Article by Darshan.S
One of the most important aspects that we need healing for in our lives is to attain clarity. We live in a world that is constantly changing every second and this leads to a lot of confusion and disarray. We get caught up in this tide of confusion, not having control over where we are going.
Lets look at the definition of clarity for a second:
“Clarity can be defined as a unified thought or a single thought that we hold in our mind in terms of what it is that we want to be, do or have”
Why is having Clarity so important you may ask?
Lets look at this in terms of a metaphor. Imagine yourself holding a bow and arrow but having no target to shoot at. Clarity is that target. It allows us to use our resource to accomplish whatsoever it is that we want to. Even if we miss the target we can reassess what we did wrong and improve upon it. It is always better than not having a target at all.
Clarity through Reiki:
- Sit in a quiet place and make yourself comfortable. Clear out all distractions.
- Shield and Ground yourself. You may do this by Visualization or by using affirmations like the ones given below:
1.Shielding : “I am sitting under a diving pyramid. This pyramid is shielded by my god/angel/higher self (anything that you believe in). I am protected and safe inside this pyramid”
2.Grounding : “I am now grounding my roots. They go deep into the earth grounding all the negative energy and nourishing me with the energy of mother earth.” - Invoke the Divine Reiki Energy with the intention to heal all the confusion within you and bring you to a state of absolute clarity.

Image by ronymichaud
- Once the Reiki starts to flow use Symbol 3 HSZSN to connect to clarity and visualize it flowing into you in any form or color that represents clarity to you.
For people who are level I imagine being engulfed in a white light of clarity. - Imagine each and every cell within you resonating at this frequency of absolute clarity.
- Once you feel you have reached the state of clarity that you desire Seal the healing within you by drawing symbol 1 CKR.
Thank the divine Reiki energy for healing you and for everyone who has assisted you in the healing. - Do this healing process everyday for 21 days for at least 15 minutes everyday. This brings about massive change and growth in your life at all levels.
Drinking Reiki Charged water with the intention to bring about clarity will give tremendous results for remember we are 80% water.
You can also energize your bed and pillow to give clarity in your dreams because dreams bring about great revelations and insights for our personal growth.
You can also use Crystals like Flourite, Sodalite, Citrine, Pyrite and Calcite to assist you in your healing for they are clarity crystals.
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Darshan is a Reiki healer & teacher, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and a Professional Dowser. He owns a Metaphysical Store called “Crystal Alchemy” through which he helps spread awareness about Crystals and other Healing Modalities. You can reach Darshan at,
Very insightful article Darshan
Excellent Darshan.
1.under a diving pyramid. Its Divine or diving pyramid
Pls clear to me.
Its “Divine Pyramid” Shashi.
I guess that was a Typo
Fantastic article, Darshan. God bless you!