When I first heard the word ‘Empath Overload,’ I didn’t think it applied to me. However, upon more contemplation, I discovered that it did apply to me! It had applied to me from when I was seven or eight years old, possibly even earlier. I just did not know what was happening then.
I often felt crushed by disturbing thoughts and emotions – most of which weren’t mine. If someone around me was going through a hard time, I felt as low as them. If someone was grieving, I felt their grief and sorrow. My body often went into fight or flight mode. I felt sweaty and weak. My solar plexus hurt.
I cannot say I don’t experience such intense feelings anymore. I still do. But the awareness of what’s happening helps me manage it better. Now I know that everything I may be feeling is not necessarily mine. I also know that I have the power to release discordant energy from my body.
In this article, I’d like to share six tools that help me manage ‘Empath Overload.’
A daily self-healing Reiki routine is my primary defense against ‘Empath Overload.’ It helps keep my energy in a harmonious balance, no matter what may be happening. It also helps me be more aware when I am taking on energy that’s not mine and softens the impact of any energetic infiltration that may happen.
White Light Protection & Cleanse
White light works as a great tool for protection as well as cleansing. Visualizing a column or bubble of white light over oneself every morning can build strength in the aura and serve as a forcefield against energetic contaminants. (Read more here – White Light Protection for Empaths)
Visualizing a shower of white light washing over you is a great way to cleanse out the aura at the end of the day. Adding in sparkles of golden feels good too!

Violet Flame Cleanse
The Violet Flame is primarily a cleansing agent. It is particularly helpful when one is dealing with heavily discordant energy, difficult emotions, or challenging situations. Like an energetic eraser, it wipes off negative imprints from the aura and leaves you feeling lighter and clearer. I have benefitted immensely from the Violet Flame decrees taught by spiritual teacher Elizabeth Clare Prophet. They are easy to learn and practice. Do check them out if working with the Violet Flame is something you are called to do.
Water Cleanse
Haven’t we all experienced times when we were feeling terrible and a nice warm shower left us feeling lighter? Water is a cleansing agent not only for the physical body but also for the energy body. It has a way of calming the mind and emotions. It helps us release any heaviness we may be storing in the body and mind. Taking a shower twice a day is a good practice, especially for people who step outside of the home and interact with many people. Taking a shower upon returning home helps cleanse the aura, leaving you feeling lighter and energized.
Earth Cleanse
Nature is a great healer. Taking a walk outdoors is a great way to manage ‘Empath Overload.’ As the cool breeze touches your face and your bare feet come in contact with the Earth, your energy feels light and clear. Smelling flowers, touching or hugging trees, and listening to the birds and beetles are all great ways to cleanse and recharge.
Fire Cleanse
Meditating with a few lit candles is also a nice way for empaths to cleanse and recharge. Candles lend a warm healing touch to any physical space. They add a positive uplifting vibration to your environment. Having them around can remind you to tune in to your inner light.
If you are an empath, I trust these tips will help you in times of need!
Sending you love and light.
Article by Haripriya Suraj, Reiki Master
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Haripriya Suraj is a Reiki Master, Angel Healer and Starseed Lightworker. Reiki is her constant companion from which she derives peace and contentment. She is deeply connected with the Stars and Angels and they form an integral part of her Reiki practice. Her core mission is to help bridge the worlds of Spirit and Science and to help people connect with their unique soul missions. Haripriya offers Reiki healing sessions and training programs in Bangalore, India. Reach Haripriya at lightworkersonearth.com, whenspiritmeetsscience.com on email at angelhealingbangalore@gmail.com and on Facebook at Angel Light.
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