Article by Haripriya Suraj, Reiki Master
It is nice to live in a home that is filled with love and light. A house that is enveloped in love and light can help with our growth and healing. A house that is enveloped in negative vibrations can drain us of energy and impede our progress. Homes are pretty much like crystals. They are energy sensitive and tend to pick up negative energies rather fast. Dirt, clutter, negative people, certain television shows, lack of air circulation and the like tend to make homes dark and heavy. If you practise Reiki regularly, you can easily tune in to the vibrations of your home. You will sense when the energies don’t feel right. It would be wise to clear your home of negativities on a regular basis and certainly when you sense that it has absorbed negative energies.
Reiki and incense work well together. They can clean up your home and restore it to a vibration of love and light. However, you will need to ensure that your house is physically clean first. It is more difficult to clear homes that are poorly maintained and in unhygienic conditions. Once your house is physically clean, you can proceed to clean it further with the energy of incense and Reiki.

Image by isado
Here’s how you do it:
- Light some incense. Trust your intuition and use the amount of incense that feels right to you on any given day.
- Walk around the entire house (living room, bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen, garage etc) with the incense, allowing its fragrance and smoke to fill every nook and corner.
- If you use incense sticks, you can make circular movements with the sticks as you cleanse the house.
- As you walk around with the incense, keep saying “Cho Ku Rei, Cho Ku Rei, Cho Ku Rei……” and intend that Reiki flows. Visualise the symbol multiplying and flooding your entire house. The symbol Cho Ku Rei works well for clearing spaces.
- Give extra attention to places that have been cut off from air circulation for long periods. Some examples would be the spaces behind thick curtains and doors, inside wardrobes, store rooms etc. Make sure the fragrant smoke reaches all those areas. Allow your intuition to be your guide and let the smoke flow to all the places that you sense need extra cleansing.
- After clearing all the rooms in the house, set up the incense in an incense holder. Place the incense holder in a central location of the house. As the incense burns out, its fragrant smoke will continue to flow throughout the house thereby clearing residual energies.
- Draw a big Cho Ku Rei in the air and request it to stay over your house, thereby keeping its energy clean and pure.
- As always, remember to express your gratitude to the incense and to Reiki for helping you clean up your home.
Once you make clearing your home a regular practice, you will have zero tolerance for negative energies in your home. The lightness, joy and peace that come from living in a home that is physically and energetically clean will get you addicted to this enjoyable clearing practice!
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Haripriya Suraj is a Reiki Master, Angel Healer and Starseed Lightworker. Reiki is her constant companion from which she derives peace and contentment. She is deeply connected with the Stars and Angels and they form an integral part of her Reiki practice. Her core mission is to help bridge the worlds of Spirit and Science and to help people connect with their unique soul missions. Haripriya offers Reiki healing sessions and training programs in Bangalore, India. Reach Haripriya at, on email at and on Facebook at Angel Light.
Very useful article haripriya. I really wanted this type of guidance. Thanks a lot.
Thank you Shweta. Blessings!
What a lovely article, succinct and complete! I’ve written several articles in regard to clearing the home, and maintaining a ‘positive’ environment. When I have had quarrels and bickering with my loved ones the energies in the home have plagued me day in and day out. As I’ve cleared and maintained my home environment in a more positive light, the quarreling has diminished greatly. Unfortunately, my quick to flicker temper sometimes flares prior to my awareness of it coming, and then I need to clear our space completely. There is much to be said for simple Nag Champa incense, salt water that is blessed with CKR and other symbols, and simple LOVE. Love truly is what it’s all about <3 Blessings to you and yours!
really very useful thanks a lot
Thank you Aravindhamalar!
Wonderful information. … knowledge is wealth. … thanks Haripriya. .. can you also suggest how to keep self motivated without getting carried away by negative thoughts… tough to implement and practice when we are completely demotivated due to situations…. how do we create more positive thoughts. .. your inputs would help…
Thank you Venkatakrishnan.
The best way to help yourself with any issue is to practise Reiki self healing everyday. Reiki is your best guide and it will help you with all your issues in unique ways, provided you are in touch with its energies every day. Blessings.
Very useful article Haripriya, keep posting such motivational articles. Let people know how to clear/clean the negative energies and move towards developing positive energies. Keep it up….
Thank you very much Raju!
Very useful article Haripriya, i want a favor can you post how to heal acidity through rekhi.
