This infographic was inspired by one of the most popular articles published by us: Quick Tip: Clear Your Room with Reiki. Enjoy!
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if the attunement had been done correctly there is no need to harmonize a room. it would have been done when you entered the space.
so …where ever an attune-ee goes is automatically purged of all negative energy?
Hi, wonderful and I do agree with you ..????????
What about if a traumatic event happened in a room/house. My dog was brutally killed by a visiting dog at our cabin. My home is not clear. I am a crystal reiki master, that negative energy is still there, I was there for 12 hours after the trauma…. no clearing was done by me, I just couldn’t do it.
It makes sense. My friend is a Magick pratictioner and Reiki Master and he said Reiki isn’t effective to cleansy. Pranic Cure works better.
Didn’t know Cracker Jacks gave Reiki attunements; your friend “claims” to be a ‘master’??? Actually, a 2nd degree Reiki could cleanse a room with the ‘cho’.but a master can do it more quickly and ‘bless’ the room with sustaining energy. Usui must be rolling over in his grave when he sees how people have bastardized Reiki for their own personal motives. I was empowered by 1 of the 7 Masters that Takata make, who was Grand Master empowered by Usui himself and ALOT of what is trying to be passed off as Reiki is not Reiki. Do the research and realize the truth. Blessing from a Traditional (and true) Reiki Master.
Chill out bro hehe Here in Brazil any praticioner who is attuned in 3B level is called Master. However, I know this titled is wrong and a little overated. I prefer Instructor.
My friend doens’t claim this title, I called him that way because is natural to say that here. If he said Reiki isn’t effective for cleanse, it’s just his opinion based on experiences. But, he could be wrong or not, I don’t know. Nobody is the Lord of Thuth.
Did you say Takata was empowered as Grand Master by Usui?
I already didn’t understand, what truth I need to realize?
Blessing from a Reiki Student!
Very informative .I appreciate the sharing of such experiences for betterment of humanity .I try the method in my home n specially the room I use for my reiki lworking it makes that room very calm and attractive for visitors ..blessings
I think this pictorial explanation makes more sense…
I understood far better this time. …thanks!
Thanks for this and it came to me just at the right time because this is something I have been planning on doing. Namaste
gracia yo necesito hacer esto ya que siempre que salgo recreso com algun malestar
hi ,i realy apriciate ,i do reki to the house clearing ,every room ,but wat i done sit down one place then whole house i clear , things are moving for me the day is gone good i can see the difrence ,see nice peoiple they help me ,my doughter help me i cant belive this i know now how to clear the whole house thank u to remind me ,lights and love ,namaste
Lovely, thankyou x
Que pena la información está sobre la imagen en inglés no me sirve
realy usefullthanks
When you’ve been ill for a while, or when you’re just moving in, this is going to be very useful. Thank you.
This is a nice article and makes lot of sense . But again I agree with a friend’s statement that if you are attuned and practicing reiki properly then you yourself are a light into your self spreading reiki energy around you anywhere and everywhere .
Thank you for a detailed pictorial. One can also clear the room or space with white angel light. Also, I prefer to start with grounding and protection from Archangel Michael.
hello! i clear the room with Reiki Symbols, every wall in counterclockwise sense, ceiling and floor
Thanks for reminding with pic .oops how I forgot this to add in my daily routine.thanks a ton.namastay.
I have done reiki one and in that symbols are not taught. How i can do room and house cleaning? Every day i am practising reiki.
move to the next level and get Reiki 2 ;-), rajeev
tks for your reply.may i know, with reiki first level, can i do this? If so, how? can some one enlighten me on this.
Have clear intention the Reiki energy so works on all levels trust your own feelings on this Angel Light
I am a doctor. i have done reiki-2. It’s a wonderful experience. I started doing it since has made lot of positive difference. Wen my wife came from clinic she told me that there is lot of tranquility. She didn’t know that I did cleaning before that..
sir i am new on reiki rays i wanna healing how can i get it
Greetings to all.
Do you still believe in Santa Clause in the way that you did when you were young?
What about the Easter Bunny or many other beliefs and to that add ‘Fear’.
Have you heard about a healing system called Reiki and if so are you told that it is Spiritual and you just have to believe.
Most belief patterns are really designed to control and to let somebody to lead you.
So let’s take a good look at what really is Reiki and take away the control factor of belief .
Belief patterns cannot be tested in the physical but the system of Reiki can because it is Physical Energy/ Frequency & Vibration, it is written in Language, words and symbols as sentence’s and applied to the Energy Centers of a person.
Attunements finding the place/ Affirmations the words or symbols & Chakras the energy centers within the invisible Psychic/ Mental/ Emotional all working to remove dis-ease from that invisible body to allow the Physical to self heal.
No belief pattern for you to believe in but it can be tested as it exists in the physical.
There is an exercise that can be used to test the invisible.
Hold a cloth or tissue in one hand and with the other over the cloth write your 1st born name and hold the hands together, after about a minute you may be aware, a feeling, of something that you may not be able to describe or warmth / heat. Bringing the hands apart but still holding the cloth the created energy will remain until you put down the cloth.
It took me a while to understand what and how the system exists and the connection can be tested.
A proxy is a something that exists as an object such as a doll/ teddy bear or a pillow and into that proxy you write a persons name over the Crown. If you feel that you have entered the Crown and are moving down through the person, the energy centres are normal, however if at the Crown you feel warmth/ heat or just cannot enter then an Affirmation has been used to raise the Vibrations of invisible body and that applied Affirmation has been retained. Sounds technical but it is real, the person holds a higher vibration.
Most of what you read about Reiki is History in many forms and not necessarily true.
You can read all of that elsewhere, all that is needed to connect is to have somebody with the use of an Attunement apply an Affirmation to the energy centres and again using another Affirmation retain the original.
The 1st level requires 4 sessions with an introductive session, while the 2nd requires 2 sessions and workshops.
Awesome comment. I am Jonathan from Brazil, and I liked your opinion it makes sense. Do you have a blog or something else to maintain contact?
My English is not so good but I really want to know more about your Reiki Vision.
“An enlightened being is not the person everyone knows.
A being that is enlightened is a stranger.
He/She is a being that is unknown.
He/She cannot be contained by any person, group, idea or nation.”
“Comparison is the thief of joy.”
_____Theodore Roosevelt
Can we sit in lotus position and do it? aren’t we supposed to not cross legs during healing?