Article by Ananya Sen
This article is for professional Reiki practitioners / Masters but of course can apply to anyone, who are healing people on a regular basis. I am sharing my personal experience and opinions on this topic.
Your clients can be broadly placed in three categories.
1. Believers – the one’s who have complete faith in you and who respect the healing process. These clients know that they need to establish some boundaries with you, because you are a healer and not their friend! You will not have issues healing these people and their healing results will be good. Simply because, they have allowed the healing to happen without bothering you during the healing process. Of course, as a professional healer, you can answer their questions occasionally and handle any healing crisis if it happens.
2. Sceptics – the second category are called “Skeptics.” They will not be satisfied, not feel secure, not thank you or Reiki during the process. Don’t expect much from these people. In my experience, I encounter these kind of clients everyday and they keep asking me almost three to four times a week or sometimes daily “are you sensing anything?” “is Reiki working on me?” “When will I manifest?” These clients are difficult to deal with, because all the good energy that you send to them, they will keep pulling it down with their constant nagging and doubting.

Image by K.Hurley
3. Vampires – be careful of this lot! They will constantly complain throughout the healing process and drain you by their “poor me” symptoms. And no matter what happens in their life, they will have something new to complain about! Even after the healing process is over, they will cling onto you and keep “in touch” with you constantly about every area of their life.
I am asking all the professionals, have you encountered these kinds of clients in your practice? My advice to you is while healing clients, stay in touch with them during the healing process and maybe two weeks after that as well. But beyond that you must start to disconnect from your clients, otherwise you as a healer will be blocking their progress or even worse, taking on their symptoms.
Believe me, some of these people just need to empty out their frustration to someone and because we as Reiki healers are generally of a nice disposition, they choose us as their “complain booth.” Don’t allow this to happen. You as healers are creating fresh debt with these people and their manifestation process will start slowing down.
I have seen this in my healing practice several times. A client keeps in touch with me for more than three to four months after their healing is over. And when I was an amateur, I used to allow this. I thought if I don’t help them who else will? I couldn’t have been more foolish. It took me a long time to understand the difference between, clients who have gratitude and clients who are psychic vampires. I learnt some really nasty lessons, thanks to Reiki.
So, all you professional Reiki healers, who are finding it difficult to deal with such clients, please put them out, of your energy fields and cut all thoughts and cords with them. All the best!
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Ananya Sen
Ananya Sen is a crystal healer gifted with claircognizant abilities. She lives in Bangalore, India, but she can offer distance crystal healing all around the world. Ananya also gives mantra diksha and offers free pendulum readings.
You can reach Ananya via her email address:
thats fine that we cut the cord with energy vampires, but
1) how to do that? stop attending thier calls or any means of communication?
2) As a professional healer will it not bring a negative PR?
3) such people, are not at all affected by healing process that they cud overcome their reported problem?
I understand this article well as a healer. There are clients who simply want to use you and your energy. They feel entitled because they gave you some money. We are not responsible for clients outside of our office and outside of office hours.We are healers not psychotherapists, though it does seems like it from time to time. Finally I learned to tell these type of clients: I am here to empower you. Reiki is about helping you to re-center and re-start your life. It is my privilege to serve you but I am not here to guide you through life. The Reiki energy you received it suppose to center you back to where you need to be mentally, emotionally and physically to begin to answer your own questions and start living your own unique authentic life. I cannot walk this path for you, life is about taking risks, making mistakes, learning and growing and becoming your own person. Blessings on your journey and if you would like a Reiki Attunement Session to help empower you on your new spiritual path, let me know. The End. People tend to realize I am not going to spend my free time trying to solve their personal problems and go back to pestering their friends. Sometimes they end up getting that Reiki Attunement and frankly, they needed it.
Wow ! Kerri, you have put your views passionately on this subject!
I think you’re smart the way you tell your clients about getting an attunement… but somehow, we have to keep hearing personal grievances endlessly for hours and some clients talk about everything and everyone in their lives, which doesn’t even concern you ! Thanks for sharing
Hee, hee! Thanks for writting this great article because it really can be difficult to deal with certain clients and people new to the business can get discouraged and overwhelmed by some people. ♥
1. You can cut the cords, which will eventually reduce communication with them
2. I don’t care much about PR, whether negative or positive, I just follow my intuition about clients…and my first impression about a client is always accurate…I stick to that
3. these people ofcourse benefit from healing, but they will neither realize that nor tell you, nor be grateful
I’m really glad I found your page thank you so much
I have seen much literature about psychic vampires and protecting yourself against them, but what can you do if you suspect you, yourself are one?
Can my self Reiki practice help me with this?
What else can I do or where can I find information in regards to vanquishing the psychic vampire within?
Holly, I love the vulnerability and honesty of your question! I would say to definitely self-heal daily (I usually do this while falling asleep and or before getting out of bed in the morning). And then lean more on your guides than other humans. Speak your concerns out loud to your spirit guides and your Reiki guides. You will feel their feedback/presence. Meditate for this if you can and have time. Relax, knowing that you are on your sacred path and that you are safe on it.
Thanks for sharing this. I too have such clients, but they come for treatments regularly and often feel the need to share their progress….how the Reiki has helped them move forward and let go of past issues. Therefore I do discuss and guide them to keep up the good work etc., only before or after a session we talk about this. Is this alright since they have come for a treatment. Only occasionaly they will email and ask questions, at which time I will respond only to help them keep up the good work. Is this too much????
Thank you