for my clients of their participation in the creation of their energetic imbalances that may be a contribution to dis-ease. Reiki stimulates deep, deep relaxation in a safe environment, and in that state, I’m more easily able to read the subtle energies present in and around my client, and my client is more open to receiving what is coming for their benefit.

Image by ©Barbara Higgins Photography
How do I do it?
First, I prepare myself and my studio for both Reiki and Intuitive Guidance work. I open the Reiki session for my client and go through a full Reiki session while receiving intuitive guidance from the guides. I close the Reiki session and ask the Spirit guides to remain and continue the Intuitive Guidance Session. I relay the information received to my client with an opportunity to ask questions while I am still “connected” to the guides, and I relay the answers provided. When I sense the energy of the guides dissipating, or when the messages seem to have come to a natural end, I thank our guides, close the session, and ground both of us with intention, energy clearing, and something physical, usually a drink of water. Afterward, my client and I have a conversation about the experience from my client’s perspective. We finish with a discussion on how my client may best use the information gained during the session to move forward.
More specifically, my preparations include my own Reiki cleansing, an energetic clearing of my studio space using a dowsing rod and pendulum followed by a smudging with sage, palo santo wood, or incense, before I seal the space with Reiki to create a strong energetic boundary. I light natural beeswax candles to call in the Light (meaning my connection to Source, The Universe, All). I ask my spirit guides and those of my client to come forward to support the boundaries. (I want only high vibrational participants that have my client’s highest and best interest to be present in a session). I ask the guides to offer guidance while I do the Reiki session. I can sense the spirit guides in the room, and it’s a separate entourage from the Reiki guides.
Without exception, when my clients walk into my studio, they mention how the energy in this room feels different, inviting, safe. I place my clients on my Reiki table, give them a few minutes to settle-in, and ask if they would like to know of the intuitive guidance I may receive for them during the Reiki session. Although my clients are aware of the type of session they’ve scheduled, I always give them an out if they don’t want to hear the guidance for whatever reason. I haven’t had that happen yet. I begin their Reiki session and as I work, I pay attention not only the quality of energy in their system, but also to my own body and my third-eye where I receive guidance in the form of pictures, words, images that appear like movies, language, sounds, signs, clues, symbols, and scents. The hard part is organizing the information that is delivered like a big bowl of vegetable soup wherein I have to figure out which pieces go together in order to communicate a clear message. Practice makes perfect. Some of the messages or guidance is straightforward: “Stop giving until it hurts”, for example. Others, not so much. “There’s a male figure here wearing a suit from the 1930’s and an English bowler-style hat who was ushered into our space by an excitable dog with light, long, poofy hair”. To which my client responded, “That’s my grandfather who served in the military in England and the dog is Frisky, our family pet. My grandfather died when I was an infant.” After several more clues were delivered to me, it was clear that this was a message of love. Usually, I hold the messages and guidance in my mind until the Reiki part of the session is complete. I begin sharing the messages, guidance, and information received toward the end of the session when I am still connected intuitively and can have a conversation with my client and the guides at the same time. It just seems to flow better that way for me. I don’t like to break up the meditative, relaxing quality of the Reiki delivery to my client.
What sensations do I experience while during a session?
Before I begin preparing my studio space for this type of session, I often sense the guides coming forward. To me, it feels as if several people have walked into the room I’m in, but they are invisible. If you close your eyes, or were blindfolded, and had headphones on, I believe you would sense, with your sixth sense, that of vibration, if and when someone is in the room with you. You would sense their vibration. Much may be determined from the qualities of vibration. When guides are in the room, I sense it the same way, but it’s more subtle. I also sense the presence of my Reiki guides, however they tend to arrive and leave with the timing of the actual Reiki part of the session. Sometimes I start receiving intuitive “hits” of information for my client before they arrive. I’ll make a mental note of it and put those pieces all together with the additional information I receive during the session. After the client has arrived, and I begin the session, I feel the Reiki flow and I go to work. I scan the body to see where the issues lie, and ask the guides to start downloading the guidance in addition to the information I need to do a great job. Chakra by chakra, messages are delivered. I may receive, for example, information about their soul history, present issues that are causing imbalances, personal habits and perspectives that are contributing factors to the reasons that brought my client to me for a session in the first place. I can also sense the fading of the energy, the signal to close the connection.
What role does Reiki play during an Intuitive Guidance Session?
In my experience, Reiki energy supports what I call “sacred space”. It’s the type of space I create in preparation for an Intuitive Guidance Session. The Reiki energy shores-up the energetic boundaries of the space, raises the vibration in the space to facilitate a quick and clear connection to the guides, and holds that vibration through to the finish. As a Reiki Master and Intuitive, I serve as the conductor of the different sources of energy and guidance that enter the energetic field within the blended Reiki and Intuitive Guidance Session.
