While reading and studying about Reiki, the first thing that we read and study are The 5 Principles Of Reiki. When you are a beginner in Reiki you do not understand the Importance of these principles. But as you self practice Reiki and begin to heal yourself and others we come to understand the very basis and core of Reiki in the 5 Principles. How?
1. Just For Today, I will Not Be Angry
In our everyday life we are prone to many things which are sometimes in our hands and many times not. Frustration in work, relationships and health tend to make us angry and this we take out on ourselves and others around us. By doing this we harm ourselves and give out negative vibes to others and the Universe. This anger blocks our rational thinking capacity and our mind and heart gets clogged. If these are clogged naturally our Reiki Channel is blocked and the flow of Reiki is disrupted. Our aura gets holes and our health gets disrupted. By staying calm we can think and act rationally. Positive vibes get sent to all around us and the Universe and the Universe in turn showers positivity in abundance on us.
2. Just For Today, I Will Not Worry
What happens when you worry? You become insecure and scared. There is a fear. We need to overcome this. By worrying we complicate things and we get more stuck in the situation. Again our rational thinking capacity is lost. Our energy is lost. We get what we give. So if we are worrying we get more worry. So stop worrying. It will never take you anywhere to the goal but take you away from it.

Image by Antonio Machado
3. Just For Today, Be Grateful
How nice you feel when someone says thank you to you. Don’t you? So how about making everyone and everything around us feel good. Just by a small thank you. See the tremendous effect of being grateful for whatever and everything we have. The feeling of gracefulness makes us humble and appreciate the goodness in others. Be thankful to the almighty for the wonderful life that you are living. Be thankful to your parents, teachers and all the people and things who have made an impact on you. Good things done come back to you with a greater bang.
4. Just For Today, I Will Work Hard and Honestly
We all work for our daily bread. But how honest are we in our work? Do we work for the sake of working or do we work for our passion? Try working honestly and with proper intention. Hard work always pays. Bringing corruption and bribery and laziness in your work gets back to you in the same way. There is no substitute to hard and honest work. You do your duty honestly, the rest will be taken care by the Universe.
5. Just For Today, Be Kind To All
Kindness is one of the noblest deed anybody can do. You do not have to lose anything to be kind. Kindness opens your heart to receive more kindness and love from the Universe.
After going though these principles you will find that by only following these you automatically become a channel of love and healing. These principles are a healing in themselves and they ensure that the channel of healing is never clogged and blocked. This ensures the free / uninterrupted flow of Reiki in any person. A person following these will have an activated and healed chakras and will radiate and glow with positivity and goodness. The Aura of this person will be healthy and good. Anyone who comes in contact with this person will automatically gain the principles of Reiki and so will spread goodness and kindness around. All positive things will start happening and Universe will pour out in abundance. Let’s start by helping our Universe get good things. Let’s follow the Principles of Reiki. You need not be a practitioner or a student of Reiki to follow this. It’s free for all and anyone and anybody can benefit from this.
Article by Latha Shenoy
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Latha Shenoy
Latha Shenoy is a Reiki Grandmaster, Violet Flame Healer and an Angel Card Healer. She was in a Corporate Career until 2013 as a Business Development Manager and an Application Specialist in an MNC. She has done MBA in Operations. Latha has quit her career since 2013 and she has devoting her spare time in learning various Spiritual Sciences and practicing the same. She conducts workshops on Chakra Balancing and Meditation, and she teaches Reiki Classes and Angel Card readings.
Very well written Latha!
So much detailed and so wonderfully explained!!
Keep writing:-)
Fantastic Explanation…Very Well Done..Latha..Really Liked it..
Beautiful article…keep up the good work…
Wonderful article Latha. Nicely explained. Thanks a lot.
Very good Article
Nice article. explained wonderfully. Thanks latha.