Thank you Praveen. I will certainly keep your request in mind and write about it when possible.
Respected mam,
there are many type of negative energy such as black magic energy,dark energy or dark force energy ,psychic attach energy, dark spirit energy, Negative Spirit energy,energy Vampires
i want to know what type energy will be removed after doing this, please reply
Whatever energy you intend to be cleared. ALL unwanted energy will be cleared if that is your intention.
thank you
Great article
Thank you, so useful
Very helpful thanks
I can’t use incense because of a very sensitive fire alarm system. Can I use a spray made from essential oils in place of the smoke from the incense?
Michelle, I have heard of people using sea salt and sprinkling around the perimeter of the house. It makes sense it would work but at the same time messy. You could also use crystals place around your house, cleansing them from time to time. My favorite is using salt lamps. I have one lit in every room of my house all the time.
Yes I have salt lamps already and crystals…..and I use EO sprays I’ve created. I just wondered if they gave you the effect of incense
Sprays work well too, eapecially sage oil spray. Clarey sage is also quite relaxing in itself. But any of your favourite spray will work. Bless the bottle with reiki before spraying and intend it will clear your space. Intention is key.
I shall give this a try thank you
I love this article. I do cleanse often with white sage. Hadn’t considered the incense stick though.
Dear Harpriya,
This is Karma from Gangtok,I really like your article which is very simple and effective,just want to ask that whether fissure can be permanently cured by Reiki or not,if yes please suggest me as I myself suffering from Fissure from last 6 months.
Reiki is not a guaranteed cure. It can facilitate healing, but not always cure every physical ailment, if it could then we would have no need for medicine or for hospitals or surgery.
Reiki can bring increased blood flow associated with the relaxation it brings, which can help heal physical wounds.
It can facilitate the calm, relaxation, focus and acceptance needed to face a long term problem. In this way, it can help you come to terms with the length of time it takes for fissures to heal, find calm in the face of terminal cancer, peace in the face of death. It cannot always be promised to cure a condition.
i here that ,universal life force which is founded by reiki,can i have the entire para of the experiment.
thanking u once,i will implement today itself.
Thanks & Regards
I will add the CKR to my monthly clearing of the house. I don’t use incense at this time. I do form a bubble around my house to keep out the negative energy. I fill it with light including earth and air around the house.
Thanks a lot for sharing such a nice article…Do share more articles. ..
I express my Gratitude for sharing such a valuable divine act for clearing the home.
Thank you.
Thank you very much for this article, i did use it last week in my home, and feel very good
Dear Haripriya, I read your articles 1. Clearing Negative Energies in your Home and 2. Ten Signs from The Angels. They were simple and informative. I am also a Reiki Grand Master from Chennai. My best wishes to you.
V.Subramanian, Mudichur, Chennai.
Really Vry helpful Thnks
Thank you Haripriya for this information which was written very clearly and succinctly. It is of great help!
I love love love all the teachers on this platform. I always share your precious articles with my students. We all benefit beyond words from your articles. thank you!
Thanks for simple yet effective ways to clear Negativity from Home
can I frame the sign choku rei and put it in my house
Extremely Helpful! Thank You!!! =)
Very useful and well explained.
thanks haripriya for the article.
I have been iniciated into the first level of Reiki. Will I be able to work with the symbol and will it work with me,when I didnt learn it from my Reiki master yet? Thank you for your response
I was just gonna say I do cleansing with sage.
I have been doing this from so many years & enjoying the regular flow of positivity in my home.
Gratitude with love.
Very informative. Nice guidance. God Bless You Haripriya
Clearing negative energies is so important to do. Thank you for this great, yet simple step-by-step explanation! Yes, once you get accustomed to positive energy, clearing negative energy is a MUST! Thank you again!
Interesting article, thank you. I’ve just been reading up on Palo Santo essential oil and incense sticks for clearing negative energies, I shall be trying it with the CKR. I’m also drawn to Dragons Blood incense at the moment, I’m burning it every night!
It was only yesterday I went around the house with the incense and said cho ku rei and drawer the symbol in each room but apart from the kitchen and bathroom. I had the urge to do it and today I am reading your article Thank you
Oh wow! That is exactly what I do naturally. I walk around with the incense or sage, and I move it in a circular motion as I move though my home. I think it’s really neat that I already do intuitively exactly how it’s explained here.