In summary, Reiki energy blends well with many different forms of energy work and healing modalities. I hope my experience will inspire you to create services of your own that expand the possibilities of your Reiki sessions to benefit your clients, and bring new clients to your practice. Thank you for your interest (you’re still here at the end with me!) and I wish for you peace, love, and Light.
Article by Lisa Rose Lodeski
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Lisa Rose Lodeski
Lisa Rose Lodeski is an Usui, Karuna®, and Holy Fire® Reiki Master practitioner and trainer in California offering in-person and distant healing sessions and training. She is also a Soul Coach specializing in the Akashic Records and an Intuitive Guide. Visit her website at
Hi there , I am so glad I have read this, I have only done my reiki 1 & while practicing I kept getting images from their past, future , or described a person who has passed thankfully I had open people to practice on. But now I want to advertise myself I wasn’t sure what to call the treatment as it was more than reiki, and the things I picked up on something from their past was effecting them or the body & I wasn’t sure if anyone out there was doing the same. So thanks for sharing
Hello Monique and thanks for your comments! I appreciate you.
Hi.This was the perfect article at the perfect time for me. I always ask the client if they want me to share any information I receive and they always say yes. Incorporating the intuitive consulting and calling it such is a wonderful idea. My question is if you offer Reiki and Reiki with intuitive consultations and the client chooses only to pay for the Reiki how do you deal with the information you get. It feels wrong not to share what comes through. Charging is always such a hard thing with the healing arts and anyway. I would feel morally obligated to share it regardless. Any advice? Thank you
Hi Patty! I found that most of my clients want the intuitive guidance so I created a service that includes both. Reiki with Intuitive Guidance is the title of my session. If they only want the Reiki, that’s fine, but the price remains the same. You could break it up into services however. Reiki or Reiki with Intuitive Guidance on your list of services and let them decide there which they prefer. I charge more for the intuitive guidance with Reiki sessions, of course, because they take more time.
Thankyou for this. I also receive messages and was told by another healer it was wrong to mix the two x
I am a Psychic, Reiki-Karuna, Student of Metaphysic. Being born with my beautiful intuitive mind, led me to look for information that made sense to me. When I was a kid, I used to tell my little friends all about theirs short lives, and what was going on. Well, once I started with Reiki, when channeling, I sense the spirit world every time I give a session. And yes! I also sense a past life, relatives, etc. And, whether I wanted or not, they are always there… So I bow to these spirits and say thank you for helping me. I love the feeling….I love to know that within my humble channeling I can get into the non-visible world….So, if you don’t want to ‘mix’ Reiki with anything else… Just -say thank you to the spirits- and concentrate on the vital Reiki. Oh, I have been a Reiki Master for about 27 years. Be blessed!
Hi Pauline! Healing arts practitioners mix healing modalities for the benefit of the client and to get results all the time. In my opinion, it’s natural. There’s no benefit to asking the client to schedule another, separate, appointment for a different service when you can blend the two with good results. I was an intuitive before I was a Reiki Master, so it comes naturally to me. I’m accurate and my clients love it. Do what feels right to you.
Thank you very much for this informational article. I have learned a lot from it.
Thank you! !!
You’re welcome!
Very interesting and informative article. Intuitive guidance was part of my reiki training, both at level 2 and the master level. I used to try and tune into intuitive information but now teach my clients to focus (Gendlin’s body-centred process) to tune into intuitive information for themselves. I do however receive images, phrase and information and will, if it seems important, share it.
How do you practice gendlins process during a reiki session? It looks a bit deep but I can certainly see the advantages.
Thanks for your comment, Charles! Some clients are be more attuned to their intuition and receive it during a session and others won’t, so if you have their permission to share in advance, it will add to the benefits of the session, in my opinion.
Hello and thankyou for this amazing article….how would it work with people who have dementia…
with gratitude
Hi Dee, I believe it will work the same as with people without dementia because the guidance is coming from the spirit guides or Reiki guides, or your own intuition receiving vibration. I’ve worked with incommunicable stroke patients in Reiki sessions and was able to communicate with them in that state.
My intuition came naturally and opened up when I started practicing Reiki. I have taken Reiki 2 and Reiki 3. My speciality is childhood trauma. My intuition can determine the age of where the trauma has started. Sometimes it can be past life. I am so grateful for this gift.
That’s a fantastic ability you have!
Wonderful article on Reiki and Intuitive Guidance. Will try to do it completely during reiki sessions.
Very useful and helpful way to heal your clients.