What I’m about to share with you is not just a technique, but a gateway to enlightenment and profound healing through the power of Nature, the Elements, and Divine guidance. I credit Reiki for opening me to more than I thought was possible, and I credit the Divine for the energy I’ve embodied over time. None of this would have been possible without seeking answers, receiving great wisdom, and connecting with like-minded people for the value of natural healing.
After reading what I offer, please feel free to reach out to me. I’m delighted to share my Crystal Cleanse and what I believe will enhance every healing practice, modality, and intention. My story begins with my current awareness.
The Power of Reiki and Crystals for Healing
Smooth and flat on one side, she fits easily into the palm of my hand for the night. She warms gradually to match my energy—an equal exchange as we both drift into sleepy bliss. This one chosen for her comforting support and clearing potential, works with me throughout the night. She awakens me only as a reminder that she’s still there in my dreams. Soothing the frustrations of the previous day, I love having her close—one of my many dear ones for connecting to the Divine. She is One of Many, and One of All That Is. She is Reiki embodied as crystalline stone in physical form.
She has a name given to her by humans, as do all embodied spirits. Each one carries a unique energetic signature, an expression of Divine energy. Mineral components arranged in sacred geometry define her structure, while density, color, and form enhance her vibration. After setting my intentions for guidance, this one speaks to me in the night.
She says, ”We are All Reiki. We are Divine energy connecting with your personal energy. Together we form the cycle of Rei and Ki.” As she continues with her imagery, I notice the Divine Light of Love flowing through trees and moss, animals of all forms, magical and mythical, Earth, Air, Fire, and Water alike. In an attempt to separate ourselves from so-called inanimate beings, we exclude ourselves from the Divine connection we embrace with all Elements, all Nations, and all aspects of being-ness.
This is Reiki. Though not a modality or technique, the connection and flow discovered by so many people throughout history is a bond to our Earth Mother. In agreement with our Soul Contract, our energy becomes tangible through the integration of Divine and Earth energies. It is an awareness and responsibility to maintain, foster, and nourish this connection.
Crystal beings accompany me in my spaces. They grid my home, in individual rooms, altars, and even in my palms at night. But the most profound connection is the crystal I consume internally.
The alchemy of All Elements comes together when fiery volcanic lava and ash combine with sea water. An event that could poison our Earth Mother creates the divine solution of purification to capture heavy metals from her core into negatively charged crystalline cages. Her new energy matches that of magnificent spiritual consciousness—a total cleanse for Earth and for us, if we choose to partake.
This is the Crystal Cleanse I speak about with every client, student, friend, and seeker.

How to Perform a Crystal Cleanse for Detoxification
- A few drops in the palm of my hand begin the sacred ceremony for purification.
- I dip one finger into the milky puddle, then anoint my forehead, saying, “May I see clearly.”
- I anoint my throat, heart, and crown in similar fashion, each with affirmations and blessings.
- Moving to the bottom of my feet, I smear what remains on my arches, heels, and toes to verify my reconnection to Earth and Divine, and my readiness to ingest the Divine Light of my Crystal Cleanse.
- With my head tilted back, and my tongue out, I receive the gifts and blessings of Nature to capture and safely eliminate heavy metals and toxins.
My Healing Journey with Reiki and Crystal Detox
My purpose became apparent in 2006, coinciding with my discovery of and attunement to Reiki, my dog’s life-threatening illness, and enlightenment of the possibility to finally heal from within. In an attempt to save the life of someone I loved, I saved my own and countless others by daily consumption of these divine mineral drops of crystalline cleansing.
We’re not meant to carry the burden of metals and poisons pervading our environment. Our Earth Mother has mechanisms and elements in place to detoxify herself in order for her children to inhabit her domain. When we follow her lead, we’re also cleansed. When we partake in her rituals, we enhance the goodness of all she offers.
My daily cleansing drops since 2006 have saved me from the accumulation of lead in my bones, mercury and aluminum in my brain, and pain in my life. It’s replaced with HOPE and HEALING, and a healthy future as I prepare for my own ascension, guiding others to do the same.
The Future of Healing: Crystal Cleansing & Reiki
People will tell you that the answers come from doctors and drugs, medical procedures, and testing. It’s a narrow lens that eliminates personal power—the one we have innately driving us to constantly heal. I’ve found that healing becomes possible when we align to nature in a more profound way.
We must cleanse and purify, removing heavy metals and toxins that interfere with intuition, healing, clear thought, flexible movement, and a strong immune system. This is the future of Reiki, energy practitioners, and healers of all modalities. It may indeed be the future of healing all wounds, all dis-ease, and pain.
Wouldn’t you like to be included in that discovery? Reach out and I’ll tell you more. I have a free guide for my Crystal Cleanse on my website.
Article by Rosemary Levesque
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Rosemary Levesque is a Licensed Spiritual Healer, Reiki Master Teacher, and Shaman. She is the owner of “Second Nature Healing” and developer of the Lightworkers Studio. Her mission is to offer education, experiences, and opportunities to learn and grow as lightworkers, encourages people to look at all aspects of their humanness, to be aware of their own thoughts and how they manifest into physical form.
Rosemary studied Biological Sciences, Secondary Education and Art at the University of New Hampshire. She continued postgraduate work in biology, becoming a biology teacher in the United States and abroad. She’s come into her true calling with her Crystal-Clear Coaching Program as a Psychic Intuitive, Licensed Spiritual Healer, Reiki Master Teacher, Shaman, and Vibrational Sound Master Teacher. She is the author of “Heal Together – Natural Health Solutions for Animals and Their Humans”.
Rosemary’s awakening led to a new way of looking at what school had taught her. She needed to step beyond scientific explanations to discover the truth – that we are already whole, vibrant, sovereign beings filled with Divine Love and Wisdom – the wisdom to heal is innately held in the body. Little did she know that the study of the nature of life would lead to her “work”.
It has been Rosemary’s joy and honor to work with people to support their awakening. Her work over the years has connected her in a very intimate way with Spiritual Energy. Rosemary enjoys all aspects of spiritual energy healing to promote healing on levels with which we have little explanation and understanding.
Reach Rosemary at Rosemary@secondnaturehealing.com
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