Reiki is mainly of two different types, called Japanese (traditional) form and Western Reiki. There are different associations or traditions linked with both these types of Reiki treatments. There are personalized versions of Reiki of Japanese and Western types. The traditions of holistic healing can help a person to heal their body and others.
Japanese Reiki usually involves the use of hands and transfer of positive energy from the body of healer to the person who requires it. Japanese Reiki lessons evolve holding and releasing the energy, which can heal a person. It can help a person to recover from physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing. There are many hand positions, which can be used in Japanese form of Reiki and it can actually have a positive impact on the overall health of a person.
Dr Mike Usui was the founder of Reiki and the traditions under this form of Reiki are related to Reiki Ryoho Gakkai. This is typically the traditional form of Reiki and usually implemented by the followers of Usui. However, there is another tradition of Reiki, known as Komyo Reiki Kai, which is implemented by the teacher having background in Western Reiki lessons.
Western Reiki technique was usually initiated by Hawayo Takata, who was in fact taught by the founder of Jikiden Reiki (Dr Hayashi). She initiated a new style of Reiki healing, which became popular in the western people. Western Reiki concept is different than Japanese and it mainly focuses on massage and pressure point treatment. This is actually a way to increase blood circulation and enhance the oxygen levels in the body to make it healthy. It relaxes the muscles and relieves stress levels. A person is able to get rid of any kind of negatives causing harm to the body. The massage given in western Reiki approach enables transfer of positive energy to a body suffering from illness. Massage can positively enable a person to get healed and begin getting better with gradual healing sessions.
Western Reiki has different conceptual sessions involved with it. There are different kinds of western Reiki platforms available and you can follow the one matching your interest. There are some techniques evolving combination of Western and Eastern teachings. It is always good to find a reputed Reiki master to get best education with your Reiki session. There are online sessions also available and you can find a competitive school by making in-depth results online. Each school offers different courses and you can choose the ones matching your personality.
Reiki is a wonderful art and whether you follow traditional Japanese Reiki or western Reiki, it will ultimately give you a holistic treatment of body and soul. This way, you can get spiritual, physical, mental and emotional balancing of body, which can lead you towards a much better way of healing.
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